- Comment on Is this green or blue? 1 day ago:
Idk I’m colorblind
- Comment on Is this green or blue? 5 days ago:
Yes and no
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 2 weeks ago:
You don’t understand history try to again.
- Comment on Voted number one... 2 weeks ago:
Maybe only ladies voted
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 2 weeks ago:
If we don’t get a handle on the debt it will be like Greece 2.0
- Comment on You can see who upvoted and downvoted a post by viewing it in friendica. 2 weeks ago:
I wish friendica had a mobile app. I spend more time on my phone
- Comment on Far to many people think that Jesus from the Bible was light skinned, even though he grew up in what we call the Middle East. 2 weeks ago:
According to the usa census it you are from the Middle East you have to put caucasian. My family on my dads side came from Syria
- Comment on Good morning. 3 weeks ago:
A actual shitpost
- Comment on A balanced diet is important 3 weeks ago:
My wife makes chicken and steak. My experience good.
- Comment on Reddit will lock some content behind a paywall this year, CEO says 3 weeks ago:
I blame the 5 mods who control the top 200 subs. I still think posting was better years ago. Could actually post comments.
- Comment on Reddit will lock some content behind a paywall this year, CEO says 3 weeks ago:
Get ready for the influx of new users
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
Yes it is
- Comment on Even California can't say no to prison slavery. 4 weeks ago:
Must have been new for California since Harris left
- Comment on Bluesky now has 30 million users. 4 weeks ago:
I think I might use both
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
Can this start at let’s say 5:30pm. I work until 4pm hour plus drive or 2 hour bus ride. Actually make it 7
- Comment on Imagine that you are driving a car and see this. 1 year ago:
Dog has skills
- Comment on Rules to live by. 1 year ago:
Things I didn’t learn from blue clues. Now learning from adult Steve. Thanks for the tip
- Comment on how do you even use twitter? 1 year ago:
You perfectly summed up twitter