Comment on [Disc]What is/are your must watch anime/s? 1 month ago
Oh man, I’ll give plenty of recommendations, where to start?
I think the best things to come out in the last year are Dungeon Meshi and DanDaDan. Both are at a level of quality and originality that I’d feel comfortable recommending them to anyone who likes anime. Neither are finished, but both come from animation studios with a very pedigree who I trust to continue doing great work.
I’ll also always recommend GOATs like Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Death Note, Cowboy Bebop, and Evangelion* pretty freely. Evangelion comes with the asterisk because I warn everyone how heavy it is, but I’d still push anime fans to go through it once because of how great it is.
Lastly, there’s a few I will recommend with many caveats. Stuff like JoJos Bizarre Adventure, One Piece, Panty + Stocking, Gurren Lagan, are all really, really great interesting and unique anime. They also have a lotta gooner bait in them. Sometimes it’s because the show is trying to to satirize gooner bait, sometimes it’s because the author is both a gooner and a talented mangaka, but I will give heavy warning beforehand and will usually only recommend these shows to people who watch a lotta anime.