- Comment on Notepad++ and Don Ho: A story of software, activism, and defiance 6 days ago:
It’s by far my favorite text editor on Windows. The first time I used it (I think to edit cfg files for Skyrim mods, lol), I was hooked. It’s great to know it’s creator is so principled.
- Comment on Docker Hub limiting unauthenticated users to 10 pulls per hour 2 weeks ago:
I think most self-hosted Git+CI/CD platforms have container registry as a feature, but I’m not aware of a service that is just a standalone registry.
- Comment on Coming from someone who loves the game: it feels like BGS is quietly deciding to end it's post-launch support in favor on focusing on TES6. - REPOST 2 weeks ago:
It’s such a shame. I like it too. When I play it, I can see a great game hidden behind a couple poor focus decisions. I honestly think the majority of Star Field’s issues are solvable, even post-launch.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Bold of you to assume this administration would allow them to vote.
- Comment on Reddit plans to lock some content behind a paywall this year, CEO says | Reddit executives also discussed how they might introduce more ads into the social media platform 3 weeks ago:
Youtube is probably the most difficult platform on the internet to replace. Video content delivery is extremely resource heavy and technically complicated, especially once you start to scale. Many, many competitors have attempted it over the years, and while some found their niche, none of them have achieved anywhere close to the scale of Youtube.
It took decades of Youtube to become profitable, only doing so after achieving mind-boggling economy of scale. The majority of humans on earth have used Youtube. About half of all (global) internet users use it monthly. I don’t know if any other platform can claim stats like that.
Youtube is one of those platforms that only exists because it got a head start in the unique conditions of the early internet. I don’t know if it’s even possible to create a true competitor, though I could see multiple platforms taking over different niches.
- Comment on In light of recent events, here's OpenStreetMap editors discussing naming of the Gulf of Mexico 3 weeks ago:
You’re right. It’s part of a propaganda strategy to trick US media to “discuss” trivial things like this instead of focusing on the real harm the administration is doing.
- Comment on Seagate's fraudulent hard drives scandal deepens as clues point at Chinese Chia mining farms 3 weeks ago:
It seems like that’s what they’re working on right now.
- Comment on Seagate's fraudulent hard drives scandal deepens as clues point at Chinese Chia mining farms 3 weeks ago:
Except they did stop that shady practice, so your original boycott doesn’t make sense anymore.
This is a completely different issue of other companies creating counterfeit Seagate drives that don’t live if to Seagate’s quality standards. They are responding by shutting down sales until they can root them out.
- Comment on Apple Maps now shows the Gulf of America 3 weeks ago:
Same here. I encourage everyone to do the same, it takes like 20 seconds.
- Comment on I would let a chip be installed in my brain if it would allow me to erase memories of the games I have played to play them again as the first time. 3 weeks ago:
Other harmful side-effects aside, how much a game impacted you is significantly affected by the context of your life. Experiencing the same game at a different time in your life might not be as meaningful.
- Comment on Why I am not impressed by A.I. 4 weeks ago:
as a starting point to learn about a new topic
No. I’ve used several models to “teach” me about subjects I already know a lot about, and they all frequently get many facts wrong. Why would I then trust it to teach me about something I don’t know about?
to look up a song when you can only remember a small section of lyrics
No, because traditional search engines do that just fine.
when you want to code a block of code that is simple but monotonous to code yourself
See this comment.
suggest plans for how to create simple sturctures/inventions
I guess I’ve never tried this.
Anything with a verifyable answer that youd ask on a forum can generally be answered by an llm, because theyre largely trained on forums and theres a decent section the training data included someone asking the question you are currently asking.
Kind of, but here’s the thing, it’s rarely faster than just using a good traditional search, especially if you know where to look and how to use advanced filtering features. Also, (and this is key) verifying the accuracy of an LLM’s answer requires about the same about of work as just not using an LLM in the first place, so I default to skipping the middle-man.
Lastly, I haven’t even touched on the privacy nightmare that these systems pose if you’re not running local models.
- Comment on Why I am not impressed by A.I. 4 weeks ago:
Personally I have yet to find a use case. Every single time I try to use an LLM for a task (even ones they are supposedly good at), I find the results so lacking that I spend more time fixing its mistakes than I would have just doing it myself.
- Comment on Why I am not impressed by A.I. 4 weeks ago:
If you think of LLMs as something with actual intelligence you’re going to be very unimpressed… It’s just a model to predict the next word.
This is exactly the problem, though. They don’t have “intelligence” or any actual reasoning, yet they are constantly being used in situations that require reasoning.
- Comment on Bluesky now has 30 million users. 4 weeks ago:
Roughly 10 million, I would consider 1/3 he users very significant for a FOSS alternative.
- Comment on Our brains remembers at random cringe and awful things we did in the past to prevent us of doing them again. 4 weeks ago:
Shame / embarrassment is an extremely powerful teacher, for better or worse.
The current theory is that shame evolved in humans as a survival mechanism to keep humans in groups. Shame is our brain’s corrective tool to avoid behavior that would ostracize us from a social group. If an early human were outcast by their tribe, their chances of survival or reproduction plummeted.
- Comment on Could you imagine a Nintendo title being advertised like this today? (Conker's Bad Fur Day, 2001) 1 month ago:
If you’re going to make a lewd ad about finding nuts, having his face stuffed between a man’s legs makes way more sense imo.
- Comment on Beginner asking for advice on self hosting a lemmy instance 2 months ago:
If you’d like to run them on the same Ubuntu VM, I’d recommend deploying them using docker, as that will make avoiding port conflicts much easier as well as keeping each application isolated.
You should also look into a reverse proxy so you can reroute traffic from your desired subdomain to non-standard ports (otherwise you’ll need to specify ports in the URL which gets wired). I recommend Nginx Proxy Manager which can also run in docker.
You could spin up another VM for Lemmy if resources get tight and you don’t mind the extra cost.
- Comment on LG discontinues all UHD Blu-ray and Blu-ray players 2 months ago:
For internal desktop drives, I have the WH16NS40. After flashing some open firmware on it, it works perfectly for playing and ripping BRs. Looks like I’ll be picking up a spare in case this one dies.
The MakeMKV forum has a lot of good tips and instructions on selecting and configuring BluRay drives.
- Comment on LG discontinues all UHD Blu-ray and Blu-ray players 2 months ago:
I’d have no issue with digital media if there was a way to actually own it. Everything is either streaming only or ridden with DRM that can only be played within their app. Blurays, assuming you can decrypt its DRM bs, are the last bastion of media ownership left.
- Comment on Bi-weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 2 months ago:
Just started Celeste. It’s hard because I suck at platformers but I love the music + art so much.