- Comment on You did it. You broken the conditioning. 2 months ago:
Even used the lever to do so.
- Comment on Mushroom learns to crawl after being given robot body 5 months ago:
and so it begins
- Comment on "what happened??" 5 months ago:
I for one appreciate that ubisoft chose the top down view of poop as their logo. it’s the perfect symbol for everything they represent and they’re incredibly brave for wearing it proudly on their chest.
- Comment on Home routing and encryption technologies are making lawful interception harder, Europol warns 7 months ago:
Privacy Enhancing Technologies. A blanket term for anything protecting your identity (Onion, VPN, etc.) I feel like the people asking for this either have a very limited technical understanding of it or completely different motives. You can’t ban encryption. What they could do is ban VPN services from officially operating or certain protocols but that would mostly hit your regular user.
- Comment on Bill Gates says a 3-day work week where 'machines can make all the food and stuff' isn't a bad idea 1 year ago:
The amount of bullshit jobs that exist is insane. So many people in offices that either don’t do anything or barely anything. Then even more who could easily get all work done in half a work day. Then a gigantic amount that could easily do their work in 4 instead of 5 days or 6 instead of 8 hours. I’m typing this at work because of all the downtime I have and I still believe I get more work done then most of my colleagues.
- Comment on Bill Gates says a 3-day work week where 'machines can make all the food and stuff' isn't a bad idea 1 year ago:
I think the idea would be to have machines replace people wherever possible and then have multiple people split the work time where it isn’t. Why does one farmer have to work 24/7 if two could split the work and actually have a life outside of work?
- Comment on Mmusks new ideas 1 year ago:
Every day some engineer would have to answer his questions. “Can we remove brown?” “Pardon me?” “The color, brown, can we remove it?” “I’m sorry I don’t understand, remove it from where? I don’t think our rocket has any b-” “No, I mean from the world. Maybe with our satellites?” “I…don’t think that’s something we’ll be able to-” “How about birds? I don’t like them. They remind me of god.” “We…we’ll look into it.”
- Comment on Mmusks new ideas 1 year ago:
Bold of you to assume he’s not already doing that.