- Comment on Everyone knows your location 3 weeks ago:
Check out the overlay filesystem. I’m using it for one pi and have had the same SD card for years. I don’t know if it’ll work for pinole, but may get you thinking in a new direction.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Thanks for the feedback. I plan to do some reading on NFSv4 domain mapping this weekend.
- Comment on Why is the price of real estate rising so dramatically? 3 months ago:
This is a pretty good read and explains that it’s not a supply issue.
A paradox: in 1970, everyday Americans found it relatively easy to afford a house, and the average American house cost 5.9x the average American income. In 2024, Americans find it nearly impossible to afford a house, and the average American house costs…5.9x the average American income.
- Comment on Watch out, Microsoft Outlook could soon give away when you're sneakily working from home 4 months ago:
OK, easy solution: don’t open outlook.
Most of the time that I’m in the office, my laptop is closed anyways, you know, for collaboration.
- Comment on Amazon tech workers leaving for other jobs in response to return to office mandate 4 months ago:
I wouldn’t doubt that. I just wanted to pretend for a moment that the thing they’re taking from us would result in the one thing that they seem to fear the most.
- Comment on Amazon tech workers leaving for other jobs in response to return to office mandate 4 months ago:
With all the employees back in the office, they’ll have plenty of time to hang around the water cooler and discuss all the ways to unionize. Leaving the company is great as an individual, it sends a message. Unionizing helps to restore the balance of power vs rights and is exactly what Amazon doesn’t want. This (IMHO) is how you “F them hard”. Additionally, it’d send a message to the other companies who want to flex on the people who make the company work.
- Comment on Don’t ever hand your phone to the cops 5 months ago:
Indent to find an article to back up what I remember and in 2020, a woman was held in contempt of court and jailed for refusing to provide a passcode. The case was later overturned.
- Comment on Don’t ever hand your phone to the cops 5 months ago:
Double check this in the state or country you’re in. I recall something from a few years ago where the police could force you to give a swipe pattern and maybe pin since these items are not covered in the same way that a password is.
- Comment on Youtube has fully blocked Invidious 5 months ago:
Cory wrote about this in his essay, "Unpersoned". I’ve been using gmail as a spam catcher for all the sleazy sites you need to register with, but didn’t realize how I’ve made a trap for myself when, for example, my prescriptions need 2 factor authorization via my gmail. This is going to be a hard one to detangle.
- Comment on Is there a difference in meaning between the words *people* and *persons*? 5 months ago:
This guy Englishes!
- Comment on What are your thoughts on exposing a tool like dockge to outside of your man? 8 months ago:
I’m using tailscale (which I hear is just a wrapper for wireguard) and love it.
- Comment on how are some people able to fall asleep anywheres? 9 months ago:
I used to struggle to get to sleep and hated those who could do it anywhere. They’d say, “just clear your mind”, which wasn’t helpful. It could be other things, but I figured out that my mind was always busy, sometimes from stress, sometimes from excitement. For me, it’s extreme focus. Often, I’ll put my mind to work on a complicated problem I’m having at work or home. If I have nothing, my go to is to see how far I can get calculating the binary digits (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64…) or the Fibonacci sequence in my head. I don’t get very far and I’m out.
- Comment on Home Ownership is Just One Persons Fight Against Water 9 months ago:
I worked through college doing landscaping for new construction in the Midwest. I don’t know about all the rest of the stuff here, but we spent most of our work to put a 2’ plastic barrier all around the house. In some situations we’d put in a French drain around the house, too. Later on, I figured out that we needed to cover the gap from the backfill so that the water would at least start it’s journey moving away from the house. We’d also mound up the dirt next to the house because it would settle.
I see the new cheap “nationwide” builders now will sod right up to the house and in talking with the homeowners, they all have an active sump and worry about finishing off the basement for that one time that the sump doesn’t keep up.
Good luck with your project.
- Comment on How to opt out of the privacy nightmare that comes with new Hondas 9 months ago:
You’re saying that it was a threat to the incumbents who then sent their lobbyists to demand a ban in the name of national security? It’s plausible.
- Comment on How to opt out of the privacy nightmare that comes with new Hondas 9 months ago:
I read somewhere that the thought that you can vote with your dollars makes you feel good and empowered to make choices, but is overshadowed by the fact that doing so means that whomever has more dollars has more votes.
Regarding Congress, I was really hoping that this big fear of TicTok would result in some sort of GDPR type laws which empower the individuals to take control of our personal data, which could also be used to prevent our personal data from being used against us by foreign countries.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
I came here to say the thing that you said in better words. I’m on a diet for health reasons that closely resembles the vegan diet, so to keep it simple, I’ll say to people that I’m vegan. Most wait staff don’t care if I ask if a menu item can be made vegan, but family or people I’m dining with will either send hate vibes or go into a long thing about some distant vegan relative who died from malnutrition.
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
I think you’re.right about tradition. I have a set of recipes from 3 generations ago. It’s been converted over the generations from a list of ingredients to “a fistful of flour” to “a juice glass of broth” to “1/3 cup of butter” as it was passed to me. Maybe my contribution will be to convert it to weight and pass it to my kids for them to finally convert it to metric weights.