- Comment on Owing your home today is nearly impossible, but even if you did the ever increasing property taxes will bury you 2 days ago:
Ohh snap I read the comments wrong. I totally missed the “the way the guy wishes they did” referring to taxes. Nice catch.
I was explaining how it must be for the guy in the pic. Not how the OP was talking about it. Thanks for the clarification on my fuck up.
- Comment on Owing your home today is nearly impossible, but even if you did the ever increasing property taxes will bury you 2 days ago:
I think you may have it wrong on what is happening, this guy isn’t paying less tax than those around him from how i read it. Your area seems to be taxed based on the purchase price and not the assessed value of the property.
From how i read it his taxes have steadily gone up base on home prices and assessments. He pays taxes every year and they are relatively the same as those around him. The problem is that the value has gone up more than it should have due to the local gov wanting to be paid more. Most county commissioners (R/D doesn’t matter) are paid a percentage of what the property tax based on population. This means that if the price goes up then they get paid more. At times these also come from the state instead of a county. This means that they reps are paid based on the tax assessment.
If we make the math easy lets say he paid $30,000 for his house. (I know a city wont be this way but a small house in a rural area works for this also lets assume it was purchased some time ago). The current (as of today) monthly average of Social Security payments is $1976. ($23,712 yearly) This is about $70,000 every 3 years. $70,000/2 is $35,000. Again those payments are based on today and not the last few two years. Based on that math, SS 1976 x 12 (year) $23,712 divided by 2 (half my ss check) thats $11,856. He is essentially being taxed 30% of what he purchased his home for. I know this may not sound like much to some but its not about you in the city working the full time job for x an hour. This post is about a guy who built his home and purchased the lumber piece by piece and built it himself after purchasing the land.
- Comment on Owing your home today is nearly impossible, but even if you did the ever increasing property taxes will bury you 2 days ago:
Or it could be argued that the local county or city is taxing them so much they can’t survive and they are essentially taking federal money even though they claim to not need federal money.
But hey I’m just a guy who knows plenty of people who look like this who advocate for better social programs. In most places that have county commissioners, their salary is paid by a percentage of the property tax. This may explain the increase in tax or the increase in allowing too many high density locations that have a property tax associated with them.
- Comment on Common Ground 1 week ago:
I think the point is really to give amnesty and try to move on. This idea breaks down and apart the team mentality. It allows people to unite. But by all means keep antagonizing people and see how they dig in their heels.
- Comment on Apple Maps now shows the Gulf of America 3 weeks ago:
Unlike Google they still have a “report issue” button active.
- Comment on What job do you need this hard hat for? 3 weeks ago:
Super Bowl Commercial.
- Comment on How do you keep up? 4 weeks ago:
Similar to the others although I have messed with Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora, and even a few others for like a day or two each.
At the moment I am using Fedora. My drives are raided and my main storage has all the data and the docker config directory’s.
Using docker for everything, watchtower for updates, and pertained to manage the containers with a gui. All the containers are directed to /mnt/drive/allMyData. In there is my data folders. Shows, movies, plex configs for recording over the air, ebooks, documents, etc.
Mainly I set it up this way so I can easily change distros if I wanted to and have all my services back up in an hour or so.
I started a text file that contains the command lines I have used to start all of my docker containers. This way if I need to I reference it and use the exact same commands mapped volumes to the same folders. Now I am back up and running in a few clicks. No need to backup the container if all the data in it is setup in folders in my main data directory.
However I am running a separate hardware raid setup prior to os. This way all my data stays safe as a separate volume.
- Comment on Serving my media library to my TV (local network only), i need suggestions 2 months ago:
Since you are against using plex even with using it only locally I would suggest you look into the Jellyfin clients support. Specifically look at each client device documentation and take a look at what audio and video codex they natively support. If there is one they both support then I suggest you do some testing and stream a movie or show that is encoded with that specific format. This will let you know if it will work across both clients whether it’s a stream issue hardware issue or Wi-Fi issue.
This will prevent transcoding that can cause audio sync issues.
- Comment on America's Next Health Secretary Enjoying A Meal With His Future Boss and Colleagues 3 months ago:
I gave you an upvote because it is on point. I want to down vote you because I don’t want to live on that planet and its looking more and more like we will be that planet.
- Comment on They must not be tired 3 months ago:
“civilian asset forfeiture”
- Comment on Jewel Beetles 3 months ago:
How freaking big are Jewel Beetles if they are trying to mate a beer bottle!?!?
All jokes aside they are not small but they aren’t the size of a beer bottle either.
- Comment on Elon's Death Machine (aka Tesla) Mows Down Deer at Full Speed , Keeps Going on "Autopilot" 4 months ago:
What if I told you that this has happened with Kids and recorded with kid stand ins. Not perfect evidence but the best you will find without signing a Tesla Non Disclosure.
- Comment on Dummy Thicc 4 months ago:
This is the most attracted I have ever been to Donald.
- Melania
- Comment on Disney Plus and Hulu won’t let you sign up through Apple anymore 4 months ago:
Honestly good.
I think they are all crap but one of them sticking it to the other due to the closed garden crap is a good thing.
All that being said this message was “Sent with my iPhone”
- Comment on *screaming* 4 months ago:
Wait what… I mean I am not fully ignorant but back in the day when friends saw they warned me so I could avoid.
This 15ish years later is the first I hear of this. To be honest, it doesn’t surprise me based on the description however, I always walked away with the assumption of help coming before it’s too late.
The dude died?
- Comment on That hurts a little 5 months ago:
I want to downvote you but I cant.
- Comment on We Can Stuff Zetabytes of Data into DNA (Someday) 5 months ago:
The problem is that this has been said since I was in high school and I’m 40. I doubt it will happen in the way we think. It will be some kind of plasma gel instead of humans.
- Comment on US couple blocked from suing Uber after crash say daughter agreed to Uber Eats terms 5 months ago:
Wow, no reason for name calling. I was just calling out how you were doing a similar injustice to the truth. But okay, I am a cunt for disagreeing with your assessment.
I’m not arguing that Disney should be held liable just that your generalization was wrong. If you are going to argue points of view on the internet and revert to name calling all I have to say is go to bed you child.
In other news, like the article that spurred this thread corporations using ToS to scapegoat things is wrong.
- Comment on US couple blocked from suing Uber after crash say daughter agreed to Uber Eats terms 5 months ago:
Moving to arbitration where the party making the agreement picks the arbiter, is close to being dismissed because there is about a 10% chance of winning.
The restaurant is in Disney Springs. Correct that its not Disney but they still have a stake in the restaurant.
Your misinformation is just as bad.
- Comment on TV with infared sensor (mac mini) 6 months ago:
Kodi has the IR stuff built in from what I remember. At least on windows it did years ago. You just need a “media remote” at one point called windows media remote. It’s a usb or receiver with a regular IR remote.
After a quick google here is a list I found.
- Comment on Ingredience 6 months ago:
Dang. I read through all the ingredients on the left expecting it to be wrong or off. It’s dead on. Wife can’t have red meat so we use this for her and the ingredients are spot on. Way to be honest with your shit post!!!
- Comment on Nope 7 months ago:
I know its not the point but this kind of stuff happens so please consider You can set a per transaction limit, monthly limit, one time use. Etc. Please take a look as it lets you do some amazing things.
- Comment on New Teslas might lose Steam 9 months ago:
Honestly I actually had not thought about people sitting around waiting to charge. In my area there are tons of chargers, grocery store, Costco, the mall, movie theaters. My experience had been that people would charge while doing other things. Thanks for the insight into a good use for it.
- Comment on New Teslas might lose Steam 9 months ago:
Honestly I actually had not thought about people sitting around waiting to charge. In my area there are tons of chargers, grocery store, Costco, the mall, movie theaters. My experience had been that people would charge while doing other things. Thanks for the insight into a good use for it.
- Comment on New Teslas might lose Steam 9 months ago:
Why is a car capable of playing games in the first place. I understand it’s not going to allow people to play while they drive but still. That just seems like an odd/bad idea.
- Comment on Classic quotes have such gravitas and authority to them, don't you think? 10 months ago:
Yep, totally that guy.
- Comment on Classic quotes have such gravitas and authority to them, don't you think? 10 months ago:
I read this in the voice of the one writer on “the late show is Stephen Colbert”
If you’ve seen it, you know the exact voice I’m talking about.
- Comment on Just horsey things 10 months ago:
I thought my joke was great, and then you had to blow it out of the water!
I legit laughed out loud when reading this. Thanks for some great joy this day internet stranger.
- Comment on Just horsey things 10 months ago:
- Comment on Roku has patented a way to show ads over anything you plug into your TV 10 months ago:
True. Good point.
I was thinking more along the lines that most companies won’t license something unless they absolutely have to. I should have said not ALL the other company’s will do it.