- Comment on Youtube blocking Pixelfed links? 3 weeks ago:
How so - even doi links?
- Comment on Time to get serious with E2E encrypted messaging 3 weeks ago:
Simplex was bubbling about implementing CSAM. Any client mentioning it is not safe, period…
- Comment on Flohmarkt - a Fediverse replacement for Facebook Marketplace 3 weeks ago:
Friend of friend networks, that’s how classmates have benefits created ( a prototype to “prove” 6 connections theory )
- Comment on Flohmarkt - a Fediverse replacement for Facebook Marketplace 4 weeks ago:
Web of trust - did you hear? www.gnupg.org/gph/en/manual/x547.html
- Comment on Flohmarkt - a Fediverse replacement for Facebook Marketplace 4 weeks ago:
You can use gpg signatures
- Comment on After 18 years, Blu-ray media production draws to a close — Sony shuts its last factory in Feb 5 weeks ago:
Optical drives already are surpassing magnetic or even ssd. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holographic_data_storage it’s more advanced version of optical drives, for obvious reasons it’s just a prototype and most likely it will stay so for quite a long time but still, optical storage hasn’t reached the limit.
- Comment on After 18 years, Blu-ray media production draws to a close — Sony shuts its last factory in Feb 5 weeks ago:
From wiki: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archival_Disc
Sony used Archival Disc in their Optical Disc Archive professional archival product range, and aimed to create at least a 6-TB storage medium. As of 2020, they offered 5.5 TB Optical Disc Archive Cartridges.[14][15][16]
That limit I mentioned has nothing with the ‘technological limit’. Simply enough they lost with the adoption - if the clients wanted, they would get bigger archival discs.
- Comment on After 18 years, Blu-ray media production draws to a close — Sony shuts its last factory in Feb 5 weeks ago:
No, there was one next more “optical image” after Blue-rays. Archive Disc mainly used for backups in companies dealing with lots of images. Biggest one could take 2TB per disc, as much as tape drives. However, they didn’t get adoption and it has been discontinued. Sadly
- Comment on Reddit is Dead. Lemmy is Dead. Everything is Dead. 1 month ago:
I still believe that mailing lists are the best technology which has been both decentralized in the meaning of the identity ( which you can verify with gpg ) and storage. While I like many other things like simplex, lemmy, to some extent matrix and so on, still mailing lists rock nowadays ( note: please consider 2 criterias i meant - distributed identity and storage)
- Comment on Proton 2024 Lifetime account fundraiser for online freedom | Ends on January 5th 1 month ago:
I’ve once bought lifetime service - couchsurfing. It didn’t stick foe less than 1 year. I have second life time account for 2600 magazine but still I’m skeptical to “life time” promotions
- Comment on Sweden, Norway rethink plans for cashless societies over fears that fully digital payment systems would leave them vulnerable to Russian security threats 3 months ago:
Until you forget changing 6 digit pin of your credit card before you travel to the country which accepts 4 digit normally. You’re f…d, the only way is to get call your family to make moneygram / western union transfer (or if you can do make such an order on your own).
- Comment on Sweden, Norway rethink plans for cashless societies over fears that fully digital payment systems would leave them vulnerable to Russian security threats 3 months ago:
It’s funny because actually you can receive mails pretty much everywhere without giving an actual address. P.O boxes and post restante. Only banks keep enforcing residential addresses as it was a guarantee of having lack of identity frauds.
- Comment on Wikipedia article blocked worldwide by Delhi high court. 4 months ago:
Has anybody a mirror? Couldn’t they just block it in India for Indians?
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 4 months ago:
Some people would disagree with you lwn.net/Articles/995294/
- Submitted 4 months ago to technology@lemmy.world | 13 comments
- Comment on Judge delays order in antitrust case requiring Google to open up its app store 4 months ago:
They are not exactly bribes. Rather undisclosed preferential consulting jobs or hiring promises. It’s quite easy to follow money in bribes. It’s somehow so: after they finish politics careers, they get hired as highly paid consultants for their preferential treatment when they were politics
- Comment on Facebook Is Being Flooded With Gross AI-Generated Images of Hurricane Helene Devastation 4 months ago:
For me it’s simple rule, if nobody tells the sources or credits, it’s not even worthy to analyze it and cross check the news. The worst thing is that even “reputable media agencies” like reuters and bloomberg use heavily “anonymous sources”. Very often used as propaganda purposes
- Comment on Social media is becoming infested with climate change denial and misinformation 5 months ago:
Turning egypt into desert wasn’t caused by human factor, it was caused by change of earth axial rotation nature.com/…/green-sahara-african-humid-periods-p… and it happened within less than 2-3 centuries. Far more drastic than what we see alleged by “human greenhouse gas emissions”. It’s all well documented that natural causes can be far more drastic than whatever we do on earth ( several degrees in global earth scale ). And no, climatology is not united around the greenhouse gas effect at least not about alleged scale
- Comment on Don’t ever hand your phone to the cops 5 months ago:
It’s not possible not to it you want to visit USA. If you don’t, they’ll reject your visa or deny entry. Thr only way is to use brand new cheap android before or after ( after is better ) and resell it once you go back. Most corporations do so
- Comment on Amazon's Monopoly of the tech industry is ruining the US economy 5 months ago:
Yes, asking for every damn material on facebook group of the university academic year is not suitable in the long run. Yes, there is to be one guy on my year hosting all material for free but he stopped and everybody moved to facebook groups.
- Comment on Discord lowers free upload limit to 10MB: “Storage management is expensive” 5 months ago:
That’s shitty times thar you have to use tools for pirating like torrent, Usenet to share big files . For smaller ones even email providers have bigger limits at least 15 megabytes
- Comment on Why is Facebook filled with so much random junk now? 5 months ago:
Yes, different generation. I didn’t write OLD or ELDERLY. Yes, we grow older - accept it or not :-)
- Comment on Why is Facebook filled with so much random junk now? 5 months ago:
The user base has changed. Before it used to be used by young people willing to share their parts of lives, exchanging f.e. studying material Now it is used by mostly older people (over 30) having family not willing that much to share anything from their lives except from talking to their relatives over the messanger.
So who creates the information today? I guess bots and sometimes some facebook groups but I noticed that facebook shares your group posts to absolutely not related people to that group.
Including your mum and sister, the posts related on smoking weed and going to techno parties.
Young people (Gen-Z) don’t use facebook pretty much at all. Sometimes maybe messanger because of their family
- Comment on Discord lowers free upload limit to 10MB: “Storage management is expensive” 5 months ago:
The user base has changed. Before it used to be used by young people willing to share their parts of lives, exchanging f.e. studying material Now it is used by mostly older people (over 30) having family not willing that much to share anything from their lives except from talking to their relatives over the messanger.
So who creates the information today? I guess bots and sometimes some facebook groups but I noticed that facebook shares your group posts to absolutely not related people to that group.
Including your mum and sister, the posts related on smoking weed and going to techno parties.
Young people (Gen-Z) don’t use facebook pretty much at all. Sometimes maybe messanger because of their family
- Comment on Climate scientists flee Twitter as hostility surges 5 months ago:
Exactly, the title is as at least misleading. They mention only on scientist with not that Cristal clear reputation. X is wild west of astroturfing but at least it’s better to be honest
- Comment on Climate scientists flee Twitter as hostility surges 5 months ago:
The same Peter Gleick caught on forging documents to prove his point Image
- Comment on Brazilian court orders suspension of Elon Musk’s X after it missed deadline 5 months ago:
They gotta love my mailing lists. Backups stored on every subscriber hard drive
- Comment on Uber drivers in Kenya are ignoring the app and charging their own rates. 5 months ago:
Uber needs to show the car plates and allow to block drivers by car plates. This is the only way
- Comment on Studios are cracking down on some of the internet’s most popular pirating sites 5 months ago:
Honestly most of the modern movies are so bad that even nobody will most likely want to pirate them
- Comment on Threads Enables Fediverse Replies 5 months ago:
Embrace, extend, extinguish. Irc ( slack ), jabber ( google talk, facebook messages, hip chat), Usenet and Google groups. Just to name few