- Comment on Just posting some memes that would have hit hard in the 1920s-30s 2 weeks ago:
Could also split them into two factions that have a little war between each other with your town as a battlefield.
- Comment on imagine 4 weeks ago:
Isn’t one argument against GMO that they could spread and outcompete other crops? In that case a terminator gene would even be a good thing?
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 4 weeks ago:
I like to do a fun exercise every time I read something like this.
Swap the word for who you are accusing with some other group. If this make the statement distasteful then the statement is distasteful in it’s orginal form.
The Left like to blame men, the right like to blame immigrants so for example: “it’s a shame immigrants love to commit murder”.
Why is it okay to say men love to murder but not immigrants?
- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 2 months ago:
It’s only chaotic evil if you use it as such.
Could work as a televangelist for constipated people.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds reckons AI is ‘90% marketing and 10% reality’ 4 months ago:
Cryptocurrencies can be useful as currencies. Not very useful as investment though.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds reckons AI is ‘90% marketing and 10% reality’ 4 months ago:
Like with any new technology. Remember the blockchain hype a few years back? Give it a few years and we will have a handful of areas where it makes sense and the rest of the hype will die off.
Everyone sane probably realizes this. No one knows for sure exactly where it will succeed so a lot of money and time is being spent on a 10% chance for a huge payout in case they guessed right.
- Comment on A decline in arable land 4 months ago:
It’s not that they don’t have flat ground in Norway, it’s that most of it is vertical.
- Comment on I think my neighbor is hacking into my wifi so he can try to steal my beer wtf should I do? 6 months ago:
You can use those plastic xmas trees as long as you have enough metal ornaments in them.
I recommend metal tinsels because they are easier to ground.
- Comment on Somehow USB disks are still the easiest and most reliable way 7 months ago:
I used some app that was basically a gui for ssh/scp. Works wonders.
- Comment on Are smart door locks more or less secure than traditional door locks? 1 year ago:
They have a regular backup cylinder that has all the vulnerabilities of a regular lock.
On top of that they have a bunch of electronics that can be vulnerable.
I can’t see how it would be possible for them to be more secure unless you’re someone who leaves their keys around a lot and a smart lock would let you not have a key on you.
- Comment on How Does a Country's Debt Affect its Citizens? 1 year ago:
As usual the world is a complex place. But with a focus on simplicity rather than accuracy:
Responsibly used debt is a useful tool to grow your economy both today and in the future.
Irresponsible use will buy you something useless today that tomorrow’s tax payer will have to pay for.
Your government may build a bridge to transport goods from one place to another so business can grow and generate more tax longer and a school to educate the kids and a port to sell your stuff to foreigners. You could do this with taxes but if you are to pay for all of that with taxes you’ll have to raise taxes so much that people can’t afford to live for the 5 years it takes before they get the benefits from your projects.
Irresponsible use would be building all of this despite there being no need for it or if you take on more government debt to pay for the maintenance cost year after year. (Running a deficit on maintenance cost for a few years during bad economy can be less bad than raising taxes as long as it’s temporary).
- Comment on Open Steno Project (Plover): Typing At 300 WPM? 1 year ago:
WPM or KPM? The unofficial world record seems to be 293 WPM.
- Comment on Germany spends big to win $11 billion TSMC chip plant 1 year ago:
I fear it’s a necessary to spend money to ensure German and by extent European independence from China should they decide to increase the pressure on Taiwan.
We have to spend money to get the expertise and the tooling up and running. Preferably yesterday. How do you propose we do it quicker or cheaper?