I said then, and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.
Anarchist/libsoc. If we’re stuck with a government, it should use its taxes for healthcare and education, not murdering.
- Comment on Brave CEO rants about "lefties," "glowies," George Soros 2 days ago:
When it’s owned and operated by a literal open bigot and the fact it only became popular after the bigot was removed from his office chair because of it, I have every reason to question why someone uses a browser that promotes crypto, and steals from the content creators it said it funds.
- Comment on Brave CEO rants about "lefties," "glowies," George Soros 2 days ago:
When it’s owned and operated by a literal open bigot and the fact it only became popular after the bigot was removed from his office chair because of it? Yes, that’s a valid reason.
- Comment on Brave CEO rants about "lefties," "glowies," George Soros 3 days ago:
Brave evangelists are the ones who enabled him to do this, they love it.
They’re crying with joy, not rage or fear.
- Comment on Brave CEO rants about "lefties," "glowies," George Soros 3 days ago:
Always has been. I considered anyone who used it slightly sus until further proof. And if they basically advertised it, I considered them too far gone to try anything else.
- Comment on Brave CEO rants about "lefties," "glowies," George Soros 4 days ago:
Right wing asshole shows to the world again that they never improved and are even more of a right wing asshole.
This is why I never used Brave anything longer than a brief look. Fuck this dude, I’m glad Mozilla removed him.
- Comment on Mozilla is already revising its new Firefox terms to clarify how it handles user data 1 week ago:
I thought Thunderbird was a separate entitiy from Mozilla these days? And K-9 isn’t owned by Thunderbird either? Am I mistaken?
- Comment on Meow 1 week ago:
How girl get pregnant??
- Comment on What are the democrats actually doing to help? 1 week ago:
Almost like they know their donators loves Trump’s tax cuts and his policies…
And why Biden didn’t undue any of the major ones - Comment on ‘The tyranny of apps’: those without smartphones are unfairly penalised, say campaigners 2 weeks ago:
America has next to no protections for tenants, only landlords.
- Comment on France runs fusion reactor for record 22 minutes 2 weeks ago:
Why do you care so much what an article says about France’s accomplishments of science and China’s accomplishments of science? Why can’t we enjoy the movement of technology without bickering about lines drawn in the sand by people none of us know or care about?
- Comment on Reddit plans to lock some content behind a paywall this year, CEO says | Reddit executives also discussed how they might introduce more ads into the social media platform 3 weeks ago:
Same, word of mouth is how I found lemmy. Beehaw, then a few others, now I’m here on db0.
- Comment on Google Calendar removes Pride Month and Black History Month 3 weeks ago:
Every time a straight person has wondered why I hate rainbow capitalism, shit like this is why.
“Oh but it moves your kind forward, you should be thankful they support you now!” They only supported us when the government wouldn’t take away contracts and people were sure they supported queers.
Same thing for every other company and every other minority. I can at least mask that I’m queer, black people can’t mask being black.
God I hate being right about horrible things.
- Comment on Those YouTube ads everyone hates made $10.4 billion in just three months 4 weeks ago:
“But we can’t pay our content creators! We’re a starving tech company! Niche stuff no one uses or has heard of! We needed to cut the money so they had to push scams!”
- Comment on Uber Eats undercover: Delivering your food for $1.74 an hour 2 months ago:
I never understand why we keep voting for it each election, but more:…/california-propositions-election…
- Voted no on rent control because of successful propaganda by landlords
- Voted no raising the minimum wage because of successful propaganda by companies
- Voted no on affordable housing because "muh taxes"
- Voted no on banning prison labor, because “Hey if they went to jail, they should burn in a forest fire, paying them is icky!!”
- Comment on Uber Eats undercover: Delivering your food for $1.74 an hour 2 months ago:
That law still pisses me off. I heard that it got a court check because of a clause in the amendment required a 7/8ths majorty vote in both the Senate and Assembly, but I don’t recall if the judge ruled to keep it or abolish it.
California can be such a great state, but sometimes we vote for the dumbest shit because companies lobbied for ads that make no sense but to the dumbest voter. The most recent set of props come to mind.
- Comment on Uber Eats undercover: Delivering your food for $1.74 an hour 2 months ago:
This is… a weird gotcha. “You claim to be aginast murder, but sometimes you like to order Taco Bell! Checkmate, progressives!”
I personally voted for Harris despite being in California, but I can’t afford doordash for going out. It’s often:
- Meal Price (often but not always extra charges because fuck you, they can
- Service fees
- Driver fees
- Tip to get someone to deliver in my rural area
Meanwhile I can often walk to there and put in my order in the same amount of time. It’s often even cheaper to take the bus someplace, then take the bus back. Doordash makes more sense in an urban area, but I don’t live in one. And when I am in one, I’m often with a friend who knows how to drive.
- Comment on The Onion buys rightwing conspiracy theory site Infowars with plans to make it ‘very funny, very stupid’ 3 months ago:
Fucking awesome. Onion has been hitting it hard lately, and this is just the cherry on top. I am hopeful this makes some chuds question their minds.
- Comment on The Onion buys rightwing conspiracy theory site Infowars with plans to make it ‘very funny, very stupid’ 3 months ago:
I would love this.
- Comment on Google creating an AI agent to use your PC on your behalf, says report | Same PR nightmare as Windows Recall 4 months ago:
Chrome has been for years, so this is only a worse problem for end users.
- Comment on Feds Say You Don’t Have a Right to Check Out Retro Video Games Like Library Books 4 months ago:
“Sounds like the problem is federal law pushed by Congressmen paid for by corporate lobbyists, not the federal government.”
- Comment on Honey 4 months ago:
Vegans are more “consent” than focusing on the consumption.
Vegetarians eat honey and drink milk. Vegans don’t as they don’t feel that animals can consent to the actions being taken place on their body. It’s basically a form of “Can this animal agree to what is taking place?” question. If they can’t even answer a yes or no, then it’s a form of abuse.
Like how we consider that animals can’t consent to sexual acts. It’s wrong because we exert a force to them that they can’t even disagree with. Bestiality is obviously wrong, and I don’t think you’d find a lot of people who would disagree except those who perform it. But it’s weird that we view the killing and eating of them as normalized.
And I am saying this as someone who consumes meat. I fully acknowledge I am complicit, I just don’t defend my actions.
- Comment on Jack Black is what happens when the class clown doesn't become depressed and instead becomes even more of a clown 4 months ago:
Nah, Trump should be shot at until someone stops missing. And then we keep going for good measure.