- Comment on Wanted to give Spider-man 2 a try (released in October 2023 on PS5), but seems like the port is a mess 5 days ago:
The port is a mess but I’m lucky I only get the crashes and none of the other bugs (except one occurrence of audio being fucked). Turning off ray tracing completely eliminated crashes for a while but now it’s back to crash city regardless of graphics settings.
- Comment on The Programming Games Humble Bundle is another sweet deal worth grabbing 4 weeks ago:
I own all of these games already so I can tell you this is a good bundle. Any single one of these games is worth the full price of the bundle alone.
The 3 Zachtronics games included are a great sampler of of the studio and I like that this isn’t just a “All Zachtronics games bundle”.
There are better programming games out there but I think this bundle strikes a good balance between fun games that require light programming knowledge and wow this is just programming lightly disguised as a game.
- Comment on "Dan Da Dan" Season 2 Announced for July 2025 with Key Visual 1 month ago:
Wait. That was the season finale? Didn’t even realize that the way it just ends midway thru the action.
- Comment on Startup will brick $800 emotional support robot for kids without refunds 1 month ago:
You can do anything if you complain loud and long enough
- Comment on Donald Trump is wrong about the cost of wind energy 4 months ago:
He actually has. During his last presidency he criticized Merkel for being too dependent on Russian oil.