I am Zach, AKA AceFuzzLord, AKA Dizzy Devil Ducky!
- Comment on Lemmy’s essential 25 PS1 games 3 days ago:
My personal top pick (due to lack of playing psx in a long time) is Devil Dice (also known as XI in Japan if I remember correctly). I personally just play the arcade mode, though, since the other modes aren’t as fun in my opinion.
- Comment on The future of the internet is likely smaller communities, with a focus on curated experiences 3 days ago:
Definitely depends on the site because I’ve seen some impressive modern looking sites in the past, but a lot of sites I find on there definitely encapsulate that vibe in a great way.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 4 days ago:
Would the feature in that horror game Zort where you sometimes use the player respon item and it respons an NPC that will use clips of what a specific dead player has said while playing count as AI use? If so, that’s a pretty good use of AI in horror games in my opinion.
- Comment on What is your favorite retro racing game? 6 days ago:
No clue whether people consider the wii retro yet, but it’s a tie between Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity on wii (since that’s how I experienced it) or Cartoon Network Racing on PS2 (same reason). I’m fairly certain PS2 is technically retro by now, as insane as that sounds.
- Comment on nature is fucking narly 1 week ago:
I always knew mushrooms were evil and scary and absolute monsters.
- Comment on Amazon is changing what is written in books 1 week ago:
The bigger question is do they care. At worst they get a slap on the wrist by the US government. At best they get to control the narrative and have books like having history books on their platform talk about how the the Allies first striked Nazi Germany because they were lifting the country out of economic crisis and making the world a better place.
I doubt they’ll care or listen if EU says stop since they’ll just find a way around whatever they have planned to try and stop revisionist ideology from taking hold.
- Comment on Amazon's previous VP of Prime Gaming said they "tried everything" to disrupt Steam 1 week ago:
Fighting Steam as it stands now is like trying to fight an uphill battle on an 80° incline with ice covering the whole hill. It’s possible, but I doubt we’ll see anyone able to dethrone Steam so long as Valve keeps their principles and morals about not absolutely enshittifying everything to death on their end.
- Comment on Amazon's previous VP of Prime Gaming said they "tried everything" to disrupt Steam 1 week ago:
One of the only acception I have to the rule of multiple game managers is with emulation. For some reason I cannot stand having something like Emulation Station or anything else but for buying games, Steam is the absolute king with their platform.
- Comment on I miss myspace 1 week ago:
To be fair, it’s probably not the same, but there is Spacehey. It is described as a modern Myspace. Haven’t logged in to mine for a while since I still haven’t learned how to make a profile theme thing, but it’s pretty fun (coming from someone who was never there for the Myspace revolution).
- Comment on Gamers go offline in retro console revival | The Guardian 1 week ago:
Definitely don’t have a problem with emulating games and will probably emulate those titles, but I’d absolutely love to try on actual hardware since emulators can’t come close to that feeling of using the actual console.
- Comment on Gamers go offline in retro console revival | The Guardian 1 week ago:
Fair enough considering I have a few retro consoles.
Sega Genesis & Dreamcast, and PS2. The others I wouldn’t consider retro yet. Maybe in a few years, though, but not now.
Definitely looking in the future to get my hands on a Sega CD, Saturn, and Game Gear to have all the greatest retro consoles I could think of. Though that’s far off because of how expensive they are.
- Comment on Mastodon is working to add the controversial 'quote posts' feature | TechCrunch 1 week ago:
Okay, I get that they’re gonna add something that allows your posts not to be quoted, but what’s stopping me from just screenshoting a toot from someone that doesn’t wanna be quoted and adding that image to a toot of my own and using it as a quoted toot?
- Comment on Valve ban advertising-based business models on Steam, no forced adverts like in mobile games 2 weeks ago:
F-Drlid games definitely aren’t always the greatest, but I have been recently having a lot of fun with Feudal Tactics.
- Comment on | Game Lengths, Backlogs and more! 2 weeks ago:
Had a little bit of fun trying to get their search feature to return no results. Games with no actual end like Ardor obviously return nothin, so they’re not fun. Realized that just about every single game I could think of has an entry on their website. And that all the games I play aren’t obscure enough to be excluded from their record, even if there’s no time displayed.
The only thing that I found that wasn’t on their search, from my testing of random titles, was a pokemon fangame: Radiant Topaz. Everything else I tried was on there. Even a Spanish fangame called Pokémon Iberia (which I haven’t gotten around to because I can’t read Spanish) has a result. Even the short Christmas VN spin-off (prequel-esque story?) Christmas story of Brok the Investigator has an entry, and it’s only been out since December.
- Comment on Nintendo patent explains Switch 2 Joy-Cons’ “mouse operation” mode 3 weeks ago:
Sliding joycons against a flat surface? Cannot wait for it to come out they intentionally made them so piss poor that after a few times doing it, your joycon breaks and you need to get an official new one in order to use that feature, which will probably be shamelessly required to use an important feature in some place like their shitty store.
- Comment on YSK: This May Have Been Unstalled on Your Device Recently 3 weeks ago:
A25 here, so far I’m in the same boat, bloatware and all.
- Comment on No beans, only dogs 3 weeks ago:
I’ll take a Michigan, hold the mustard. Absolutely love chili dogs.
- Comment on Chinese-Made Patient Monitor Contains a Secret Backdoor 3 weeks ago:
Anybody surprised to this must clearly have never looked up any news whatsoever about Communist China once in their life. This kinda stuff is probably common enough that it makes American 3 letter agencies wanna end their lives in embarrassment.
- Comment on Elon Musk wants the U.S. to “Liberate the people Britain from their tyrannical government” 1 month ago:
Imagine that! Wannabe dictator asking whether or not they should invade a sovereign country! He’s truly a good person because he asked his people if they should invade instead of flat out invading!
- Comment on What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game? 1 month ago:
Don’t know if it’s the greatest joy, but I absolutely adore the sound effect in the original borderlands where you set a Crimson Lance person on fire and they scream before being disintegrated after their health depletes. Sounds horrible, but it’s just a sound I think they did a really good job on.
- Comment on Yay 1 month ago:
People with hundreds of open tabs are insane. How could anyone actually live like that while still being sane?
- Comment on It's 2025 now, what are the games you'll be starting the year with? 1 month ago:
Absolutely no clue. I have yet to even install it even once since buying it, but definitely plan on changing that this year.
- Comment on It's 2025 now, what are the games you'll be starting the year with? 1 month ago:
At some point, probably after my steam deck is fixed, I’m gonna have to start Psychonauts. It’s been sitting in my steam library for a while and I’m positive a steam deck would be able to play through it just fine, and better than both my desktop and laptop.
- Comment on Weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing this week? 1 month ago:
After 12 years, I finally have had a chance to play Sonic 4 Episode 2. Cleared the first world with ease and had a real fun time. I have episode 1 on wii but never got to play the second because it never released on wii. I could have at some point gotten it on xbox360, but I had bigger priorities of what games to get back then.
- Comment on China Wiretaps Americans in 'Worst Hack in Our Nation's History' 3 months ago:
And in a move not seen since Father Stone last visited Craggy Island, America said with a straight face and tone: “Okay.”
We need to get our shit together.
- Comment on Rebootless updates come to Windows 11 Enterprise and 365 for security updates — Microsoft releases hotpatching for Windows 11 Enterprise 24H2 and Windows 365 Preview Editions 3 months ago:
Rebootless updates coming to windows? They’re already decades behind Linux, so good for them, I guess, for implementing something solved a long time ago by a competitor far, far away.
Doesn’t effect me since I wouldn’t dream of using their win11 spyware OS for longer than absolutely necessary, but for those using Enterprise because your work absolutely hates everything, good for them.
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 3 months ago:
Haven’t been playing for a long time because I haven’t set up the xbox in a long while, but Borderlands 1. Have been playing that game on and off more than a decade now. I don’t think the base game (playthrough 1 only) on its own is 1000+ hours long, could be wrong, but it’s long enough, especially with the DLCs. I think I’ve beaten playthrough 1 and 2 with 2-3 of the characters and have yet to beat all the quests with any of them because of a certain DLC boss fight quest.
It’s a game I absolutely fell in love with. Started with the 2nd game, which my brother got, but I later got the 1st because I wanted to see how it was compared to 2 and I’m a bigger fan of the 1st game. Played the pre-sequel, it’s fun but not as good as 1 in my opinion, and have no experience at all with 3.
- Comment on As AI and megaplatforms take over, the hyperlinks that built the web may face extinction 3 months ago:
There is Neocities and a few other sites that allow you to make and share your own sites. Though some sites are more than just basic html, so experience will vary, but you can find basic pages dedicated to hobbies and such if you sift through them. Only problem with these sites/services, assuming the other ones are run like Neocities, is that you are given a pretty limited amount of space.
- Comment on A Netflix exclusive 3 months ago:
Man can’t fight any fighter his own age because he knows he’d be fucked, so he challenges older men out of their prime. What next? Is he gonna start challenging kindergartners to fight him so he can feel superior?
- Comment on Sonic Adventure DX gripe 3 months ago:
Unrelated to Adventures, but thanks to this post I rediscovered the Sonic Generations Unleashed Project mod (alongside some cool looking add-on mods). I saw a single video on the base mod years ago and completely forgot about it until today, so thank you for this, I guess, and also thank you to the person who posted the link to the mod site.