- Comment on I firmly believe all 3-4 letter acronyms will eventually be used for evil. 2 days ago:
Evil Villains In Love
- Comment on FuckYourHeadlights - A community for people to organise and vent about ridiculously bright lights 3 days ago:
Unfortunately I don’t know the physics, maybe something to do with how lights scatters through the windshield? Idk, all I can tell you is my repeated experience: turning the brights on definitely helps with seeing through oncoming traffic. But you are right, my older car is both smaller and lower, so I’m sure even the modern cars with lights aimed downward are more likely to shine directly at me
- Comment on FuckYourHeadlights - A community for people to organise and vent about ridiculously bright lights 3 days ago:
I mean I guess I’m stupid but I straight up can’t see if there’s oncoming traffic and my brights aren’t on. Doesn’t go for every oncoming car (if its lights are reasonable then I have no issues) but the vast majority of cars have newer, hilariously bright headlights that shine in a way where my normal lights simply don’t seem to cut it.
- Comment on FuckYourHeadlights - A community for people to organise and vent about ridiculously bright lights 3 days ago:
Meanwhile I’m out here driving a 20 year old car with correspondingly dim headlights and need to have the highbeams on just to be able to see anything when there’s oncoming traffic. My normal headlights are fine when there’s nothing coming the other way, but that’s not really how that’s supposed to work lol. Kinda defeats the purpose of ever turning the brights off! I swear any newer car’s normal lights are brighter than my brights
- Comment on Rate my breakfast 2 weeks ago:
Make sure you microwave the can first
- Comment on Valve have just updated the Source 1 SDK on GitHub to the latest code based on Team Fortress 2, effectively making TF2 code source available 2 weeks ago:
Valve has made attempts to take down projects that follow those rules. TF2Classic is the example that comes to my mind since it’s the main one I’ve played, but I know there are several others. In TF2C’s case, they tried contacting Valve to find out why they’d been hit with a C&D, never heard back, and eventually quietly resumed development.
Some kind of miscommunication between legal and the devs? Maybe internal drama? Maybe they didn’t really pay attention and still aren’t aware TF2C is back up? Who knows. Still happened tho.
- Comment on Fedora threatened with legal action from OBS Studio due to their Flatpak packaging 3 weeks ago:
Kind of an odd and short article. Gives a decent rundown for OBS’s complaint but doesn’t even attempt to explain why the Fedora devs would be resistant to fixing a borked package.
- Comment on TFW you think you got away with it for 137 years but then the cops come knockin 3 weeks ago:
Just to be pedantic, the “let alone” turn of phrase is meant to imply that the second thing has a higher standard. So in this case it should be corrected to “this wouldn’t hold up in a Victorian age court, let alone a modern one.”
- Comment on Guy Who Ruined Buzzfeed With AI Now Says AI Is Bad, Launches New AI Platform 3 weeks ago:
On the one hand calling it AI is annoying, but on the other we’ve been calling video game NPC logic “AI” for as long as I can remember and no one thinks they’re actually sapient. Surely we can get to that point with GenAI as well.
- Comment on GTA Vice City Nextgen Edition Drops As a Standalone Package In Response To Take-Two's "Cruel" Move 5 weeks ago:
Whoops sorry, tried to post a magnet link but it didn’t work for some reason. Too long maybe? Anyway you can grab the torrent file from moddb here
- Comment on 'My personal failure was being stumped': Gabe Newell says finishing Half-Life 2: Episode 3 just to conclude the story would've been 'copping out of [Valve's] obligation to gamers' 3 months ago:
Leaving it to rot for 15 years was far more unjust than a slightly less “revolutionary” game. And the concepts they show in the new doc are cool as hell! I would have loved to shoot at blobmonster! They just decided singleplayer FPS games weren’t as profitable, and that’s fine, I guess. They’re a company, they want to make money. But pretending they were somehow doing us a favor by leaving the cliffhanger for long is utter nonsense. Especially since they wound up simply retconning it so the whole wait was pointless anyway!
- Comment on Do the ultra-rich consume popular media? 3 months ago:
Or he watched one (1) JJ Abrams movie and is just trying to use the cool kids’ space jargon in an attempt to get people on his side
- Comment on Half-Life 2 is currently 100% for its 20th anniversary 3 months ago:
When I look at the steam store Portal has a price tag of $9.99.
Portal didn’t come out until 2007 with the orange box, which also had hl2: episode 2 (and tf2), but the base game of hl2 came out standalone in 2004. This giveaway is a celebration of hl2’s 20th anniversary, so maybe they’ll do a portal giveaway in 2027.
- Comment on Do you really want it in your body??? 3 months ago:
Actually, that’s an avocado
- Comment on As families searched, a Texas medical school cut up their loved ones 5 months ago:
Incredibly poor headline to blame the school for this. They didn’t know the backstory of the body. All they knew was that the state coroner had sent it to them for educational purposes. It’s the coroner’s fault!
- Comment on Where can I report mod abuse? 5 months ago:
Not liking something and expressing it isn’t the same as being rude. It can be done rudely, but this is about as benign as disagreement on taste gets. Can’t imagine how a mod could self justify a ban over this.
- Comment on Facebook 6 months ago:
That might be because they actually aren’t binding in many cases. Courts have held that if the contract can’t be reasonably expected to be read or understood by the people it “binds,” it’s not really enforceable, and 99% of EULAs are ridiculously long and legalese-heavy. But that doesn’t change the fact companies can and will treat them as such until challenged in court, and they’ll almost always be allowed to refuse service to pretty much whoever they want.
So you’d be right here; grandma’s post about not giving Facebook the right to her data is meaningless. Don’t want Facebook to have your data? Don’t use Facebook!
- Comment on Microsoft formally deprecates the 39-year-old Windows Control Panel 6 months ago:
About as often as they actually release anything
- Comment on Microsoft formally deprecates the 39-year-old Windows Control Panel 6 months ago:
I wouldn’t get too excited. Supposedly the next headset is internally called Deckard, and it’s been “about to release” for like 3 years now? Pretty much everything people think they know about it is conjecture based off code Valve has tucked away in SteamVR; zero public statements of intent.
As for VR on Linux… kinda? I’ve only read terrible things about it online. I have an Index and tried to use it with Mint a few months back, and while it mostly worked without any configuration issues, there was a weird white ring around the edge of the screen that I couldn’t figure out.
- Comment on Microsoft formally deprecates the 39-year-old Windows Control Panel 6 months ago:
They literally already tried and failed with the phoneification of windows when everyone shat on 8. I guess some ahole UI designer still works there and is bitter that people didn’t like their ideas.
- Comment on Microsoft formally deprecates the 39-year-old Windows Control Panel 6 months ago:
Just 3 days ago I had to use the control panel to access the settings I needed to get my parents’ printer to work right. Even tried to use the regular settings menu for maybe 10 minutes before remembering how to access the settings I needed. Here’s hoping my parents never run into printer issues again (lol).
- Comment on Why does Halo 2 look worse than Halo 1? The shadows. Or well, the *lack* of them. 7 months ago:
Agreed. High res is not the same thing as good graphics. The Halo 1 remaster is another great example of that; the og graphics look SO much better
- Comment on Team Fortress 2 players report that Valve have carried out a ban-wave against aimbots 8 months ago:
I mean, it’s Valve. But it will be funny when #saveTF2 happens for the third time next year, and Valve does their now-yearly ban wave again and everyone repeats wondering if the problem is solved.
- Comment on Another mystery solved. 8 months ago:
It’s way cuter if he’s kicking his stubby ol legs
- Comment on arthropods 10 months ago:
It is happening now but evolution takes a long time. If there were a ton of adaptations that happened in the next 10,000 years, that would be incredibly fast on an evolutionary timescale
- Comment on Ghibli Studio Food always looks so satisfying ♥ 10 months ago:
“Ruined” seems like a strong word but the yolk wasn’t supposed to break
- Comment on Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection used modder's work without credit 11 months ago:
They’re still taking something they didn’t make and selling it as though they did. I have every right to write and film a Batman movie, spend as much time I want making it professional, and then show it to people, as long as I don’t charge them for it. That doesn’t give Fox or whoever the right to take my movie and charge for it instead. Even if I did break the law by making people pay for it, the actual owners would only be entitled to that money, not to go make mroe money off of it themselves. It’s still my work even if it uses concepts invented by someone else.
There’s a reason every franchise under the sun has mountains of fanart and fanfic without the companies that own them trying to take control of it: it’s blatantly illegal.
- Comment on Do you ever worry that you're secretly a psychopath that unknowingly manipulates people around you? 11 months ago:
No, that is exactly the over-broad, willy-nilly, tossed-around definition they were talking about. Gaslighting has a much more insidious context than simply making someone question themselves. It means doing it on purpose; intentionally lying to someone and trying to convince them that they’re crazy. Like if I said I was going to the grocery and then when I came back with nothing, I insisted I never said that. Or if i borrowed $50 and when it came time to pay you back, I try to tell you I only borrowed $25. It’s inherently deceptive and cruel.
- Comment on I hear phrases like "half-past", "quarter til", and "quarter after" way less often since digital clocks have became more commonplace. 11 months ago:
Calling them “the aughts” is also the best way I’ve found to refer to that decade
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I wanna agree but in this particular case they all had those traits even before the show started (timeline-wise)