Huh. I think it looks kind of cool? Is it that hard to see? 5 days ago
Next please go after the animated indicator lights that take way too much time to realise the car in front of you is turning and not playing snake. Fuck you, Audi, and all the others tha copied this absolute bullshit of an idea. 5 days ago 4 days ago
It’s distracting. 4 days ago
I like it, wish mine did that 😎 5 days ago
Is it possible that you’re just following too close if you feel these new turn signals aren’t fast enough for you to react? 4 days ago
Is it possible that you have not been driving for the last 35 years seeing a solid block of flashing light, so your brain is not yet hardwired to recognise that and only that? 4 days ago
Only if mandatory rear lights come back as well. Having them animate in the direction they are going to turn are very helpful when the car has no other rear lights whatsoever. 5 days ago
I genuinely don’t see the problem with those. Amber lights on the left side of the car light up, that can only mean one thing. There is no ambiguity there whether they’re playing snake or just flashing. I have never, on no occasion, found myself confused by those. 4 days ago
I find them distracting. There are useful innovations, and there are pointless gimmicks.