- Comment on We are a lot more alike than we are different 3 months ago:
Ya, I’m not talking about extremists. I’m talking about just normal everyday people.
- Comment on We are a lot more alike than we are different 3 months ago:
Eh. Fits with what I see in politics, the folks voting for right winger, and my own experiences conversing with them IRL. I see no issue with making that assumption and then being pleasantly surprised the odd time it isn’t true.
Maybe it’s a North America thing, tho. It’s quite possible that the euro flavor of right wing is a more empathetic group.
- Comment on We are a lot more alike than we are different 3 months ago:
I didn’t say they were “all bad.” I said they lacked empathy and I wasn’t interested in being friends with them.
Conservative and progressive brains are different.…/conservative-and-liberal…And one of those differences is empathy.…/7175525
- Comment on Comcast, Disney, and IBM Are Among Advertisers Returning to X After Ad Freeze 3 months ago:
Black reports that every Nazi concentration camp maintained its own Hollerith-Abteilung (Hollerith Department), assigned with keeping tabs on inmates through use of IBM’s punchcard technology.[2]: 351 In his book, Black charges that “without IBM’s machinery, continuing upkeep and service, as well as the supply of punch cards, whether located on-site or off-site, Hitler’s camps could have never managed the numbers they did.”[2]: 352
- Comment on We are a lot more alike than we are different 3 months ago:
I’m not sure that’s true. One side has empathy. The other does not. I don’t want to be friends with someone who doesn’t have empathy.
- Comment on If a leftist ran for president, would liberals support him? 3 months ago:
Yup. Idiots incapable of compromise, so they get nothing.
- Comment on Comcast, Disney, and IBM Are Among Advertisers Returning to X After Ad Freeze 3 months ago:
IBM sold “inmate” counting machines to Nazi Germany. Like, sent techs there to the camps to size up the requirements and everything. It should NOT come as a surprise that they’re back on X - they’ve never had an issue with Fascism (or any other ism) as long as they had money to spend on overpriced iron.
- Comment on Enshrouded's "largest update so far" is out with a new mountain region, pets and single-player pausing 3 months ago:
I’ve never seen anything other than positive reviews. Been playing for a month or two and am absolutely loving it! It’s even better with a few friends!
- Comment on pump up the jamz 3 months ago:
Skrullex - Bangarang
- Comment on What is the argument for making poor/working class folks shoulder the burden of taxes? 3 months ago:
The rich control the laws and they don’t want to contribute.
- Comment on how can i self host my music? 4 months ago:
Yup, that’s what we do as well. 30tb of music, TV, and movies. All available to me and my friends wherever we are.
- Comment on I wrote in-depth reviews for every game in UFO 50! 4 months ago:
Great reviews, thanks! Never heard of this pack but now I’m about to go buy it!
- Comment on Why do residential skyscrapers always seem to include balconies that never get used? 4 months ago:
300sqft for $3500/month and they’re not even allowed to smoke?
- Comment on Wikipedia is under assault: rogue users keep posting AI generated nonsense 4 months ago:
I got permabanned from Reddit for saying “I wish we could bring back old-school stocks as punishment for whoever did this so the whole town could line up to throw rotten vegetables at them.” Apperently, that’s so radically violent that they had to permaban me.
- Comment on Microsoft formally deprecates the 39-year-old Windows Control Panel 6 months ago:
Yup. I have 1 app that requires window. That’s all that’s keeping me. That one app. And we’re migrating away from it towards a webif, so it’s only a matter of time.
- Comment on Wikipedia moves to bar ADL, claiming reliability concerns on Israel and antisemitim 6 months ago:
Good. This is what should happen when “wolf!” is cried too often.