- Comment on Hmmm more thighs 3 days ago:
POV, not even once.
- Comment on Obsidian is now free for work - Obsidian 1 week ago:
Not the point here. Using it in a commercial environment for free was a violation of the terms, now it’s not anymore.
- Comment on After Years of Struggling To Be Noticed, My Indie Game Was Covered By VICE 2 weeks ago:
And that’s fine!
- Comment on Working below minimum wage to save the planet 2 weeks ago:
There’s lots of costs that don’t show up in the 5$ value. Considering limited resources, the value in human lives tied with pollution, the pollution you are not generating during the two hours of hobbying…
I think the math checks out most of the time.
- Comment on Am I ugly? 3 weeks ago:
Is this fake? Possibly. Will people other than scammers see this and relate? Also possible.
Still a better wage than Pascal’s.
You are doing great, at 17 every single classmate of yours is jet to become an actual thinking human, many never will.
- Comment on Wow, ok. 3 weeks ago:
That’s what she said, for a while.
- Comment on historical inaccuracies 3 weeks ago:
Are you familiar with the concept of humour?
- Comment on VLC player demos real-time AI subtitling for videos 1 month ago:
Wilder guess: existing audios with subtitles.
- Comment on Mario 64 Speedrunning Declared "Dead" After Insane Feat From "The Greatest Speedrunner Of All Time" | Time Extension 3 months ago:
Making your own valorial framework is a close cousin to accepting there is no inherent one.
This is true for many things (all things?), but I think we can agree that as pointless or challenging being fast driving a car still welcomes the intended use of the car, is surrounded by a broadly shared and accepted economical advantage.
Esports would be the equivalent, pushing to be the best at a game, the way it’s meant to be played.
Speedrun is getting into a racing car and mastering with an iron will getting in and out as fast as possible.
- Comment on Mario 64 Speedrunning Declared "Dead" After Insane Feat From "The Greatest Speedrunner Of All Time" | Time Extension 3 months ago:
Do such efforts bring value to gaming or are they more of an academic exercise?
Neither? Speedrunning is entirely nihilistic. It rejects the rules of society to the point of rejecting the rules of games themselves in favor of meaningless tantric repetition. It’s the eternal pointless chase for a meaning that was never there and never will.
I find it fun and dreadful at the same time, as a concept, I would never do it myself in a million years.
In short, it’s an artistic performance.
- Comment on LOL 3 months ago:
Go watch a tutorial on that, it’s very different from League in that regard (and on minion aggro as well).
- Comment on What are some self hosted services that you think are essential? 3 months ago:
Headscale is not essential. Of course in this context the “self-hosted service” would be the Tailscale client…
- Comment on LOL 3 months ago:
I don’t know the current status of League onboarding but as a veteran I attempted and accompanied various people throught it in the years and it’s been painfully, criminally bad for the longest time. Both when there was nothing but the weekly free rotation to pick from and have to sink a month of grinding to get a single champ, till the more recent “we gift you a champ every 2 levels so you can actually play the game”.
I think it used (still does?) to boil down to the delicate balance of 1) the attrition of the early grind is the easiest to monetyze 2) the need for new players to keep the game alive 3) the miracolous success of the game making no changes better than changing something and finding out you inadvertedly sapped the magic out of it.
- Comment on What are some self hosted services that you think are essential? 3 months ago:
- Comment on It's fire... Maybe concerning but fire still 3 months ago:
I guess you are built differently.
- Comment on In the American class warfare, there seem to be an awful lot of parallels between typical Republican voters and Uncle Tom, a negro who was exceedingly subservient to his slave masters. 3 months ago:
So if the camps were happening either way, better not to vote for the guy that says “vote me and the camps will have regulations in regard to human experimentation!” and strictly go for “fuck that shit”.
I get people still being affected by the election topics, but it’s not now.
- Comment on In the American class warfare, there seem to be an awful lot of parallels between typical Republican voters and Uncle Tom, a negro who was exceedingly subservient to his slave masters. 3 months ago:
Not really. If your focus is beyond the next 4 years, you can argue letting Democrats lose is the best strategy to stop wars on the planet down the line.
In fact if Kamala was going to loose either way (as it happened) it’s a good thing that she lost hard.
- Comment on Face Anonymization Made Simple 3 months ago:
That’s not their metod?
- Comment on People born after 2000 have never seen the cosmic microwave background on their TV set. 3 months ago:
Torrents >> TV
- Comment on People born after 2000 have never seen the cosmic microwave background on their TV set. 3 months ago:
One of the most beautiful opening lines to a novel.
Abundantly clearly not.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
You are right for feeling dirty, maybe reconsider everything about the situation and work on why would you even let hatred be part of your work environment.
- Comment on In the context of the leaked Warcraft II remake, do you still trust Blizzard to produce good games? 3 months ago:
I guess they could make good games, it’s in their interest, I’m not going to give them money either way.
- Comment on In the context of the leaked Warcraft II remake, do you still trust Blizzard to produce good games? 3 months ago:
Two huge mistakes.
- Comment on The great outdoors 3 months ago:
That’s the joke.
- Comment on The great outdoors 3 months ago:
I’m not your son.
- Comment on The great outdoors 3 months ago:
The fuck is a practicing atheist? Do they actively face nord every day at 3 pm and thinks really hard about how much there is no God for 3.14 minutes?
- Comment on Pretty sound reasoning here. 3 months ago:
The dude was basically engaging with an Onion article. You can’t save everybody.
- Comment on The great outdoors 3 months ago:
Since we are on the topic of missing clues, we share the same religion.
Also, assuming Christ was indeed a man that lived, we are biologically speaking cousins, just as we both are.
Checkmate fellow ateist.
- Comment on The great outdoors 3 months ago:
You made that redundantly clear but the more the merrier.
Still literally a cousin in Christ.
- Comment on The great outdoors 3 months ago:
Distant cousin in Christ.