- Comment on Texas approves Bible-infused curriculum for public schools 2 months ago:
Now children, please turn to Ezekial 23 20.
- Comment on flouride 2 months ago:
Weird. The only argument I heard, and successfully made it to policy in my area is that it costs tax money and takes away choice. All thus smart stuff is for those damn yankees.
- Comment on Feral Science 3 months ago:
That’s the kind of scientist I want to be. I wish it paid.
- Comment on Tiny pp 3 months ago:
I can’t handle stupid right now.
- Comment on Capsaicin 3 months ago:
I enjoy this.
- Comment on Honey 3 months ago:
Thank you for the correction. It can be applied in the Socratic method. I ask questions to understand someone’s position and continue into how they came to those conclusions. At no point do I pressure for answers though. The idea is just to keep the person talking so you can understand their poimt of view to the best of your ability. It has a side effect of healthy personal reflection for all parties involved.
- Comment on Honey 3 months ago:
Just look at the other responses to my comments.
In real life it can be better or worse. Some of the closest people in my life get immediately defensive. It’s sometimes easier to talk with strangers. More often than not, I will find a passion point that is the limit of conversation. At those times I just listen as much as possible. How much I engage depends on how they rect to my questions.
- Comment on Honey 3 months ago:
I have conversed with quite a few vegans and none of them have pushed their morals on others. Some of them have been very upfront about their veganism. I am wondering where you are that you see vegans being so revolutionary.
- Comment on Honey 3 months ago:
I was unaware that my message implied a 100% requirement. That part of the comment was meant to be about how I see them trying to define the line between what is vegan and what isn’t. I see now how this is being interpreted and it is my fault for being unclear.
- Comment on Honey 3 months ago:
I am not confused. I am curious and fascinated on how people come to their conclusions. I know exactly what epistomology means. I have used it for conversations with many vegans about their choices as well as on other personally held beliefs. I could be a lot better at it but it has helped me show that I am curious and respectful.
- Comment on Honey 3 months ago:
Each vegan will have their own answer. If you are truly curious, and a vegan is sharing their mindset with you, ask them.
- Comment on Honey 3 months ago:
The response to light color does not stand on its own. That is merely one parallel from many. It is true plants do not have a nervous system like animals, but they do have similar responses to stimuli. Parallels can be drawn to sight, sound/touch and smell/taste.
Sentience is another topic that is defined subjectively. From context it is clear you make a central nervous system a foundational requirement. I could also apply this to technology, so I would need clarification from you to understand what it means to you. I do not hold to a personal definition for sentience because I have found neither a universal nor scientific understanding of the idea.
As for the last paragraph: yup.
- Comment on Honey 3 months ago:
There was no tone of judgement in my response. I hope that’s not what you got from it. I said I find it fascinating the way they think. This is not limited to vegans but it is easier to get someone to talk about this than other beliefs.
I have no doubt that minimizing suffering is the higher goal. I meant that if their goal is to to use no food or product that involves using animals (within their personal definition) that they will find nothing in this world that is without impact from or to animals. That’s what makes it impossible.
- Comment on Honey 3 months ago:
I find vegan intellect fascinating. I love hearing their responses to my epistomology. They all make it up as they go along. It’s very similar to religious beliefs in the way it is personal. Each has their own set beliefs on where to draw the line of what is vegan and what is not.
My personal understanding of the world is that plants aren’t so different from animals that they can be classified separately from other food sources. For example, how much different is r-selected reproduction from a fruiting plant. Plants react differently to different colors of light and so do we.
It helps to understand the goal of a vegan. The extent to which we are tied to every living thing on Earth means that many vegans have set impossible goals.
Just fascinating.
- Comment on Caption this. 4 months ago:
Is this showing us that we can experience more dimensions if we fuck up our base pairs?
- Comment on Y tho 4 months ago:
Pangean prodigies.
- Comment on Let me at 'em!! 4 months ago:
That’s a 4D knife.
- Comment on It's Wednesday, my dudes. 4 months ago:
Why is there so much hate on bitter. Bitter is superior to sweet in every way. The best pastries are the ones that use cranberries instead of blueberries. Sugar is even added to blueberries and strawberries as if that made them more desirable. The best pastries are minimalist with sugar. Orange-cranberry bread is one of the best combinations.
- Comment on Square! 4 months ago:
- Comment on We lost Keanu 4 months ago:
Think the Koch brothers we are thoroughly
entertainedmal-informed. - Comment on shag carpet 5 months ago:
- Comment on Bees 5 months ago:
I think wasps and hornets are beautiful, fascinating creatures. Most of them don’t mess with me even a few inches from a nest. There are one or two species that are looking for war and get the spray.
- Comment on brown recluse 5 months ago:
Aww, it’s Lucas!
- Comment on America's Energy Divide: How Democrats And Republicans Feel 5 months ago:
72% decline by painting one blade black.
- Comment on oreo plates 5 months ago:
I use it in 7th grade.
- Comment on Basalt Baddie 5 months ago:
Do you have wood for my sheep?
- Comment on Milk, eggs and now bullets for sale in handful of US grocery stores with ammo vending machines 7 months ago:
Every single American adult should buy some bullets from this vendor. Even if they don’t own a gun and never plan to get one. This would help subdue the might-makes-right, anti-woke, milita-kink, peresecution complexed, “christian” nationalists. If they stop percieving themselves as having the upper hand, they will reconsider their hateful rebellion they are drooling for. If their fetishized industry leaves the impression that they may not have the upper hand, they will back off.
- Comment on qt π 9 months ago:
I wish I could make a living classifying eukaryotes.
- Comment on Huh? It's not that big 9 months ago:
Also, anus is a hole, rather than the whole for which songs are written.
- Comment on We're all a little crazy 9 months ago:
I’m all alone. Which is likely why I crave social activities.