- Comment on China’s Salt Typhoon Spies Are Still Hacking Telecoms—Now by Exploiting Cisco Routers 2 weeks ago:
What I’ve learned over the last few years:
- Only academics, commentators and researchers truly care about collective security, where the whole world gains because certain technology and is commonly agreed to be off-the-table
- Everyone else (that is, corporations including government and private enterprise) only cares about zero-sum security - your insecurity is my security gain - but they pretend in their messaging to care about collective security. It explains why nation states continue to demand purpose-built backdoors into hardware and encryption implementations, and why employers are content to treat your mobile phone like their own property, demanding apps, RATs, etc. be installed
- Most cybersecurity is thinly-veiled compliance, and amounts to certified bureaucrats implementing products from that small bunch of vendors with the means to influence policymaking
- The public messaging around security always uses the noun in the abstract, which to me is telling. Security for whom? Security against what? Security for what? See also social media and the term “safety”.
- Comment on NASA instructs employees to remove pronouns from all work communications 3 weeks ago:
NASA has to interpret the boss’s demands. Like every other US public org they’re looking for anonymity by being center of the pack.
- Comment on NASA instructs employees to remove pronouns from all work communications 3 weeks ago:
If you concede your powerlessness, why would you issue them in the first place? I’m reminded of signage in workplace kitchens, requesting that people wipe benches and ensure dishes aren’t left in the sink - a conscientious worker will follow it in nearly all cases (either by accident or deliberation), but it’s pointless when in front of a careless worker.
- Comment on NASA instructs employees to remove pronouns from all work communications 3 weeks ago:
I’ve never understood the progressive left’s eagerness to ‘claim’ pronouns and put them on display. It’s silly to believe anyone can possess them. Your being a he or a she is determined by social context. Accept that your ability to enforce a personal preference is limited at best.
- Comment on 'Meta Torrented over 81 TB of Data Through Anna's Archive, Despite Few Seeders' * TorrentFreak 3 weeks ago:
20 was the lead engineer ‘mishearing’ Zuck after he said 2.
- Comment on This was Likely Recently Auto-Installed on your Phone. 3 weeks ago:
Say it with me, peeps. Tenant on your own land!
- Comment on Australia bans DeepSeek on government devices over security risk 3 weeks ago:
You’re right but Australian decisionmakers will never care, because IT infrasctucture is as now as political as what rifle is selected for the army. They’re fully plugged into Uncle Sam’s economic matrix, and that’s what will ultimately see Australia left behind on AI and a host of other technology self-sufficiencies, kept a minor second-hand innovator and permanent technology customer rather than exporter. Lobbying and the compliance industry aim to keep it like that.
In my years of earning a salary I have never once seen a department I worked in procure a product that wasn’t the biggest, safest American name. Ever. Oracle, Salesforce, MS, etc. every time.
The empire may change but Australian subservience remains conscious and deliberate (just like much of Europe tbh)
- Comment on Bluesky now has 30 million users. 4 weeks ago:
Sounds like the protocol equivalent of regulatory capture.
- Comment on Two men arrested over Melbourne's 'Pam the bird' graffiti attacks 4 weeks ago:
It’s outrageous vandalism first, until instances of it sell at auction like Banksy’s work. after which the media dutifully reports it as ‘prestigious’, ‘part of the city’s heritage’ and breathlessly awaits the next instalment.
Only the humorless knobs that run Melbourne could hate Pam the bird
- Comment on Human brain samples contain an entire spoon’s worth of nanoplastics, study says 4 weeks ago:
The plastics industries don’t want any disruption to manufacturing volumes, so they’ve invested (together with government) a lot of money in propagating the plastic recycling myth in order to keep political pressure off themselves. Recycled plastic is poor quality and unfit for consumers, which is why the recycled portion of new plastic units is typically single-digit percentages. They’ve also created a new bit of greenwashing aimed at convincing the public there’s a ‘new and improved’ class of plastics that stand up to recycling at higher rates, but most experts think it’s just clever accounting.
- Comment on New Bill to Effectively Kill Anime & Other Piracy in the U.S. Gets Backing by Netflix, Disney & Sony 4 weeks ago:
Make it easy to buy stuff and people will.
In case you haven’t worked it out by now, the following advice may be of help:
They’re not gonna do that
- Comment on Colm Meaney to Receive Irish Academy's Lifetime Achievement Award 1 month ago:
‘Thank you, thanks. As you know I’ve suffered for my art’
- Comment on BOM Indigenous Weather Knowledge - the seasonal calendars of different indigenous communities around Australia 1 month ago:
Abandon BOM, join Breezy Weather famclub
- Comment on Uber Eats undercover: Delivering your food for $1.74 an hour 1 month ago:
but if you have a problem with the wages, just tip more.
enabler | noun
en·abler i-ˈnā-b(ə-)lər
: one that enables another to achieve an end especially : one who enables another to persist in self-destructive behavior (such as substance abuse) by providing excuses or by making it possible to avoid the consequences of such behavior
- Comment on Commonwealth Bank pauses plans to charge customers $3 fee to withdraw cash 2 months ago:
A word of warning. Macquarie I fear are this close from forcing use of their app.
I’ve been meaning to investigate credit union options for a long time now, because listed banks are becoming increasingly invasive and restrictive in terms of how you get to access your own livelihood.
- Comment on Bi-weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 2 months ago:
My fledgling settlement of Highjade in the steamy tropics got hit by transport pod raiders. Four of them barged into my fab lab and killed my main crafter, then trashed the equipment. A few days prior my only drug maker was kidnapped, so I’ve run out of penicillin too. On the bright side I still have a masterwork sniper rifle and I thanks to all the flagstones I’ve laid, no infestations in a long while.
- Comment on Where to start? 3 months ago:
Some advice for TNG. Don’t skip seasons 1 and 2. It’s popular but misguided advice.
To that effect, here’s an optimized episode watch guide for the first two seasons. Six episodes removed per season to save you 9 hours in total. Return to the skipped episodes later if you’re interested.
Watch Encounter at Farpoint 1x01/02 The Naked Now 1x03 Code of Honor 1x04 The Last Outpost 1x05 Where No One Has Gone Before 1x06 The Battle 1x09 Hide And Q 1x10 Haven 1x11 The Big Goodbye 1x12 Datalore 1x13 11001001 1x15 Home Soil 1x18 Coming of Age 1x19 Heart of Glory 1x20 The Arsenal of Freedom 1x21 Symbiosis 1x22 Skin Of Evil 1x23 We’ll Always Have Paris 1x24 Conspiracy 1x25 The Neutral Zone 1x26
Skip/defer Code of Honor 1x04 Lonely Among Us 1x07 Justice 1x08 Angel One 1x14 Too Short A Season 1x16 When The Bough Breaks 1x17
- Comment on Jonathan Frakes Talks Directing And Tawny Newsome Talks Writing For ‘Star Trek: Starfleet Academy’ 3 months ago:
Didn’t it ultimately achieve its aim with the creation of Lower Decks?
- Comment on A patient gamer youtuber explaining why she only plays old games 3 months ago:
talking points like, “why don’t women look feminine aymore,” “why are characters designed for diversity/inclusion first before story,” “Concord sucks lol.”
They’re fair observations. Convergent, homogenous graphic design plagues vid-budget video game production.
Ubi is the sort of mob that could put out a title set in Georgian England and offer a cast that includes among others a queer ship’s captain, a Chinese bailiff and a Rastafarian archbishop. There’s a place for this, but done often enough and across so many genres, it becomes self-satirizing.
- Comment on Who was our worst Prime Minister and why? Any notable state leaders we need to add? 3 months ago:
My theory is Uncle Sam’s fingerprints are on high east coast gas prices. Giving it away for nothing has to put pressure on Russian’s LNG export income. The donkeys that head Origin, etc. are on board because they can gouge the home market as compensation, knowing Canberra won’t contemplate a reservation policy as part of the deal.
- Comment on “Bliss” is a remarkable story of forming bonds in challenging times. 3 months ago:
TNG 3x03 The Survivors. Trek works just as well when introspective personal drama gets priority over the science fiction.
- Comment on What's your favourite Star Trek theme? 4 months ago:
Every 60s show seems to be scored as though the camera could pan out any time and reveal whatever setting you thought you were in was in fact a black-tie ballroom party with a big band ensemble.
- Comment on YouTube confirms your pause screen is now fair game for ads 5 months ago:
YT will likely attempt to play creators and viewers off one another. Similar to how hospitality does so with patrons and staff re: tips. You could see a FUD campaign aimed at anyone republishing their work on competitor sites.
- Comment on What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? 6 months ago:
I haven’t logged in for nearly three years. Has TI been overhauled again?
- Comment on What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? 6 months ago:
Dirty Bomb 2
- Comment on Kim Dotcom to be extradited from New Zealand to the US 6 months ago:
Characters like him are targeted because they are both successful and anti establishment
- Comment on Chrome’s Manifest V3, and its changes for ad blocking, are coming real soon 6 months ago:
20352028: Browser content is piped to a local AI that filters junk and noise then feeds the result back into the browser for screen display - Comment on In just three months Bonza has collapsed and Rex is on the brink. What’s gone wrong? 6 months ago:
Articles like this come off as glib. Aviation is a dreadful industry for all involved.
- Comment on MediSecure reveals 12.9m Australians had personal data stolen in cyber attack 7 months ago:
These breach incidents all serve to highlight the lack of a solution for patients that want to retain ownership (ie. exclusive control) over their data. Currently the only effective way to do that is a non-solution - by not interacting with the service at all.
Imagine there was one copy of your health information, and it was encrypted, and it lived on a server/flash drive/device under your control. In order to receive treatment, the provider has to access that source and request your permission or authenticate in some capacity. That would be an enduring, user-respecting solution that showed people that each loss of data was more than merely a publicity nightmare for the abetting company. Managing personal healthcare like this isn’t for everyone, but it should be an option for patients with the means and inclination.
The fact that service providers neither want to co-operate with something like this, nor are required to by law, is a problem. There’s currently no individual agency permitted whatsoever in this domain and I’ve been fed up with it for a long time.
- Comment on Landlords Now Using AI to Harass You for Rent and Refuse to Fix Your Appliances 7 months ago:
AI as insulation from true accountability and responsiveness. I think we’re starting to see a pattern with its use.