- Comment on Nobody Wants a Nazi Electric Car 4 days ago:
Will he really need customers much longer? I mean it seems like he can just have any government agency replace their fleet with his trash in the name of “efficiency”.
- Comment on are "brush" and "blush" really pronounced differently? i pronounce them the same. 1 week ago:
Totally fair. I only started paying attention after hearing a podcast about how the letter “D” is pronounced in names in some other cultures. I was doing it wrong. It was a similar issue with position of the tongue when saying words like “dentist” compared to “dog”.
- Comment on are "brush" and "blush" really pronounced differently? i pronounce them the same. 1 week ago:
Reading differences in pronunciation can be difficult, but in regard to tongue placement when saying these words, when saying “blush”, the tip of the tongue should press against the inside of the top-front teeth. When saying “brush”, the tongue should curl back and lightly press on the inside right and left side of the back teeth.
- Comment on Why Are People Surprised When Trump Actually Follows Through? 1 week ago:
When he said that he could grab women “by the pussy”, he followed through with it when he raped E Jean Carroll. But when he said that he “could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody”, I don’t think that he has so far.
It seems that his voters are thinking that he’s not serious about the murder thing, but it’s okay if he’s serious about the rape thing, when it’s quite likely that he’s serious about both.
- Comment on What is the weirdest argument you’ve overheard? 4 weeks ago:
“Look man, all I’m saying is that if it wasn’t for that song most people wouldn’t even know how to spell bananas”.
- Comment on San Francisco to pay $212 million to end reliance on 5.25-inch floppy disks 4 months ago:
Who will carry on the knowledge of what the a:\ and b:\ drives were?
- Comment on Hmmm 4 months ago:
Homeless looking guy sounds like he has way more chill than I would have in this situation. Good for that guy. I hope he had a winning night too.
- Comment on Smart TVs take snapshots of what you watch multiple times per second 5 months ago:
If I just use a projector, do i still have to worry about the maker of the tablet that connects to the projector doing the same thing?
- Comment on Nothing is requiring employees to be in the office five days a week 6 months ago:
They make phones. I had to look this up since I had never heard of this company.
I would find it weird to be referred to as Nothing staff, or a Nothing employee.
- Comment on What's the oldest game anyone here has played in 2024? 6 months ago:
I went to a gamestop a few months ago to see if they had any games for my Gameboy Advance. The dude at the register said I might have better luck at the “retro game” store in the next town over. I nearly spit out my Crystal Pepsi at him.
- Comment on The number 1 cause of death from chocking is having some sort of obstruction of the air ways. 6 months ago:
The number 1 cause occurs in more cases than the number 2 cause.
- Comment on I just got out of the shower. what is with the product placement ? 6 months ago:
I don’t know if those companies had any say in whether their products were used, but this wasn’t supposed to be for advertising. It was supposed to be a gimmick for what was stated to be a message on the economy, but the orange atrocity personified saw a squirrel and the whole address ended up being the same whiny bullshit.
- Comment on Bet y'all are very familiar with this 7 months ago:
I don’t know, but does it run Linux?
- Comment on Time Crisis GunCon PlayStation Controller 7 months ago:
I have a guncon3 somewhere around. It works with a pair of sensors placed on top of the TV, like in the PS Eye and XBox Move era. No CRT was required for that.
The length of the cable between the sensors was made for something like a 40" screen though, so if you play on a larger screen they sit a bit toward the center instead of in the corners where they are supposed to be.
- Comment on The justices of the supreme court ruled that Trump was immune and effectively above the law while being president. What is now stopping Biden from bringing a gun to the next debate? 8 months ago:
I did not assert that the court gave full immunity for all things, but will now suggest that not every crime is a violation of the constitution, or could not be committed while carrying out a function of the constitution.
- Comment on The justices of the supreme court ruled that Trump was immune and effectively above the law while being president. What is now stopping Biden from bringing a gun to the next debate? 8 months ago:
Why would immunity be necessary if the act is not otherwise a crime?
- Comment on Humans share the web equally with bots, report warns amid fears of ‘dead internet’ 10 months ago:
With proliferation of AI generated content, people aren’t able to identify other human generated content, or be certain that their online interactions are with a bot or human. This scenario has apparently been called the dark forest internet because people will try to preserve their communities by more restrictive curating, effectively hiding both from other humans and bots.
- Comment on You guys should check out the reddit clone I've been working on 11 months ago:
Is it okay to openly say that you’ve cloned another product, or promote a product as a clone of another? I honestly don’t know the legal precedents, and know that there are many sites that have copied elements of other products that they intend to compete with, but reading the post title gave me a sinking feeling of Reddit lawyers perking up.
The site looks nice, and I really hope that I’m just being paranoid about possible legal exposure.
- Comment on Taylor Swift has won the Superbowl! 1 year ago:
I was playing the “take a shot everytime Swift endorses Biden” game. I am angrily sober…
- Comment on Nic Cage through the years 1 year ago:
From what I could tell, his “appearance” in The Flash, which is in quotes because I’m fairly certain it was all CGI with no dialogue, was an incredibly deep cut inside joke for a Tim Burton Superman movie that never got released. His “appearance” in The Flash should not be considered a Nic Cage performance.
- Comment on Not this guy again 1 year ago:
I’m not familiar with KajaGooGoo, but I remember the Goo Goo Dolls. Sounds like either would have been a fun opening act for Gaga.
- Comment on Common Voice - Donate your voice to teach machines how people speak | Mozilla 1 year ago:
Nice try, Ursula
- Comment on Choose A or B 1 year ago:
Infinite uncles means the population of earth is completely unsustainable and the collapse of every system is imminent.
- Comment on Pentagon Scientists Discuss Cybernetic 'Super Soldiers' That Feel Nothing While Killing In Dystopian Presentation 1 year ago:
Someday in Hollywood they’ll have to make a new film genre for pre-apocalyse movies.
- Comment on We have had guns for 200 years but mass shootings only became common in the last 30. So what changed? 1 year ago:
If we’re setting the calendar back 200 years, I’d have to guess that one of the contributing factors is records keeping and reporting. The definition of what is considered a “mass shooting” has also been fluid over the past 50 or so years.
These are not likely to be major contributors, but from Hollywood’s depictions, mass shootings may have been pretty common around 150 years ago.