- Comment on Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy 3 months ago:
The “Infinite monkey theorem” concerns itself with Probability (the mathematical field). It has been mathematically proven that given the random input (the mathematical kind - not the human-created kind) of the monkeys, and the infinite time, the probability of the “complete works of William Shakespeare” rolling out of the typewriter in between the other random output is
.It’s a mathematical theorem that just uses monkeys to speak to the imagination, not a practical exercise, other than to prove the maths.
You should look into another brain-breaking probability problem called the “Monty Hall Problem”. Note that some of the greatest mathematical minds of the time failed said puzzle. Switching 100% increases the chance of winning. No, it won’t guarantee a win, but it will increase your chances, mathematically.
- Comment on pump up the jamz 3 months ago:
Aw boo! Where is your sense of fantasy!?
- Comment on pump up the jamz 3 months ago:
It starts with a nice piano, when the bass drops.
The original song is Ludovico Einaudi - Nuvole Bianche, but that’s missing some oomph :P
- Comment on Eat lead 4 months ago:
“for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God” - Exodus 20:5
Says it all, really. This whole character trait is that he’s a jealous little asshole. He’s like Dolores Umbridge.
I’m aware Christians may make counter-claims, but I’ve read the old testament, and all he does is to come off as an absolute asshole - you either worship me, or else!
I wasn’t too surprised (but it made sense) that he (Elohim) originally came from the Canaanitic pantheon. How else can you be the only god, yet people shouldn’t worship other gods? He’s not, that’s how.
- Comment on Reddit says it is not covered by new Online Safety Code as it has moved its jurisdiction to the Netherlands 4 months ago:
*Freedom of Expression
We don’t have Freedom of Speech, but we do have Freedom of Expression. Important difference, even though it may freak out some Americans.
- Comment on Syncthing Android app discontinued 4 months ago:
LineageOS, maybe? Still Android, but (AFAIK) more open to change than standard Android.
- Comment on Syncthing Android app discontinued 4 months ago:
So sad when it happens…
I don’t follow - do people still seriously use SMS? I for one try to use it as little as possible.
- Comment on Explains a lot... 4 months ago:
Topologically speaking, the frog is a donut.
- Comment on Kotaku being Kotaku 5 months ago:
I was referring to Borderlands: The Movie, not Mario.
And I’m blaming him a little as he still took the bag.
- Comment on Academic writing 5 months ago:
I understand; I was just being transparent with the fact that I’m a lazy motherfucker and that I used it to “translate” the text.
- Comment on bans WP Engine, blocks it from accessing its resources 5 months ago:
ThePrimeagen invited Matt to explain what’s going on.
TL;DW Matt’s claim is that he tried to get WP Engine to pay for a Trademark license (or whatever it’s called - I’m recalling from watching yesterday), over several months, and they tried to legally block him in every way. Their self-claimed contributions to Wordpress were (as he tells it) that they held conferences where they promoted their own stuff only - code contributions have been minimal.
So the combination of not willing to pay for the trademark + not contributing back (not in code, not in helping the community) is Matt’s reasoning for blocking them from using Wordpress’ resources.
He also mentioned that he has good relations with other Wordpress hosts, so it’s not like he’s trying to block anyone else from hosting, but they were all willing to pay for the use of the Trademark (and/or contribute back).
- Comment on They stole my voice with AI | Jeff Geerling 5 months ago:
Well, she did tell that she didn’t get a budget, so they just effectively stole from other departments. Want a table that’s not bolted down? Take it.
But that’s Navy internals, (arguably) not a massive for-profit company that’s going it out of sheer greed.
- Comment on Academic writing 5 months ago:
I asked ChatGPT to convert the text to common words:
“Academic writing is often hard to understand because it uses complicated words specific to a particular field, making it easier for experts to communicate with each other but harder for outsiders to follow. This keeps certain knowledge limited to a small group of people and maintains a cycle where only the educated or ‘in’ crowd can fully engage, while others are left out.”
- Comment on Kotaku being Kotaku 5 months ago:
I feel there’s this trend where movie directors must and shall make their own story in whatever world is in front of them, instead of trying to make a movie that would fit in the game, or simply take the game’s story and make a movie out of that.
It’s why Lord of The Ring was so fucking good (Christopher Lee/Saruman read the books every year of his life, and corrected Peter Jackson whenever necessary), whereas Rings of Power is shit (I mean, a loving Orc family? What the FUCK have they been snorting!?). It’s also why I’m hopeful to get something good out of Henry Cavill directing any 40k movie (that, or we’re getting nothing, at best. At worst someone else takes over and we’re getting female custodes for no good reason).
- Comment on Kotaku being Kotaku 5 months ago:
OK, so it’s going to be a shitty movie and no one is going to watch it, other than YouTubers, so they can dunk on the movie.
This is a second shitty movie with Black Jack in it. Lets hope he’s not a trend setter.
- Comment on August 30th 2024. America adopts the metric system. Never forget. 5 months ago:
2024-08-30, but yes. Is that a German notation? Boo! ISO8601/RFC3339 or DEAAAAATH!
- Comment on Climate scientists flee Twitter as hostility surges 5 months ago:
It’s a containment site; has been for a while.
- Comment on Threads deepens its ties to the open social web, aka the ‘fediverse’ | TechCrunch 5 months ago:
We used to say that people who made vertical videos had Vertical Video Syndrome. It was a terrible time.
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 5 months ago:
You are Quote, an amnesiac robot. The world appear to have gone to shit and you don’t know why.
It’s a 2D sidescroller, which if I told myself, I would find immediately boring, but the animation, controls and story combined as just so good. It’s so good.
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 5 months ago:
GTA 5 crashed on my machine when I finally shelled out 30 bucks for it, because the torrented version crashed at a specific mission.
One of a handful of games I’ve actually returned.
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 5 months ago:
Also, Little Big Adventure – Twinsen’s Quest (LBA1 remake) coming this December, LET’S GOOOO!
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 5 months ago:
Twinsen’s Little Big Adventure 2 Classic (aka LBA2 or Twinsen’s Adventure)
You are Twinsen, a little tank-like controlled character that’s about to go on an adventure to save his planet!
The tank controls may be getting a bit used to, but you can jump, roll to the side, hop backwards, etc, so you can apply some creativity to your movement. Shout out to the Magicball Network for staying alive all those years!
Go out there, meet a godess, defeat a dictator!
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 5 months ago:
This was my Diablo. Indeed very dumb, but fun in a weird way. downvoted because I already played it though!
- Comment on Bumble 6 months ago:
Are there any dating sites where the users are actually trained on how to initiate a conversation? I bet not.
Bumble could start a free training program to get the poor sods (both men and women) who simply don’t know how to start to actually get started instead of being constantly rejected.
- Comment on How to treat a man 6 months ago:
You’re not necessarily wrong in the last bit, but…
No, in most they aren’t raised to submit.
Bro, this ain’t slavery 😂
- Comment on Microsoft finally officially confirms it's killing Windows Control Panel sometime soon 6 months ago:
XP file search was slow as shit.
Everything for life! (
; runupdatedb
to get the initial load) for terminal on Linux, or I just usefind
) - Comment on Microsoft finally officially confirms it's killing Windows Control Panel sometime soon 6 months ago:
Windows 10 is RIP October 2025 anyway, so might as well.
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 6 months ago:
Is asked the local POC (Indonesian-Japanese; Indonesian-born) and he responded (and I quote) “people need to stop being pussies”. The Brazilians (Brazil mentioned!) didn’t care much either.
So I don’t need to pretend anything about anything.
Your milage may vary though.
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 6 months ago:
I don’t know about Scrollone, but I hate it when corporations force me to change for the sake of change. Options to change is fine (in case someone doesn’t like the default), of course.
And no, “inclusivity” is not the actual reason, as that’s already covered by adding the option to change (which again, is completely fine)
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 6 months ago:
Because I don’t want to be forced to adapt by others. Let me adapt by myself. Adding an option for change is fine, but changing the default is fucking annoying. Fuck Github for changing