- Comment on Cars will need fewer screens and more buttons to earn a 5-star safety rating in Europe | Euro NCAP will introduce new testing rules in 2026 requiring physical controls for the highest safety score 1 week ago:
It’s distracting.
- Comment on Cars will need fewer screens and more buttons to earn a 5-star safety rating in Europe | Euro NCAP will introduce new testing rules in 2026 requiring physical controls for the highest safety score 1 week ago:
Is it possible that you have not been driving for the last 35 years seeing a solid block of flashing light, so your brain is not yet hardwired to recognise that and only that?
- Comment on Cars will need fewer screens and more buttons to earn a 5-star safety rating in Europe | Euro NCAP will introduce new testing rules in 2026 requiring physical controls for the highest safety score 1 week ago:
I find them distracting. There are useful innovations, and there are pointless gimmicks.
- Comment on Cars will need fewer screens and more buttons to earn a 5-star safety rating in Europe | Euro NCAP will introduce new testing rules in 2026 requiring physical controls for the highest safety score 1 week ago:
Next please go after the animated indicator lights that take way too much time to realise the car in front of you is turning and not playing snake. Fuck you, Audi, and all the others tha copied this absolute bullshit of an idea.
- Comment on Wubuntu: The lovechild of Windows and Linux nobody asked for 2 months ago:
They do, and they are super cute. This thing, instead…
- Comment on Garter snakes 3 months ago:
So why did I kept getting killed by them in Nethack?
- Comment on Wind from Uranus made it harder to probe 3 months ago:
Let’s call it Bigus Dickus
- Comment on fuckery 3 months ago:
…static fuck?
- Comment on South Korean telecom company attacks torrent users with malware 8 months ago:
Do you mean SKB (or skbb, never figured out how they want to be abbreviated)?
- Comment on South Korean telecom company attacks torrent users with malware 8 months ago:
Of course it’s KT.
- Comment on Apple argues in favor of selling Macs with only 8GB of RAM 10 months ago:
That VM has 16.
- Comment on Apple argues in favor of selling Macs with only 8GB of RAM 10 months ago:
For me, it’s huddle (the conf call thing of slack), zoom, and a few Google sheets. Very easy to get to OOM killer
- Comment on Apple Vision Pro Owners Are Struggling to Figure Out What They Just Bought 1 year ago:
Well… That’s the whole point of porn, innit?
- Comment on Linux is the only OS to support diagonal PC monitor mode — dev champions the case for 22-degree-rotation computing 1 year ago:
Hey now!
- Comment on Largest Study of its Kind Shows Outdated Password Practices are Widespread 1 year ago:
Except infosec team
- Comment on Intel doesn’t think that Arm CPUs will make a dent in the laptop market 1 year ago:
reminds me of “In the world, there is space for 5 computers” or something along those lines
- Comment on Musk considers removing X platform from Europe over EU law - Insider 1 year ago:
Good riddance, I guess?
- Comment on By 2035, falling satellites will kill or injure someone every two years, says FAA - Gizchina 1 year ago:
Wait until you hear about Boring Company 's rogue tunnel diggers…
- Comment on Nearly 500 smartphone brands have left the market since 2017 1 year ago:
I miss HTC