- Comment on Dutton slammed over threat to cut 36,000 public service jobs 3 days ago:
Considering how a similar move is playing out in the US I hope voters here find this idea very unappealing.
- Comment on nuked from orbit 2 weeks ago:
Hahahahahaha and furthermore hahaha.
- Comment on horizontal boogie 2 weeks ago:
That got me too. Like, what?! Is corpo social media so sensitive that people can’t mention a scientific name for something now? Soon when joining Facebook it’ll give users a handy infographic of allowed words.
- Comment on Damn Okarun 3 weeks ago:
That’s nuts.
- Comment on No rules!! 4 weeks ago:
My progression path through most video games.
- Comment on Athletics Australia becomes Australian Athletics in 'bold new' rebrand 5 weeks ago:
I 100% thought this would be from The Shovel before seeing the URL…
- Comment on Rainbolt never misses 2 months ago:
It’s weird, Australian schools didn’t teach them either… does the rest of the world exist, perhaps?
- Comment on Fossil Fuel Interests Ramp Up Their “Solar Makes Electricity More Expensive” Falsehood 2 months ago:
Green energy is somehow both way too expensive and dangerously cheap.
That can literally be said by the same individuals in adjacent sentences depending on the narrative they’re spinning at the time.
- Comment on The 'prenup' talk nearly cost Nick his relationship - but more people are wanting one 2 months ago:
I’m currently trying to get a divorce and settlement from my ex. She had an extramarital relationship and left me for that person. Fast forward 12 months and I receive a letter from her lawyer with a “generous offer” where I pay my ex $280,000 on top of $60,000 that she already received when we separated. Now, to be clear, that is everything I own. I would have to sell my house, my vehicles and part with almost all of my savings with exception of my superannuation and give her all of that money. Not a bad payout since she barely worked throughout those years and contributed little to the relationship.
So I built a rebuttal, complete with documentation, and lawyered up. Since then my ex has stopped participating in the conversation which only leaves me the option of taking it to court, which could cost upwards of $70,000. So I might still lose a lot but not as much.
If you had asked me at the start of our relationship, 10 years ago, whether something like this would happen I’d say there’s no way. The truth is you never know how someone might change over the years and whether they’ll still be the same person you fell in love with.
- Comment on Woolworths says it will 'do more' to celebrate Australia Day 2 months ago:
From memory they reduced the amount of Australia Day paraphernalia because of poor sales, supply and demand. The right started having fits because Woolies was “going woke” even though it’s capitalism doing what it does and the bigots were too busy buying their car window Australian flags off eBay.
So hypocrites getting mad at an admittedly shitty grocery store because it looks like it was developing a sense of guilt when in reality the same mad mob wasn’t buying enough to justify stocking the Made in China Aussie day disposable shit anyway.
- Comment on The majority of drowning victims in Australia are men. There are strategies to keep everyone safe 2 months ago:
- Comment on You can't avoid 2 months ago:
Show name?
- Comment on sad spinosarus 3 months ago:
To shreds you say?
- Comment on Haha SO TRUE! 3 months ago:
HAHA So True!
- Comment on Australia hardware chain breached privacy with facial recognition — commission report 3 months ago:
Drink … snag
- Comment on frfr 3 months ago:
That’s bussin 💯💯
- Comment on South Australia’s upper house narrowly rejects ‘Trumpian’ bill to wind back abortion care 4 months ago:
…legislation that would force women seeking an abortion after 27 weeks and six days – an extremely rare occurrence – to be induced, to deliver the child alive.
Emphasis mine.
That’s 10 weeks early. I’m far from an expert but that’s extremely premature, right? Like, that baby is going to be in a very precarious place for a significant amount of time, yeah?
Again, I’m far from an expert but that seems horrible for literally everyone involved, especially the child! Possibly leading to lifelong health and developmental issues.
- Comment on New car buyers driven to white or grey, with bright colours rarer than ever, data shows 4 months ago:
One reason why I was aiming for a white car for my most recent purchase didn’t even get a mention; heat.
My family has always primarily owned coloured cars, dark blue and maroon, but I went from owning a black car to a white one and the cabin temp difference on a 30+°C day was staggering with the white car being much more tolerable.
- Comment on Infinity 5 months ago:
It’s how new Lemmings are born.
- Comment on Starlink tells Brazil it won’t block X until government unfreezes its assets 5 months ago:
Musk wrote that “unless the Brazilian government returns the illegally seized property of X and SpaceX, we will seek reciprocal seizure of government assets too.”
A totally normal, non-dystopian thing for the billionaire head of a
mega-corpnormal business to say. - Comment on Centipedes Don't Fuck 6 months ago:
- Comment on High ceilings are correlated with a lower exam score 8 months ago:
So if you live in a miners cottage with 9ft ceilings you’re destined to fail? /s
- Comment on Singlehood is on the rise around the world. New evidence suggests many single people are choosing to remain single and living happy lives. 8 months ago:
Yep, that pretty much sums up the situation I was in while in a relationship and the situation I’m in now. Sometimes I look back on it through rose-tinted glasses before reminding myself that I’m much less stressed now.
- Comment on Putin arrives in North Korea for first visit in 24 years 8 months ago:
Probably even brought out the fresh toilet paper for the loo’s.
- Comment on Stop Killing Games Australian Petition - Open for Signature Until **20 May 2024** 9 months ago:
I’m doing my part 👍
- Comment on India's Modi government operated 'nest of spies' in Australia before being disrupted by ASIO 10 months ago:
It’s even funnier when you look at the essay of an article. The bot did the equivalent of forming an opinion from the title.
- Comment on The "Stop Killing Games" Australian Petition is Live 10 months ago:
Signed! We need reform on how aging games are handled to protect ownership of paid products and the only way publishers will do that is if they’re forced to.
- Comment on Nerd Update 20/4/24 10 months ago:
“Get out ‘o me swap!”
- Submitted 10 months ago to | 9 comments
- Comment on Why do comments from users not appear until 4 days later? 10 months ago:
All of the communities I follow are showing weird imo. All the posts still appear on my feed but with a single upvote and no comments.
It’s a bit of a shame because a lot of the more active communities I’m subscribed to are ones so it’s not as easy as finding alternatives.