- Comment on How was your valentines day weekend? 1 week ago:
Hell ya! Stuff that crust!
- Comment on How was your valentines day weekend? 1 week ago:
Did the probe buy you dinner first? I imagine it was awkward with the radiologist being a third wheel the whole time.
- Comment on Very thankful 5 months ago:
Second only to a death, divorce is the biggest possible deal for a family, and I’m tired of people pretending like it’s not. It’s valid in cases of abuse, or if the unhappiness is to a degree where it becomes emotionally damaging to the kids, but divorce should not even be put on the list of available options. Divorce is what you do when none of the available options end up working.
- Comment on Very thankful 5 months ago:
Do you have kids? I used to hate when people would ask me that question before I had kids, because it seems to imply that having them places your opinion on a higher tier. Now that I do, I try and avoid it as much as possible for that reason, but I do understand that parenting is one of the theaters where theory space, and optimal practice, can be very different. The fact is, they never have to know, at least until they’re old enough to understand. They don’t have to know that Dad is sad when he’s alone with Mom, because we still have fun and laugh as a family when they are present. The lesson that I’m teaching them by example, is that it is better to have one bedroom than two, then to have to decide whether they want to live with mom or dad most of the time, that even though Mom and Dad civilly argue sometimes, we can still be a family, and be happy most of the time, rather than give up on a promise made before they were born because of factors they can’t possibly understand yet.
- Comment on Very thankful 5 months ago:
Oh hey. Did you spend some time as an adolescent male in the 90’s as well? I thought I recognized you.
- Comment on Very thankful 5 months ago:
Porn is the only reason I am still married. After our second kid, my wife’s already low sex drive dropped to asexual. She is a wonderful mother, but she is either willfully or ignorantly oblivious to any romantic advance. I get, on average, about one fully clothed, under-the-covers hand job every 6 months or so that’s so unenthusiastic that I am reminded why I stopped trying to get her to do it. I am sexually starving. The only thing I want in the world right now is to feel the warm touch of someone who actually wants to touch me again, but I’d rather die, lonely, but married to her than let my kids grow up in a broken home…
So ya, I jerk off to porn after she goes to bed.
- Comment on elucidating 🤌🏼 5 months ago:
How about this one: ‘Useless doesn’t mean valueless’
- Comment on elucidating 🤌🏼 5 months ago:
I’d like to see someone hand an LLM as many abstract sections as they can possibly find, and then have it generate the most generic, meaningless, fluff piece abstract/grant proposal/possibly silicon valley startup loan application, the world has ever seen.
- Comment on elucidating 🤌🏼 5 months ago:
Depends. What’s your field?
- Comment on Inside a Nuclear Power Plant 5 months ago:
I don’t know why, but I am SUPER into this meme format.
- Comment on Inside a Nuclear Power Plant 5 months ago:
Did you check ALL of your elephants?
- Comment on Amazon’s recommendations are getting a little too creepy 5 months ago:
Temu drugs would ship in a Ziploc sandwich bag with the name of the drug misspelled in black sharpie on a piece of tan masking tape stuck to it.
- Comment on Happy Weekend boiz 5 months ago:
That could be argued, but where does it stop? New stir bars? New thermometer probe every time?
- Comment on Happy Weekend boiz 5 months ago:
I themed the wet bar in my basement as a laboratory. There’s a drying rack on the wall that I use to store 15 mL beakers that I use a shot glasses. It’s fun. I’ve also found that a hot plate stirer with a thermometer probe and a vacuum filtration setup makes the best clarified butter easy as a snap!
- Comment on I'm so sorry 5 months ago:
No. It’s empty. I might as well have said “every giraffe that I currently own”.
- Comment on I'm so sorry 5 months ago:
All of the cash currently in my wallet will go to whoever can recreate this image again, except with all of the Kamales in the same position, and with the same facial expression and look of intensity as in the original image.
- Comment on I'm so sorry 5 months ago:
Is trump still doing Cameo?
- Comment on Basically a van 6 months ago:
Damn. She thicc…
- Comment on Uh oh 7 months ago:
Y tho?
- Comment on Uh oh 7 months ago:
Nice. This was the gamertag I picked to use on the DAY that Xbox Live came online. It’s followed me like a specter ever since.
- Comment on Uh oh 7 months ago:
Did you ever have to call for Air Superiority?
- Comment on Caw caw motherfucker 7 months ago:
Somebody explain these quotation marks immediately or I’m going to lose my shit.
- Comment on There’s a lot going on here 7 months ago:
I’d call the cops. Nobody is above the law.
- Comment on There’s a lot going on here 7 months ago:
I think it would break something irreparable in my brain if a really attractive 30-something year old woman in a sharp business suit stepped out of that car.
- Comment on What everyone gets wrong about the 2015 Ashley Madison scandal 8 months ago:
Dude. You got 3 whole messages?
- Comment on Hello lovelies!!! 8 months ago:
It’s cool. Thanks though. Trying to honestly be helpful is always in style.
- Comment on Hello lovelies!!! 8 months ago:
I don’t think that image uploaded correctly. It’s just blank below your comment.
- Comment on It's like a more challenging version of the trolley problem 8 months ago:
And landed with your dick in your mouth? I’m happy for you. I could when I was younger, bit I got too phat.
- Comment on It's like a more challenging version of the trolley problem 8 months ago:
No. That would be rude. A DICK GETS SUCKED!
- Comment on It's like a more challenging version of the trolley problem 8 months ago:
Have you learned nothing from James T. Kirk? Let them both die, and suck your own dick.