- Comment on [Disc]What is/are your must watch anime/s? 1 month ago:
Wow BBB referenced! Idk if I’d put it on the same level as FMA:B, but it’s a really fun modern fantasy setting.
- Comment on [Disc]What is/are your must watch anime/s? 1 month ago:
Oh man, I’ll give plenty of recommendations, where to start?
I think the best things to come out in the last year are Dungeon Meshi and DanDaDan. Both are at a level of quality and originality that I’d feel comfortable recommending them to anyone who likes anime. Neither are finished, but both come from animation studios with a very pedigree who I trust to continue doing great work.
I’ll also always recommend GOATs like Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Death Note, Cowboy Bebop, and Evangelion* pretty freely. Evangelion comes with the asterisk because I warn everyone how heavy it is, but I’d still push anime fans to go through it once because of how great it is.
Lastly, there’s a few I will recommend with many caveats. Stuff like JoJos Bizarre Adventure, One Piece, Panty + Stocking, Gurren Lagan, are all really, really great interesting and unique anime. They also have a lotta gooner bait in them. Sometimes it’s because the show is trying to to satirize gooner bait, sometimes it’s because the author is both a gooner and a talented mangaka, but I will give heavy warning beforehand and will usually only recommend these shows to people who watch a lotta anime.
- Comment on Has anybody played Foundation, the medieval city builder? Looking for a laidback game 1 month ago:
I have! It is very laid-back, but I also found it to be a bit lacking in content. That was like a year ago though, and it’s my understanding that they’ve added a lot more to the game since I played.
- Comment on 'An Era Has Ended': Original High School DxD Magazine Ceases Publication After Nearly 40 Years 1 month ago:
Love that they’re shouting out High School DxD, instead of a real classic like Slayers. Lina Inverse is about 40 years old, Rias Gremory is like half that.
- Comment on Justin Trudeau resigns as Canadian prime minister - live updates 1 month ago:
that’s my bad, it’s early and I got my centrist L parties mixed up.
- Comment on Justin Trudeau resigns as Canadian prime minister - live updates 1 month ago:
I’m surprised by the backlash, this is Labor’s only chance. I know it’s fun for the armchair political analysts to poke fun at the ones analyzing for money, but we can all see the same writing on the wall. Incumbents are fuckin losing, all around the world, to far-right challengers. The U.S. Democratic tried and utterly failed to change the optics on their party being responsible for corporations using a fucking pandemic as a smokescreen to tighten the clamps of late-stage capitalism with price hikes that will never come down. Labor still has to find a way to sell change from the status quo if they want to stay in power, so they’re taking a gamble. Maybe the issue really was that Biden dropped out too late, or maybe Americans really are dumber than Canadians. Either way, it was take this gamble of have a guaranteed loss. It’ll be interesting to see who takes Trudeau’s place, and whether they can sell themselves as enough of a difference in the ~8 months they’ll have.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
Why are you saying this in jest? Late-stage capitalism is a civilization ending event, like an aggressive cancer upon our collective reality. It will consume everything we have to give it and demand more in the pursuit of infinite growth.
- Comment on Rainbolt never misses 1 month ago:
Aren’t all of those essentially just city-states? I’ll forgive anyone who’s not able to tell which dot is which, that’s pretty fair.
- Comment on Rainbolt never misses 1 month ago:
Okay but like, how could you miss Lichtenstein? As long as it’s in scale, you should be able to know it’s the smallest country on the continent and go from there.
- Comment on How active is Lemmy now? 1 month ago:
I dunno, seems pretty good for queer spaces and shitposting, but I guess .world doesn’t know much about either.
- Comment on Has the USA turned into an oligarchy? 1 month ago:
I would argue that Citizen’s United effectively made it impossible for non-elites to meaningfully effect the US political process, forcing us down a road where only those who can raise the most money are considered eligible for political office.
- Comment on Has the USA turned into an oligarchy? 1 month ago:
It’s been an open oligarchy since Citizen’s United. Seems like a lot of people are just now seeing the effects of what that decision allowed. Our Supreme Court was already corrupt, but because they at least maintained an air of dignity, people just looked past the death of our democracy.
- Comment on Winners of the 2024 Lemmy Anime Awards 1 month ago:
Hey, I also watched DanDaDan!
Tbf, I think there’s a pretty big dip from the super popular anime to everything else that was nominated this year. I ended up giving up on voting, just because there was category after category where I’d only seen one or two of the shows listed.
- Comment on why does everyone i know treat me like a child or if i was a very childlike person?? 1 month ago:
Probably because you’re a child.
Sorry but I work with college students, if you’re not 25+ you’re another one of those children to me. Your writing style is very similar to theirs; it’s very stream-of-consciousness with overuse of punctuation to try and accentuate your “points.”
Grow up, get your spirit destroyed by the world, realize you can keep living without it, and I’m sure other adults will start to treat you like one.
- Comment on Tell her 2 months ago:
You should see how it feels first.
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 2 months ago:
No, I think he should escape into myth. I hope that he had a planned exit strategy for the end of this, and that he manages to flee the U.S. If he is caught, I believe he will be made an example, a metaphorical head on a pike to scare people off.
- Comment on Everytime 2 months ago:
Oh yeah, because all the weenie gobblin’ and teat suckin’ was good wholesome family fun.
- Comment on Joe Biden announces ceasefire deal to end fighting between Israel and Hezbollah 2 months ago:
They’re not in the hurry you seem to think they are. They’ve been exterminating the Palestinians for decades. Israel will tighten the noose, shrink their available land even further with illegal settlements, rest and re-arm their army, until another attack comes.
- Comment on Joe Biden announces ceasefire deal to end fighting between Israel and Hezbollah 2 months ago:
Guess international pressure has gotten loud enough that Bibi’s finally decided it’s time to reload. Guess the new settlements are a-go now that it’s “deserted land.”
- Comment on BACK IT UP 2 months ago:
It would suck for the rubes who can be fooled into taking poison, but it would be kinda based if RFK just legalized everything. Reality might turn to shit, but at least we can get high however we want!
- Comment on Electric Eels 3 months ago:
I’m confused by the premise. Don’t most fish require respiration? The phrase “obligate air-breather” conjures the image of an eel surfacing in order to gasp down a few lungfulls of air, but aren’t they just using gills to pull oxygen from the water to do so?
- Comment on Habits of Insects 3 months ago:
It directly generates profits, they’re just too stupid to understand how.
- Comment on Habits of Insects 3 months ago:
Won’t happen, or at least won’t be useful if it does. Lotta Chinese authors are faking data for the sake of the CCP and their studies don’t replicate. If that takes over, it’ll be like a global Dark Age.
- Comment on anyway, i started blastin' 3 months ago:
It’s stupid only because they try to rationalize it.
Comics Thanos just wants to commit genocide so his crush notices him. That’s also stupid, but he’s a big purple space alien so what can you expect? Using a magic space glove powered by stardust and wishfish to kill half of all life as an incredible gesture of his devotion to Death makes internal sense.
- Comment on same as it ever was 3 months ago:
these are the greatest receipts I could ever dream of.
- Comment on Warcraft 1 & 2 Remastered Editions Now Available 3 months ago:
god could they just do one thing right with this franchise? Thanks for falling on the sword for us, guess I’ll have to hold onto my pirated copy of OG Warcraft 3, since I can’t download the one I legally own.
- Comment on Patient gamers, what are your favorite OSTs? 3 months ago:
How has nobody mentioned Rimworld? Such an incredible soundtrack!
- Comment on You have a bad friend if he isn't willing to help you bury a dead body or if he is willing to help you. 3 months ago:
If you ask a friend to help you bury a body and they agree, that person is definitely a good friend. They’re a bad person for assisting you in murder, but you can be a good friend and a bad person.
- Comment on Russian TV companies demand 2 undecillion rubles from Google 3 months ago:
honestly at this point, why even use real numbers? Just ask for a bazillion rubles, it’s about as likely as 2 undecillion.
- Comment on Gandalf failed to consider incest, half my ancestors are related baby 3 months ago:
My ancestors are smiling upon my Imperial. Can you say the same?