- Comment on Self-hosting minecraft 2 days ago:
I ran a server on a raspberry pi 3, paper was the only real option on that kind of hardware.
- Comment on The best president who ever lived!! 😌🙏😌🙏😌🙏 1 week ago:
I love this community being unmoderated
- Comment on Every Country That Has Their Own Lemmy Instance 1 week ago:
seriously speaking, how much work is to host an instance actually? Besides buying the domain and getting it up and running on some cloud/homelab? The are any security concerns or maintenance that would take a lot of my time? Do I need to put some effort in instance level moderation, or that comes from communities? How many resources/hardware an instance uses per user?
- Comment on Two conversational AI agents switching from English to sound-level protocol after confirming they are both AI agents 1 week ago:
AI is boring, but the underlying project they are using, ggwave, is not. Reminded me of R2D2 talking. I kinda want to use it for a game or some other stupid project. It’s cool.
- Comment on Two conversational AI agents switching from English to sound-level protocol after confirming they are both AI agents 1 week ago:
This guy does software
- Comment on GitHub - Keriew/augustus: An open source re-implementation of Caesar III 5 weeks ago:
How was the Greek one named? Zeus?
- Comment on New data shows the number of new mobile internet users is stalling 3 months ago:
Actually if you give people bread and circus, they are easy to control too. And we have plenty of circus, so…
- Comment on What are some self hosted services that you think are essential? 3 months ago:
- Pihole (if that service goes down, everyone in my house gets mad at me)
- Jellyfin
Everything else is a nice to have, not essential
The arr family with a torrent client is great for feeding Jellyfin. If you are a developer, you can host your own shit there too. Game servers for playing with family and friends (so far Minecraft, Terraria, Project Zomboid, V Rising). I like to host a bunch of different telegram bots I wrote for fun. Discord bots are another interesting side. I also run some automation runners for helping out with testing, building and deploying my projects.
Focus on your needs and what you want to improve of your online life, there is probably a project you can self host for it.
- Comment on How long do you think we'll keep seeing "formerly Twitter"? 4 months ago:
tHe EvErYtHiNg aPp!!!11
- Comment on Support local bands 4 months ago:
hear me out you little shit
- Comment on Support local bands 4 months ago:
Good memories, I regret nothing.
- Comment on Opera explains how it plans to keep uBlock Origin support as Google Chrome disables it 4 months ago:
I used to work for an ad heavy mobile game and ad serving company couple of years ago, and I had ad blocking at dns level in my house. It blocks not only ads, but also most tracking and telemetry. My bosses wanted to know why my devices were not displaying ads or dialing back to home, they were pretty fucking puzzled. They were terrified others like me were around. Basically their entire business model depends of people not knowing how to block ads and telemetry
- Comment on The bizarre secrets I found investigating corrupt Winamp skins 7 months ago:
what a great article
- Comment on If you want communusm, you can start a commune 10 months ago:
If you want capitalism, you start a capital.
- Comment on If you want communusm, you can start a commune 10 months ago:
Putting the shit on shitpost, in a very unique way. I wish this was sarcasm.
- Comment on Somebody managed to coax the Gab AI chatbot to reveal its prompt 10 months ago:
It works with gpt to, but it’s less fun
- Comment on Somebody managed to coax the Gab AI chatbot to reveal its prompt 10 months ago:
if one side is enemy of objective data, you are going to piss them off without even knowing, unless you lie or try to be intentionally vague about everything
- Comment on As a precaution, houses of worship in New Jersey are getting bleeding control kits 11 months ago:
Priest with guns? I think I have watched at least 2 animes with that trope
- Comment on English may be a hot mess but at least we don't have to worry about this nonsense 1 year ago:
La Lavadora El Lavarropas
Depende la expresión mi buen hispanohablante, y de la zona.
- Comment on Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads 1 year ago:
You have some business model here pal, I say go
- Comment on The "i" in Linux and Linus have different pronunciations even when they shouldn't. 1 year ago:
Ah, I’m a Godot developer and this is like pouring salt in my wounds. Waiting for Godot was written by an Irish man, but it’s the translation of his original work in French. On top of that mess, the original creators of the engine are from Argentina, a country that uses a variant of Spanish. So good luck with consensus there. French, Irish English or Argentinian Spanish are all canonical options there.
- Comment on The "i" in Linux and Linus have different pronunciations even when they shouldn't. 1 year ago:
Ah, yeah, that fucked me up too few months ago, there are several videos on the subject. I think it’s a problem with words that are created as written first, and then got pronounced, in second place, like most tech lingo. As a non-native speaker those are always the hardest to speak correctly, and even english has no real consensus.
- Comment on The "i" in Linux and Linus have different pronunciations even when they shouldn't. 1 year ago:
The first time I heard it it was pronounced Linux
- Comment on The "i" in Linux and Linus have different pronunciations even when they shouldn't. 1 year ago:
En español es bastante consistente de hecho, y gracias a un comentario en este post me enteré de que estamos más cerca de la pronunciación original que el inglés, muy interesante.
- Comment on The "i" in Linux and Linus have different pronunciations even when they shouldn't. 1 year ago:
That was very enlightening, the Spanish pronunciation is actually more close to that than the English one, so I feel very validated as an Spanish speaker. Thank you. Also didn’t knew that he wasn’t from an English speaking country.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 104 comments
- Comment on And yet I have to listen to my uncle rant and rave about immigrants and pretend it's okay. 1 year ago:
Technically, you should bring them to a Native American house. Unless is a prostitute pilgrim, then you can bring them to your house, but the custom then is fucking in the nearest bathroom during the dinner, same audio cues apply. Bonus points if you as the host get pegged by them.
- Comment on And yet I have to listen to my uncle rant and rave about immigrants and pretend it's okay. 1 year ago:
It’s Thanksgiving dumbass, prostitutes have no place there, that’s for Christmas. You should bring a Native American to true honor the tradition. If he or she happens to be a prostitute, or you have enough trust, ensure a very loud fuck that night, and please keep yelling “thanks for this” so everyone knows you are thankful.
Jeez, some people just mix shit up
- Comment on The actors who have played this iconic role 1 year ago:
Technically never called the joker, but yeah
- Comment on Ok Lemmy Rorschach test time. Tell me what you see. 1 year ago: