- Comment on It probably won't give you nightmares or anything 2 days ago:
And the ReDead face huggers approaching as you are literally frozen in fear.
- Comment on He thinks they'll just GIVE him money? 2 days ago:
Also, can you imagine the effect on the market of increasing the population by 3 percent and absolutely none of them contribute anything to the production of this country? They are all either costing off of their investment portfolios or running companies in other countries. They would be parasites on the system.
Btw, big numbers are hard to visualize. So for context of how big a population increase 10 million people would be all at once… If they put all of those rich fucks into a hypothetical new 51st state, it would be the 11th biggest state by population. They could build a new equally big and densely populated New York City (8.2 million people) filled to the brim with non-contributing fat cats, and form the remainder in 40th largest state. If they formed a country, they would be more populated than Greece.
Trump is talking about absorbing the population of entire countries. And not the kind of people that will work in fields and factories and pay taxes and contribute to their new home. No. These are the kind of people that will just consume and extort and lobby for more money and power for themselves. This is a nightmare scenario.
- Comment on hate your job? how about you die and still have to do it 3 days ago:
It was certainly a waste of my Family Video rental fee
- Comment on hate your job? how about you die and still have to do it 3 days ago:
There are 4 sequels. I think I have only seen most of 2 and a part of 3. They’re super low budget and completely miss the point, as I recall.
- Comment on hate your job? how about you die and still have to do it 3 days ago:
Sacrifice your body, mind and autonomy to the system. Kill to protect property. Make every waking moment about maintaining and advancing our corporate overlords’ wealth and control.
This is the way.
- Comment on hate your job? how about you die and still have to do it 3 days ago:
With only about 34% of his body remaining.
- Comment on hate your job? how about you die and still have to do it 3 days ago:
In all fairness, the Starship Troopers sequels forget the point of the first film too. And the fact that movies are supposed to be watchable.
- Comment on US threatens to shut off Starlink if Ukraine won't sign minerals deal, sources tell Reuters 1 week ago:
Literal definition of extortion.
- Comment on Every package you receive has the chance of being a bomb 1 week ago:
Eh, they could very well have someone that wants to kill them. But it’s less likely that they have someone willing to take the risk of prison to do it though, or the knowledge of how to actually make a bomb
- Comment on Heh 1 week ago:
Those are not female presenting nipples. Those are moobs if ever I’ve seen em.
- Comment on Do most people still use computers, or do people only use a smartphone as their main/only device? 1 week ago:
I’m all software/data engineer, so for work I obviously use a computer all the time. I also have a very nice personal computer but it doesn’t get as much use anymore as it used to. I play the occasional game on it, use it for tracking our budget/finances and stuff once a month, manage my plex server, and do the occasional random task on it that requires things like typing or photo editing. But it’s not been getting a lot of attention since I finished school, even less since having my daughter.
My phone is my main device for most of my entertainment, web surfing, news reading, banking, etc. plus it keeps my todos/shopping lists, my wife and I’s shared calendar, my alarms, digital coupons for groceries, GPS… all of my regular day to day task helpers. Not to mention is takes and stores my photos, allows me to call and text people, and gives me mobile access to my cloud files and services. It’s definitely my primary device.
But I still love me computer and wish I had more time to do my own work on it.
- Comment on The Last of Us totally blew me away 2 weeks ago:
It’s been my favorite story driven game for many years
- Comment on Jeep Introduces Pop-Up Ads That Appear Every Time You Stop 2 weeks ago:
They’ll justify stuff like that by telling you they sold it to you at a discount price because the ads offset your costs. That’s what Amazon did with the cheap tablet I bought for my wife.
- Comment on Jeep Introduces Pop-Up Ads That Appear Every Time You Stop 2 weeks ago:
You don’t need to be allergic to advertisement to avoid shit like this. The fucking audacity of companies these days. There is no place they won’t get to shove the damn things to the detriment of every product, service, and personal moment. If they could put screens under your eyelids you’d have to watch drug ads one blink at a time and your dreams would be sponsored by AT&T.
- Comment on Be honest. Your first thought was would this be an advantage or disadvantage during masturbation 2 weeks ago:
His impatient finger tapping would be pretty epic too.
- Comment on Once you roll down the stairs, you're all set 3 weeks ago:
Well they better be, because if a wheelchair bound person makes it down thoae stairs, they are going to be there for a while and may need to use the toilet.
- Comment on NOAA Employees Told to Pause Work With ‘Foreign Nationals’ | An internal email obtained by WIRED shows that NOAA workers received orders to pause all “ALL INTERNATIONAL ENGAGEMENTS.” 3 weeks ago:
Global science community once again held back by shitty xenophobic governments.
- Comment on Hogwarts Legacy Official Mod Support Confirmed For This Week 4 weeks ago:
Yes, and you can’t divorce the fact that she profits from all official media associated with the Harry Potter and paying for said media inescapable enriches her more. However, it is also true that the team that made this game did an amazing job of a creating a hogwarts/ Wizarding world that feels real and amazing, that they do not support her bigotry, and that included a non-token well-respected open trans character who gets to share her story as part of the main quest line of the game. Supporting the game is not, in itself, support of trans bigotry. It’s complicated.
- Comment on New delivery 1 month ago:
That’s cuz she’s the whole package. Cute, fluffy, lazy, and roughly box shaped. The whole package.
- Comment on I never realized this 1 month ago:
I didn’t mock it. The meme did.
- Comment on I never realized this 1 month ago:
Sure. It would be personally meaningful. Changing your name is always meaningful, I would hope. But it is not contributing to the the dismantling of the patriarchal norms. Not every action has to be, of course. But the conceit of this post is implied to be that her intention was just that, a rejection of patriarchal naming conventions. If that was her intention, it was misguided and failed to achieve that goal.
- Comment on I never realized this 1 month ago:
The context of the meme implied she was doing it because she’s a feminist and that taking her mother’s name was somehow an expression of that. Of course she can do that, but it isn’t achieving anything if that was the goal
- Comment on I never realized this 1 month ago:
Wasn’t my post, just advocating for OP
- Comment on I never realized this 1 month ago:
Yeah… it can be interpreted that way. But even as a feminist myself, it is a dumb performative sort of protest. Paternal surnames are the least important fixtures of our patriarchal society, and, unless it was created wholecloth, there are no surnames that aren’t patriarchal historical lyrics, as the meme points out.
- Comment on I never realized this 1 month ago:
cough cough
- Comment on What do people (as in, IRL) actually think of the [alleged] perpetrator involved in the NYC shooting? 2 months ago:
… said the prosecutor reading the defendents online statements to the court.
- Comment on What do people (as in, IRL) actually think of the [alleged] perpetrator involved in the NYC shooting? 2 months ago:
I don’t really want to discuss this IRL since I’m a bit paranoid of mass surveillance and getting my voice recorded saying anything anti-establishment could put a target on my back
Wait till you find out the CIA can read…
- Comment on Assassin's Creed Shadows to Feature Denuvo & Mandatory Ubisoft Account Linking 2 months ago:
Stretching the definition of “feature”
- Comment on USA President term limits 3 months ago:
Honestly, I would be very surprised if he were disallowed. Not only because, as you said, it is unclear if the 12th amendment eligibility conditions apply to conditions added after the 12th amendment and make no reference to modifying it. But also because the 22nd amendment does not, in fact, specify that someone who has served two terms is ineligible to be President. Rather it is very specifically a condition about being elected to president. If we’re interpreting the constitution strictly literally, the 22nd amendment doesn’t make a new condition for eligibility to be President, only for being elected president. So the 12th amendment would not apply. That may not have been the intent, but if anyone thinks the same Supreme Court that ruled that the President hadls absolute immunity on the use of his presidential powers isn’t going to let Trump slide right through that loophole… well, you could probably convince them it was raining as you piss on their leg.
- Comment on USA President term limits 3 months ago:
The two term limit was set by the 22nd amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The language in it is that no person may be elected to the office of President for more than two terms. It does not specify any criteria about consecutive terms, meaning it doesn’t matter. They simply can’t be elected more than twice to the office President under any conditions. It also specifies that of they served more than two years as pedicab when they weren’t elected to that office (such as when a VP assumes the office after the President dies), they can’t be elected to the office of President more than once. In other words, 2+ year term of a president after succeeding the previous president whose term ends early, counts as a full term in regard to this 2 term limit.