Bloody Inpex getting 40 billion dollars worth of gas for free.
Not to mention the cancer they’re pumping into Darwins air.
Submitted 6 hours ago by to
Bloody Inpex getting 40 billion dollars worth of gas for free.
Not to mention the cancer they’re pumping into Darwins air. 4 hours ago
The single greatest policy any pollie could ever implement would be proper taxation on gas/mining/oil companies. Completely absurd, but not surprising at all to me that it isn’t in effect though, with Murdoch media and all. Imagine how great this country could be if we had Norway levels of taxation on mineral assets. 3 hours ago
Right, If my stupid arse one man company has to pay 20 percent tax on profits made through work, they should have to pay something for the resources extracted from the ground.