- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
People like to commit, though. They want to commit. They want to make an account and be done. The ability for established users and communities to move around is a great feature that makes Lemmy superior to other sites, but it really needs to work on making new users feel comfortable enough to stay put when they’re first figuring things out, because if a new user decides to leave, they’re probably not switching instances, they’re switching platforms.
- Comment on Way to learn a language 2 months ago:
I had a friend in high school whose family moved to America from Vietnam when they were around 5. They said they learned English from watching TV all day.
- Comment on it's just a suggestion 3 months ago:
This is honestly the reason why I don’t think we can achieve a successful uprising anymore. Probably not a nuke, but drones definitely could and would be used to tear through even the largest of mobs if they formed today. Marie Antoinette would be happily eating her cake watching her people get mowed down by autonomous turrets if the French revolution happened today.
- Comment on Gandalf failed to consider incest, half my ancestors are related baby 4 months ago:
Yeah, that’s the family history of inbreeding that I was talking about - if you continuously have children within the family for multiple generations then the risk continues to rise so long as the trend continues. It’s generally only the risk of getting 2 copies of some familial recessive condition or other issues that arise from getting identical copies of genetic information from both parents, though, so breaking the chain and having a kid with someone outside of the family removes that risk; even if someone has a family history of inbreeding, it doesn’t put their potential children at risk so long as their partner isn’t related to them.
- Comment on Gandalf failed to consider incest, half my ancestors are related baby 4 months ago:
Inbreeding generally stops being a notable factor around 4th degree relation between parents. Even first cousins, 3rd degree relatives, only have about a 6% risk of an anomaly at birth when having a child together, compared to the 3% normal rate for all pregnancies.
- Comment on Tradition 4 months ago:
- Comment on I hate that that happens 4 months ago:
Nah, it’s referring to the first space by grouping the first and second words, “Pig” and “And,” and then referring to the second space by grouping the second and third words, “And” and “Whistle.”
- Comment on Mha heart 4 months ago:
“Thank you I came in 30 seconds.”
- Comment on Dragon Age: The Veilguard | Official Launch Trailer 4 months ago:
Looks cool, but I worry that they’ve got so many different enemies pulling in different directions that they won’t really get into an interesting story for any of them. The reason I loved Origins was because it really focused on the darkspawn, both in terms of the lore surrounding them, and the effect their invasion has on society. Then the DLC came out and teased that the darkspawn are more than they appear to be, setting up for future games to delve into that even more. It was great, but then the next couple of games came out and didn’t seem to have that same feeling of depth, and I lost interest. If the game is just a checklist of different things to kill, I’m not really interested in playing it.
- Comment on Chat, what do you see? 4 months ago:
When you accidentally grab a blank slide and panic for a little bit.
- Comment on Equality 4 months ago:
I hope we eventually get a season 2 for Spider. It was definitely one of the more fun and interesting isekais.
- Comment on Nintendo, famed for hating emulation, likely using Windows PCs to emulate SNES games at its museum 4 months ago:
They’re a company - their only purpose is to make money. They don’t hate emulation, they hate not making the absolute maximum amount of money they possibly can. Public use of emulation lowers their profits, while their own use of emulation helps increase their profits. It’s not some weird enigma or hypocrisy - money is the singular driving factor for every company; every action they take traces back to making more money. This is why we need much tighter regulation instead of trusting companies to “be reasonable” or “do the right thing.”
- Comment on One Piece Anime Announces Historic Hiatus - 4 months ago:
3, but yeah. I’d have them on while I was working since the pacing is pretty easy to follow. Plus I’d read the manga back in the early 2000’s, so I could remember the major plot points well enough without needing to devote my full attention.
- Comment on One Piece Anime Announces Historic Hiatus - 4 months ago:
This works out perfectly for me. I started watching the anime a few months ago, but I lost steam around halfway through, so this gives me some time to take a break before catching up!
- Comment on Reddit is making sitewide protests basically impossible 5 months ago:
I sure hope so, but I don’t see much changing. I guess we’ll see by looking at where Reddit is at business-wise by next year. People were saying it was doomed last summer after the 3rd party app fiasco, and their daily traffic has only gone up since then. I’ve long since lost all faith in the masses making the best choices for themselves.
- Comment on Reddit is making sitewide protests basically impossible 5 months ago:
They’re better than the OLD alternative, which was total boycotting at best, and torches and pitchforks at worst. The NEW alternative is complaining about it for a week or two, then continuing on without making any changes at all. They don’t mind the new alternative.
- Comment on Cereal 5 months ago:
I make Special K bars for get-togethers every once in awhile, and I sometimes get people who ask me if they’re healthy. I always tell them that nothing in them is even the slightest bit healthy except the Special K itself, and even that’s debatable.
- Comment on RIP 5 months ago:
My groups usually think of them as a powerful fey creature who sometimes just whisks people away for an indeterminate amount of time, only to bring them back later.
- Comment on Corn 🌽 6 months ago:
Again, selective breeding suffers from the same issue of introducing changes that can be detrimental to the organism itself and its place in the balance of the environment. Look at dog breeding as an example. Pugs were bred for a specific look, and that inadvertently caused them to have severe breathing issues. Dachshunds are another example, with many developing spinal issues over time. The difference, as I said before, is the speed; making a change causes unintended side effects - when you make a huge change quickly, it will produce more side effects than making a small change slowly will.
And… again… as I already said… there should be limitations to prevent rolling out new GMOs without specific testing for safety, both in a lab for potential problems to the organism or - in the event of an agricultural product - its consumers, as well as in the environment as a whole, to determine how it may affect the ecology if and when it is introduced. It may take decades to notice changes if the GMO is released immediately after being developed, but if testing protocols are made and followed, we should have no problem quickly spotting any issues **before **the organism is rolled out into the world.
Just like newly developed medicines need to go through rigorous testing to prevent things like the Thalidomide scandal that caused an immense amount of birth defects due to lax testing, new GMO’s will need to be tested as well. But, just like you likely understand the benefits of medicine for helping people suffering from various diseases, GMO’s can provide the same level of benefit to people suffering from malnutrition, among a wide range of other positive uses. The key is to study new developments to the point where we can spot and address issues. Throwing away the technology as a whole is not the answer.
- Comment on Corn 🌽 6 months ago:
GMO’s trace back further than that - even when we’re specifically talking about modern methods. The first Drosophila melanogaster fruit fly genetics experiments happened in 1910, though it took a while for us to begin actually creating GMO strains; the first study I know of that did so was in 1927 by Hermann J. Muller, using x-rays to purposefully induce mutations. But ultimately, it doesn’t matter who was the first to purposefully modify the genetics of an organism, modern or otherwise.
The fact of the matter is that we can use, have used, and should use genetic modification for beneficial purposes. Again, GMO’s are neutral; it just means an organism was purposefully modified on a genetic level by humans - it’s the purpose itself that determines whether its good or bad. People will use it for bad reasons just like any technology, and we should stop them, but that doesn’t mean we should shun the technology itself when genetic modifications have been used beneficially for millennia, and modern techniques are just as capable of producing incredibly beneficial changes as they are the detrimental ones everyone’s scared of.
- Comment on Corn 🌽 6 months ago:
Monsanto creates GMOs based on nothing but greed - they have complete disregard for the environmental impact of the wanton use of pesticides that their resistant strains encourage. But that’s just one GMO application - other crops use genetic modification to produce greater yields or better nutritional value.
Golden rice is a great GMO that can bring vitamin C and other essential nutrients to previously-deficient areas of the world, but it keeps getting delayed and disrupted by people who think that the reason Monsanto is terrible is because they make GMO’s, rather than their sketchy business and science practices they use. GMO’s as a whole are neutral, and there are amazing benefits we can get from them if we understand the difference between good and bad use of genetic modification.
OP’s post points out that beneficial old-fashioned GMO creation through use of selective breeding has immensely improved agricultural yield from the original source - the process of using our own observations to modify organisms on a genetic level is not new, and without it, we wouldn’t be where we are now as a species.
- Comment on Corn 🌽 6 months ago:
The speed is substantial, yes. That was my point. They are essentially the same; one simply uses the organism’s own natural genetic variation mechanisms, while the other introduces new variations manually. Yes, that is a difference that requires separation of the two in certain circumstances, but not when it comes to whether or not we’ve genetically modified all strains of modern agricultural corn, GMO-labeled or not.
Claiming selective breeding is the same as producing a GMO is like saying an eagle and a Boeing 747 are both utilizing mechanisms that allow them to fly, which is true.
- Comment on Corn 🌽 6 months ago:
Sure, but you could selectively breed rabbits for 1,000,000 years and get a glow in the dark rabbit; GFP is just a protein like any other - if you painstakingly selectively breed for a specific DNA sequence, you’ll eventually get it regardless of your starting genetic pool. Classic selective breeding is a form of genetic modification - modern genetic modification methods are just way faster.
I agree that we don’t currently know enough about genetics to utilize genetic modification without unforeseen side effects, and so there should be limitations on what we’re able to genetically modify until we can show that we understand it well enough to meaningfully minimize potential issues, but those same issues occur with selective breeding - they’re, again, just slower.
- Comment on may you live in interesting times 7 months ago:
Well, there’s your problem - you forgot the sugar, so all you’ve made is lemon juice.
- Comment on Keep honking! 7 months ago:
Right? I love the sticker (minus the random capitalized words), but I’ve never been honked at in the 15+ years I’ve been driving. I feel like if people are honking at you, you’re probably not paying enough attention.
- Comment on I don't get how people can become depressed, when we live in the century of Fentanyl, easy access to alcohol and amusement arcades. 8 months ago:
Yeah, that’s part of the reason why I just dealt with the pain whenever I was prescribed stuff like Vicodin. I don’t want to risk it at all.
- Comment on I don't get how people can become depressed, when we live in the century of Fentanyl, easy access to alcohol and amusement arcades. 8 months ago:
I’ve seen plenty of people who think they could take hard, addictive drugs and not get addicted, or that the addiction would be a small price to pay for the highs of the drug. Plenty of people have far too much self confidence for their small understanding of the situation. It’s why drugs like heroin are still around; if everyone intrinsically understood that they’re not worth it, they’d have disappeared a long time ago.
- Comment on Masahiro Sakurai refused to add Dolby Surround to a Kirby game because players had to sit through the logo 9 months ago:
Negative change worms it’s way in through small defeats. The first DLC’s were a small price for a lot of content, the first YouTube ads were only a single ad that was just a few seconds long, the first video game preorders came with amazing rewards, etc. When you allow for 2 seconds, then what’s 3 seconds? What’s 4, 5, 6? What’s 30 seconds? What’s 2 minutes? We’ve seen examples of this all throughout capitalism’s history; to ignore them is, well, ignorant.
- Comment on Pills (Take Two) 9 months ago:
Just get a shoebox of shoebox pills and you can just get a box of 10’s and 20’s whenever you need.
- Comment on Parfait au pork 9 months ago:
Frozen? Every parfait I’ve had has just been yogurt with berries and jam in it. Also, yes, if you use chocolate sauce instead of gravy, you can absolutely call it pork au chocolat. It would probably be better if you switched out the pork for something like pancakes, but you do you; one of the best things about food is that you can do whatever you want with it.