- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 months ago:
We still have mass phenomenons and bringing 100 people together is plenty. What’s probably missing is local community.
- Comment on LegalEagle Suing PayPal's Honey 2 months ago:
That’s fair, I agree. I just find it a bit concerning that random people who try to make money off of affiliate links are encouraged to join this lawsuit about a client-side browser addon. I totally understand why people who have had sponsorship agreements with them would sue, but that’s purely between the two businesses.
- Comment on LegalEagle Suing PayPal's Honey 2 months ago:
Hope this case won’t be used against consumers in the future. If I want to use/make an extension that scrubs all affiliate links and cookies that should be legal, same with an extension that replaces all links/cookies with one I want to support. Advertisers and their partners have no rights to anything being stored/done on my devices.
Not defending what Paypal was doing, but the real issue for me is that they had no intention of actually finding the best codes/discounts, not what they did with affiliate links.
- Comment on JetKVM's Source Code is now public! ✨ 2 months ago:
Their FAQ says that they haven’t tested this with KVM switches but that it should work. PiKVM doesn’t always work well with switches, hoping this will be better. Because off-the-shelf IPKVM switches all seem rubbish, overpriced or both.
- Comment on JetKVM's Source Code is now public! ✨ 2 months ago:
- Comment on We are a lot more alike than we are different 3 months ago:
In the case of MAGA it’s more about Trump telling them it’s the minorities fault.
- Comment on We are a lot more alike than we are different 3 months ago:
Problem is that people are easily told that their less-than-optimal situation is the fault of those people, regardless of it being true or not.
- Comment on We are a lot more alike than we are different 3 months ago:
It may be more directed at them than you.
- Comment on Five flavors 🤤 4 months ago:
Well, there’s also “punk goes pop” stuff
My favorite. Those lyrics were surprisingly unsettling.
- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 6 months ago:
True, really wish that could just be a them problem though.
- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 6 months ago:
I agree, there doesn’t seem to be a good way to make voting not at the very least semi-public anyway so just stop a) pretending the information is protected and b) remove the not-a-disagree-button-but-totally-a-disagree-button. There is a report link for rules violations, maybe a separate one for spam would be good as well, otherwise, I don’t know, just allow people to add an actual poll to comments if they want to?
- Comment on Just do it ✅ 6 months ago:
Is this one of those hacking tools?
- Comment on Calculus made easy 10 months ago:
Yep, my issue is with the presentation, not the actual content. I’ve also experience my share of elitism from people who seem to think that you either get it or are too stupid/lazy, there couldn’t possibly also be an issue with the teaching methods and notation.
- Comment on Calculus made easy 10 months ago:
Algebraic notation breaks just about every rule programmers are taught about keeping their code human readable.
- Variable and function names should be descriptive
- Don’t cram everything into one line
- Break up large statements
- Consistency is key
- Don’t be fancy for fancy’s sake, don’t over-optimize (this is for learning, remember?)
- Add in-line comments for lines that aren’t easily grasped
- Be explicit when possible
- …
And then people wonder why so many just don’t “get it”.
- Comment on Antybooties 10 months ago:
The next question is going to be what the maximum number of steps an ant can store is and what happens when it overflows…
- Comment on LEARN THE DIFFERENCE PEOPLE 👏👏👏 10 months ago:
I hate your whimper
- Comment on local hunger games construction almost complete 1 year ago:
The law really need to be changed when it comes to this stuff, I’d rather take the inefficiency or even corruption than this (also inefficient and corrupt) nonsense.
- Comment on Phasers set to "Bitch please" 1 year ago:
To me the relationship between Stamets and Culber felt like the single island of humanity and goodness in the four seasons I almost got through. And then they fridged Culber, only to then bring him back with mushroom trauma. Not really the woke thing to do. Adira and Gray just seemed kinda pointless from what I remember, despite the somewhat interesting backstory.
What I found forced and entirely unnecessary was Lt. Connolly in the first episode of the second season.
- Comment on Learned from Kira 1 year ago:
That take seems too measured for some people, sadly.
- Comment on People are speaking with ChatGPT for hours, bringing 2013’s Her closer to reality 1 year ago:
What if there was a growing subset of computers that preferred not to communicate with their own kind. Does not respond to API requests, etc. but only to human emotional text input?
Troi: Have you ever heard Data define friendship? Riker: No. Troi: How did he put it? As I experience certain sensory input patterns, my mental pathways become accustomed to them. The inputs eventually are anticipated and even missed when absent. Riker: So what's the point? Troi: He's used to us, and we're used to him.
- Comment on Microsoft develops ultra durable glass plates that can store several TBs of data for 10000 years 1 year ago:
Yeah, also writing 10 GB of data to rolls of sticky tape in the late 90s. It can be done, but it’s not practical.
- Comment on Nooo! He is a pretty cat, and a good cat! 1 year ago:
That’s a very Brent Spiner thing to say, doesn’t mean he actually hated that cat. And it wasn’t just one cat playing the role anyway. Most if not all of them were good cats I’m sure.
- Comment on Skip server registration for selfhosted Rocketchat? 1 year ago:
I don’t have an answer for you, just a warning: This is par for the course when it comes to Rocketchat, every major version seems to come with another piece of nagware, another limit, another thing paywalled. I run a server for the non-profit I work for and they haven’t even replied to my mails about maybe offering more affordable licensing for non-profit/education. Rocketchat narrowly won out over Matrix when Covid started but it sure as hell wouldn’t now.
- Comment on Really, ….. it's my fault they built a terrible system? 1 year ago:
The author of this article is not nearly old enough to be a boomer though. This is outrage bait.
- Comment on Microsoft comes under blistering criticism for “grossly irresponsible” security 1 year ago:
Oh no!
Anyway, here’s your annual 10% increase in service cost because “there is no alternative”