- Comment on I love the future. 1 week ago:
Vaccines are evolution at work. So long as they work, you live longer and have a higher chance of reproducing. This is not a difficult concept. My genetic line is going on as long as I can throw it.
- Comment on Jellyfin is not just good... but *better* than Plex now?! 1 week ago:
I quit streaming services around 4 months ago, determined the exact maximum streaming quality every device I own can handle, used a $60 used office PC from craigslist, admittedly I haven’t fully figured out how to get subtitles to work without transcoding, but I just need to sit down and figure it out at some point. I direct stream all of my content from a 10+ yr old PC and it uses less than 5% cpu while watching a 4k movie. I could stream to easily 5-10 PC’s and still likely be able to do software maintenance on the PC at the same time. That and with how jellyfin looks like a streaming service, with no transcoding it’s better than any streaming service. Nearly every streaming service you use is transcoding on the fly instead of storing 20versions of each video for direct streaming, direct streaming a previously encoded asset will always deliver a higher quality viewing experience.
- Comment on The right person for me deserves better. 1 week ago:
The world as it sits, the right person probably doesn’t exist. They were co opted and are instead a selfish, violent, hate filled, and above all stupid, product of a wiccan system.
- Comment on Just a croc wearing guy living in Boot stomping world 1 week ago:
And I just want everyone to do to the global elite what they have done to us. Or hate them as much as they hate us, tho idk if the average person is capable of that level of disgust at their common person.
- Comment on Cornered by the UK’s Demand for an Encryption Backdoor, Apple Turns Off Its Strongest Security Setting. 1 week ago:
They simply don’t need an encryption backdoor. Proper investigative work will always provide more than enough evidence without violating encryption. Backdoors breaks encryption, just don’t have encryption if it has a backdoor. What did governments do before they could tap phone lines, and hack cell phones? They fucking worked. That’s what. They put their noses to the grind stone, and they worked. Proper feet on the pavement. What the idiot politicians once again are doing, is trying to make controlling the masses easier, by removing protections the people have against tyrannical governments, which is what ANY government is that wants an encryption backdoor, tyrannical.
- Comment on Economist warns that Elon Musk is about to cause a "deep, deep recession" 1 week ago:
Elon Musk? Dudes at best the fly that breaks the camels back. We are still paying interest on national debt taken out during WW2 cuz the debt was never paid off, the ceiling keeps going up. it’s actually much further back since the debt was paid off last time, it’s so far back you probably wouldn’t believe me go check out when the last time it was paid off. Or you’re one of those people that drank the koolaid and believes that countries once founded, just increase their debt load infinitely until they become to large to fund, and incapable of paying the debt back, so we get a new social system. In which case; is that literally how you’re living your life? You crazy devil may cry when the future arrives bastard.
- Comment on nuked from orbit 1 week ago:
This verbal smack down could have been avoided had he read probably anything about her from online and didn’t only know her because she dated a Foosball player.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week ago:
So long as there is people living in a place, having kids, and trying to improve their lives, the places will remain. The government may change, social structure’s get overhauled, but the same fact that people are having kids and building a life means those places are unlikely to go away. The old republic is dead. We have supreme court justices taking bribes then passing judgments saying they can. We have the position of President where anyone in it can legally say “I was doing it for my country the laws don’t apply.” And get away with it. The United States of America as a Democratic Republic, is over. But there still exists a United States of America that has transitioned to a Democratic Empire/kingdom. So to the question; “Is the USA screwed?” The simple answer is No. It will continue on so lobg as the population does. Is the Democratic Republic of the United States screwed? Bitch be dead, screw the corpse if you like.
- Comment on Far to many people think that Jesus from the Bible was light skinned, even though he grew up in what we call the Middle East. 2 weeks ago:
Yeshua Hamashiach, the person modern Christianity knows as Jesus, rumor according to records that have been found, show not only did Yeshua actually exist, they were likely light skinned. That doesn’t mean they were white, and since we have no living person to question, and assuming the romans were being correct in their documents(I think romans, I’m being lazy and not looking it up, also it might be buried in a tome somewhere, or a history journal where they classified someone known as Yeshua Hamashiach as roman inflection or some such meaning lighter skinned), Yeshua might have been somewhere between Ricky Ricardo and the Weekend. Also I’ve never found a lick of evidence for turning water into wine, so not saying the miracles are true or not(miracles can happen, tho I do wonder how many miracles would actually be miracles if we just understood the actual process taking place), but Yeshua Hamashiach, aka Jesus seems to have actually existed. Probably a granola eating hippy type that preached about equality, and freedom for all, and was the first to do so and melted everyone’s damn mind…
- Comment on Carbon capture more costly than switching to renewables, researchers find 2 weeks ago:
New tech is always more expensive. So this is a dumb headline. Keep advancing it, selling it, and using it, and it will get better and cheaper over time. Removing carbon and the slew of chemicals that are too heavy to float off the earth is a requirement because they don’t just go away…
- Comment on Working below minimum wage to save the planet 2 weeks ago:
When you can’t earn money, then, time isn’t money, Money IS Money! Sure that device costs $5 to replace, but with those two hours that you weren’t earning cash, you saved $5 that you can spend on whatever your heart desires. When you aren’t earning, save.
- Comment on Rock on Fedi 2 weeks ago:
Lemmy from Lemmy and sqiugy, and frediverse which is multiple time line versions of Freddie from Scooby doo. They only sing ghost busters cover versions. Somehow they are the best band in history.
- Comment on Microsoft Study Finds Relying on AI Kills Your Critical Thinking Skills 2 weeks ago:
Just try using AI for a complicated mechanical repair. For instance draining the radiator fluid in your specific model of car, chances are googles AI model will throw in steps that are either wrong, or unnecessary. If you turn off your brain while using AI, you’re likely to make mistakes that will go unnoticed until the thing you did is business necessary. AI should be a tool like a straight edge, it has it’s purpose and it’s up to you the operator to make sure you got the edges squared(so to speak).
- Comment on I mean I would totally give it a try 2 weeks ago:
As a person that once dated a person that had an actual psychotic break, beat me up cuz I wouldn’t fight back, tried to beat the police up, and pretty much ruined my happy days for awhile… I would need to know the inmates criminal history, and their mental history, I mean I could date a federal inmate if they were in for embezzlement, or theft of 10k or more if it was from a non corporate entity, but “I tried to kill my husband with a knife”. Naw I’m good.
- Comment on GOP Proposes $4.5 Trillion Tax Giveaway to the Rich While 'Ransacking' Food Stamps and Medicaid 2 weeks ago:
“Well the 60yr old man that blew his body out working hard jobs to raise his family that are now unable to buy homes despite graduating college with tech degrees, can just rejoin the work force with his withering body and broken psyche.” -Evil probably
- Comment on This didn't work... back to the basement! 2 weeks ago:
If people are worth talking to, then you will be drawn to talk to them. There is literally an over abundance of assholes everywhere. You’re not shy, you’re living in a world of unworthy assholes. Make yourself worthy and forget them.
- Comment on Elon Musk just offered to buy OpenAI for $97.4 billion 2 weeks ago:
His net worth is NOT how much money he is net positive. All his net worth means, is he has hundred of billions of assets, it says nothing for the debt load he is holding onto, nor how much of his assets are already leveraged. With how throughly he has obliterated xitters ad income when it was being sold because investors were unhappy with ad income already being too low, it looks like ol Elon might have found a sure fire way to turn a billion into a million, and somehow people keep loaning him money… Have they checked who else has their financial interests vested in assets he “owns” or when you have that much stuff do they just assume no one else is using it for collateral… Just be interesting if suddenly his entire fortune went up with a puff of smoke because the debt load was too high and one of his investments went further sour causing a cascade similar to a short squeeze, just encapsulated entirely on elon musk and his assets being liquidated…
- Comment on Google has dropped its promise not to use AI for weapons. It’s part of a troubling trend. 2 weeks ago:
But for whom will the AI be turned against? Is this their solution to armed civilians taking back the country from both parties using gorilla warfare? By using AI do they hope to remove the advantage civilians would have in “hit and run” assaults on military targets? Why keep increasing the edge of military capabilities unless you are preparing for a really massive enemy?
- Comment on Most of us are so used to being monitored and told what to do/say/think that we prefer it. 3 weeks ago:
Who is the ruling class so afraid of they decided AI was going to be used for military purposes? Not the people happily doing as they are told. They don’t fear the compliant. They fear the ingenuity, resourcefulness, and cunning of those that have never been content with just being told what to do.
- Comment on Nothing a whole lotta *COPE* can't fix 3 weeks ago:
Here’s the kicker for most people, THOUGHT EXPERIMENT TIME!!! : for non home owners, how far would you move, and what kind of a career change would you accept in order to be guaranteed an actual house with a mortgage you can definitely afford even serving French fries at McDonalds, and is guaranteed to be paid off within 15yrs? Would you walk away from your current career carte blanche? Cash out your retirement and work construction on homes with the understanding one of the homes you work on is yours at a cost you WILL be able to afford when they are all completed? I personally can’t think of a job I wouldn’t do except prostitution, and naked body shows, meaning I would clean toilets, I would clean dog shit, I would clean up after nasty sex shows so long as i got proper biohazard protection gear, I would walk away from a 20+ yr career as an IT Engineer to learn basic and then advanced construction. I bet I’m not alone.
- Comment on "Poetic take" on the state of the US 3 weeks ago:
I dunno which version this is from, but damn, this was in a letter to Christians of the times, PEOPLE DIDN’T CHANGE! Interesting, and sad.
- Comment on Our brains remembers at random cringe and awful things we did in the past to prevent us of doing them again. 3 weeks ago:
E=mc2 could be a shower thought if you haven’t learned it before… Yes in the course of all of human history someone might have thought of it previously, and whoa to history if maybe they weren’t in a shower, but the white noise, and warmth of a shower can allow your brain to chew on things you may never encounter in the world, and indeed be born of a showering state of being, indeed I would be surprised if most shower thoughts hadn’t already been thoroughly documented by some scientist looking to be the next George Washington Carver. Shower thoughts do not have to be original, but they should at least shed light on things in a way you, and maybe most people, wouldn’t consider. Personally, I hadn’t considered why my brain does that since I at one point was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder(gad), and frankly every moment was terrifying, and my brain and myself were just stuck in a cycle of nightmare scenarios, and now that I’m past that, it makes sense why sometimes I remember cringe scenarios and it isn’t gad starting to take hold again.
- Comment on (:3) 3 weeks ago:
Now gently tug on my hair while telling me the only way things have ever meaningfully changed is when physical violence was cast against the right people and I’ll be halfway to not caring you’re all yellow and probably have a Simpsons penis.
- Comment on Solar should be packaged with consumer appliances 4 weeks ago:
Too many failure points. Cheaper, more efficient, and more strategic to have houses with SOME kind of solar power generation built in.
- Comment on Work-in-progress DSi "GB Macro" 5 weeks ago:
Quick Google search says dsi is not compatible with gba games… I hate to ruin your fun, but it was there when i googled it, on a Nintendo page
- Comment on Tajikistan launches crackdown on 'witchcraft' and fortune-telling 5 weeks ago:
“The wiccans are gonna feel this one…”
- Comment on ‘Net zero hero’ myth unfairly shifts burden of solving climate crisis on to individuals, study finds 1 month ago:
If every person in the world stopped emitting gases, and polluting, the world would still be heading towards disaster because corporations aren’t people, and they polute more than all of us put together to the tune of 9x more.
- Comment on Amazon worker who was ran over and shot during NO attack denied medical leave. 1 month ago:
Stop buying amazon as much as possible. Just use them to find the product you want then order it from the manufacturer webpage. Thx 4 da reviews amazon, but I’m going with director to conshumer.
- Comment on 79% of Americans feel burned out as they put most vacation time toward errands, doctor visits, and family care 1 month ago:
Extremely unheard of advice: Quit. You can give two weeks notice, that is best for re entering the workforce later. But the most important thing about everything is YOU. Here’s where it gets tough. Close out your retirement. This takes a month from last day of employment so you need to make sure you can survive the month and 7-14 days(usually 7days) before you get your retirement funds. Pay off all debt that you can that will still leave you with enough money for 1yr, biggest considerations should be car and credit cards, maybe even rebalancing credit cards to a lower interest so if you have a large amount you can reduce your over head without paying them off, this helps your credit. if you follow the next steps and have a set rent/mortgage then you can get monthly costs to a few hundred above rent. With meal costs for around $1-$2 per person. Rent increases are the killer, rent a basement, rent a room in a home, but do it from a private home owner not someone like black rock because the small time home owners are afraid of losing you and are unlikely to increase rent unless there is a cost increase to them like property tax increase. Plus you are likely to get access to a yard and can have dogs. Plus plus if you can find the right place you might get a whole basement for $1200 or less. This is where it gets easier: Stop eating out, cook or have prepared meals for everything you eat - only buy sale food and buy as many as the sale allows - buy a large freezer and start freezing all of the excess food from the sales. Buy as little items as possible that aren’t on sale. Anytime an item goes on sale that you like, or use a lot, buy as much as you can, most sale items are limited to 5, but when they aren’t - buy 20. Cancel as many reoccurring services as possible- for instance I canceled all streaming services and setup a jellyfin server with my considerable DVD/bluray/4k uhd collection of shows and movies and now I hunt cheap movies in thrift stores instead of paying for streaming services and literally save over $100 from when I was working at my slave class job. Pay for car insurance for 6months at a time, they offer a decent discount for this. Stay ahead of maintenance on your car, if your car is expensive to maintain, and you are unable to do it yourself - sell it and get a reliable, boring 4 door Toyota, or Honda sedan that gets great mileage and will last until the doors rust off, and has very low insurance premiums, this is easier if your current car is worth more than you owe, sell your current car an invest in an old honda accord, or Toyota corolla, it does not have to be new, you only need a car less than 10yrs old if you are taking out a loan, If you can buy a 95 honda accord and pay it off, it’s going to last you longer than that new Tesla, Ford, Chevy, or Volkswagen, and it’s going to do it for a fraction of the cost of those vehicles most cost efficient platform, just learn about the repairs it might need, and stay ahead of them, you can do this easily by taking the car to a manufacturer dealership and asking for a checkup. With the entire funds from your retirement you can likely reduce your cost of living, improve your quality of life, and if you want, go back to college under education grants to get a new career where maybe they won’t take you for granted like this one does. Or maybe you can finally make that invention you’ve dreamt about, or start fix and flipping houses, or start a doggie daycare, or whatever your hearts desire so long as it’s a service people will pay for. Do the math. I did. With $35k I got from retirement I’ve survived comfortably for almost a year, and have 2 inventions I completed, that I’m working on patents for so I can sell them. They think it’s impossible, but it’s just impossible for the 1%.
- Comment on This researcher wants to replace your brain, little by little. The US government just hired a researcher who thinks we can beat aging with fresh cloned bodies and brain updates. 4 months ago:
There’s a trick most of the population can do to “youth up”. Rewind decades of biological age for your entire body. The answer is out there. Start with the jungle people that even in old age have hearts like 20yr olds.