- Comment on FromSoftware didn’t want Sony to publish Dark Souls as it was ‘disappointed’ by how Demon’s Souls was treated 1 week ago:
Nintendo doesn’t “personally” do anything. They are a corporation. lol. lmao, even.
Just off the top of my head they bought Monolith from Bandai-Namco and Bayonetta has been exclusive ever since the second one. Monolithsoft was three separate offices- Nintendo bought two of them, which were both already working exclusively as a Nintendo second party, and the third was dissolved during the Bandai-Namco merger due to the fact that Namco was treating them like shit after Nakamura retired and the merger was the last straw. Monolithsoft is one, if not the only, exception to Nintendo staying out of buying companies, and Iwata has even commented on it only happening because Sigiuira basically asked them to, and it not being something they want or like to do.
As for Bayonettas since 2, Nintendo’s publishing it for PlatinumGames, who used to be a Nintendo second party. They started working with Sega in 2008 iirc because Nintendo literally pointed Sega their way (This is the same time period when Nintendo was giving Sega work to try to dig them out of their hole, e.g. Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games). My understanding is that internally Nintendo still considers PlatinumGames a second party dev, despite Sega publishing several games for them.
Microsoft has been way worse than sony. Probably, yeah.
I don’t mean to overly defend Sony Then don’t? Going to completely uninvolved third parties and snapping them up to hoard their IPs, or simply outright paying them to not publish elsewhere (coughepiccough) should always be indefensible. Xbox is worse, but Sony is still real bad about this shit, and Epic is worse than all of them.
- Comment on FromSoftware didn’t want Sony to publish Dark Souls as it was ‘disappointed’ by how Demon’s Souls was treated 1 week ago:
The problem isn’t having exclusives, it’s buying exclusives to punish customers, which Sony (and Xbox) does.
- Comment on FromSoftware didn’t want Sony to publish Dark Souls as it was ‘disappointed’ by how Demon’s Souls was treated 1 week ago:
… Nintendo literally personally develops their exclusives, let’s not pretend that’s an apples to apples comparison.
Xbox is absolutely terrible at buying exclusives though, yes. Worse than Sony, arguably.
- Comment on Valve ban advertising-based business models on Steam, no forced adverts like in mobile games 2 weeks ago:
CCGs hasn’t had a massive, massive Epic Games-paid astroturfing campaign against valve/steam like ‘lootboxes’ has. That’s the difference.
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
Ah yes, the most rigorous of scientific studies- claiming you did a paper in school! You got an A, and then everybody clapped!
My man, you’ve literally went from claiming you don’t know how fluoride works on teeth to claiming you did rigorous research on it in uni in under 2 hours.
At least keep your bullshit lies straight for four hours.
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
We’ve refuted it, scientific testing has refuted it, you’re just plugging your ears and refusing to listen because you don’t like the answers.
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
So you don’t know, but all the data scientists and dentists, who DO know and are subject matter experts, who say it’s a good idea are to be ignored, because of your sheer ignorance?
- Comment on America's Next Health Secretary Enjoying A Meal With His Future Boss and Colleagues 3 months ago:
Am I the only one that thinks this looks like a family gathering with Mike Johnson smiling proudly over the family ‘kids table’?
Like, exact same vibes as a bunch of random kids all shuffled away to a single kid’s table, and then the one adult (and boy is that stretching the definition) watching over them, and all of them trying to smile for the picture some random auntie none of them have met before is taking.
- Comment on Microsoft CEO's pay rises 63% to $79m, despite devastating year for layoffs: 2550 jobs lost in 2024 4 months ago:
He made $12000 off each fired employee.
- Comment on World of Warcraft adds $90 mount to in game store 4 months ago:
What? FF14 is currently running laps around wow’s sub numbers, wow hasn’t been the most active MMO available since before bfa and the bootlicking cratered it.
- Comment on Don't fret, check your spam folder 4 months ago:
In programming, this is called ‘Rubber Duck Debugging.’
The televangelists, in this case, were the rubber duck.
- Comment on Had to read it 3 times to make sure 5 months ago:
I keep seeing this all over the place and not once has it ever been sourced. Frankly this just screams of more epic games astroturfing to make people think valve bad
- Comment on Mozilla faces a privacy complaint over Firefox's tracking 5 months ago:
Google is spending a lot of cash to make Firefox look bad so people are unmotivated to change away from Chrome when manifest v3 is fully rolled out.
- Comment on Rockstar Games DDoSed Heavily By Players Protesting New AntiCheat Code 5 months ago:
Because it’s cheaper than actually implementing working anti heat instead of just stealing control of your computer and leaving gaping vulnerabilities on it.
After all, why would they care? It’s not their computer.
- Comment on Mozilla exits the fediverse and will shutter its Mastodon server in December | TechCrunch 5 months ago:
Google really wants to make sure you can’t escape their ad-riddled bullshit when they get rid of Manifest v2
- Comment on Exographer is a metroidvania inspired by real science - will be fully Steam Deck playable 5 months ago:
I’m glad I’m not the only one to immediately think of that.
What a weird headline.
- Comment on Gen Z job seekers should be willing to work for free, long hours, ‘willing to do anything,’ says Squarespace CMO 7 months ago:
You’re getting down voted because it’s not 1990 anymore. Working for free just gets you abused, not a foot in the door.
- Comment on Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal 7 months ago:
Because Epic Games is really hoping to turn people against steam any way they can other than actually improving their service or morals.
- Comment on Google gets its way, bakes a user-tracking ad platform directly into Chrome 1 year ago:
Because the entire design of it is to mathematically prevent you from having the option to hack or block the ads. THe way to get around it is to… not use chrome.
- Comment on Has anyone ever used it 1 year ago:
But how else would I taunt someone after falcon kneeing then off the stage in smash bros?
- Comment on My mental state 1 year ago:
looks like a cherry starburst to me, which are pretty common to have the wrapper stick to them.
- Comment on AMD’s new CPU hits 132fps in Fortnite without a graphics card 1 year ago:
Wow, it’s almost like that’s why they said you didn’t need a graphics card, instead of saying you didn’t need a GPU!
- Comment on Well, it looks like verification photos might be useless now. 1 year ago:
4chan was a bit different in that it was anonymous to begin with- and more to the point, it was self-volunteered verification, not a mod-driven requirement.
As for reddit, mods were requiring private verification photos LONG before patreon and onlyfans even existed in the first place.
AMAs, agreed.
- Comment on Well, it looks like verification photos might be useless now. 1 year ago:
I hate to break this to you, but there was in fact subreddits that publically required full-body full-face nudes in poses of the mod’s choice for verification.
That ain’t me being in bad taste, it’s just me doing basic observation. Some subreddits it was about verification, yes. Some it was about consent. Some of them it was about the mods being horny. And most of them, it was some combination of the three.
To pretend that it didn’t happen is… well, casual erasure of sexual misconduct of the mods, frankly.
- Comment on Well, it looks like verification photos might be useless now. 1 year ago:
Pretty sure it started because nsfw subreddit mods realized they demand naked pictures of women that nobody else had access to and it made their little mod become a big mod.
- Comment on The only thing keeping us Millennials going at this point 1 year ago:
Hey bud, if you’re constantly seeing nothing but assholes everywhere on both reddit and Lemmy, you might want to consider that it’s actually you that are kind of acting like an asshole.
Just something to consider.
- Comment on Apple has seemingly found a way to block Android’s new iMessage app 1 year ago:
- Comment on should i?? 1 year ago:
It’s for holding onto while playing, there’s literally stickers on the machine saying to do it. The old machines even advised it during the health/safety prompts. This guy has absolutely zero fuckin idea what he’s talking about.
- Comment on Why Bother With uBlock Being Blocked In Chrome? Now Is The Best Time To Switch To Firefox 1 year ago:
I keep seeing this sentiment on these posts, often with a suspicious number of up votes that don’t seem to correlate how many up votes everything else in the topic get.
Literally the only place I have EVER seen this issue was a state toll road website, which was using a timezones that didn’t actually exist but chrome added (and documented on the Internet to trick people into using it). A simple email to the website with an explanation and the correct timezones name and the problem was fixed.
Pretty sure a lot of this sentiment is either astroturfing, or people passing on astroturfing trying to be helpful.
- Comment on First look at the new Tribes game from Prophecy Games 1 year ago:
You do, in fact, actually redo character models and other stuff for a beta release. This is early alpha, they’re using placeholder models and textures, probably from previous Tribes games, nailing the core gameplay loop before working on graphics.
This is standard practice.