- Comment on The surveillance tech waiting for workers as they return to the office 1 week ago:
Just another reason to keep away from shitty offices then!
- Comment on What are your Homelab goals for 2025? 2 months ago:
And here I am stuck in an apartment in NYC with one option… spectrum cable. That’s it. I mean you COULD get Verizon DSL (lol) or some horrendously overpriced LTE thing, but realistically you’re at the mercy of whatever bloodsucking landlord thinks you deserve.
- Comment on What are your Homelab goals for 2025? 2 months ago:
They’re actually quite annoying, the documentation is there but makes a lot of assumptions about what you already know.
I prefer podman systemd generate…just makes more sense to me.
- Comment on What are your Homelab goals for 2025? 2 months ago:
I snagged an old fiber LTO5 drive… just got to work out how to get it powered and then spend hours fiddling with silly old tapes.
- Comment on What are your Homelab goals for 2025? 2 months ago:
ipvlan / macvlan containers?
- Comment on BBC staffers reveal editor's 'entire job' to whitewash Israeli war crimes 2 months ago:
A lot of people don’t like what’s happening, don’t like the people loudly supporting it and are working as best they can to do something about it. There is international pressure from nations that have experienced parallels (South Africa, for one) and although it looks like nothing is happening, there are things going on which are not reported on and actively minimized, which nevertheless apply pressure to the bad actors in the situation.
It’s disappointing how many people, particularly in the west, are displaying bad political judgment…well, it’s almost like they aren’t thinking about it at all… but that’s just going to have to catch up with them as a consequence later on. This has had the effect of serving to reveal an entire crop of bad actors, which we all know must be removed.
Make no mistake - We Will Never Forget.
- Comment on MPs vote in favour of historic bill to allow assisted dying after emotional debate 2 months ago:
I don’t think anyone could look at the evidence and come to a different conclusion, honestly.
- Comment on MPs vote in favour of historic bill to allow assisted dying after emotional debate 2 months ago:
I’d hoped nobody would come to the conclusion that was the core argument, but it is a consideration.
And I would like to draw attention to the totalitarian nature of our attitudes towards suicide. It’s been enforced heartlessly for a very long time - if you commit suicide, you’ll go someplace worse. It’s this, it’s that. All ultimately to remove the last escape for people who are in some form of extreme physical, mental, emotional or existential pain to the point where they don’t believe there’s another solution.
I’d sooner discuss why we have those attitudes - maybe it’s so we get a free pass to be extractive and shitty whilst simultaneously denying the people we abuse even the dignity of leaving on their own terms.
- Comment on MPs vote in favour of historic bill to allow assisted dying after emotional debate 3 months ago:
Suicide is not assisted, leaves a mess for those that discover a corpse, EMT’s and others to clean up. Someone’s suffering might end when they jump in front of a train but the train driver’s suffering only just begins at that point.
Suicide is often an unmanaged, chaotic process which causes trauma. It also often fails whilst leaving those that attempt it in bad physical shape. A law like this reduces the necessity of discussing, normalizing or enabling suicide because there is a safe and properly counseled path out of a no-win situation for those that truly need it. A policy on containment when there are probably household cleaners that could do the job effectively with a small amount of chemistry knowledge is absolutely insane - and if someone truly is in that much pain, they’ll find a way. Families and loved ones also have time to work through grief and loss rather than getting the wind knocked out of them when they hear the news.
The fact that we’ve hit a point where we can even have a discussion about this is probably something that should be celebrated, rather than being so totalitarian and controlling that we effectively force people to live even when they’re in enormous pain.
- Comment on Sympathy for their PTSD 4 months ago:
ah yes… “I was only following orders” - Otto Adolf Eichmann
- Comment on Baidu CEO warns AI is just an inevitable bubble — 99% of AI companies are at risk of failing when the bubble bursts 4 months ago:
Maybe real estate?
- Comment on Sympathy for their PTSD 4 months ago:
Just as Chris Hedges predicted.
- Comment on Solar panels between railway tracks? 4 months ago:
Is this the same bunch of people that wanted to make solar roads/bike lanes too?
I could see a solar road working with some kind of passive heating medium circulated underneath but even then, the maintenance on that would be a nightmare. We can barely maintain all the roads we have already, and that’s just goopy rocks and grading.
- Comment on AMD announces unified UDNA GPU architecture — bringing RDNA and CDNA together to take on Nvidia's CUDA ecosystem 5 months ago:
Yep. My paycheck has sadly not scaled in a similar manner :(
- Comment on AMD announces unified UDNA GPU architecture — bringing RDNA and CDNA together to take on Nvidia's CUDA ecosystem 5 months ago:
Will I even be able to afford one? Still rocking a Radeon VII here…
- Comment on Some basic info about USB 5 months ago:
I can’t even find a decent PCIE USB/Thunderbolt card (one that support VFIO would be nice and actually has a Linux kernel driver, so ASM and Renesas are both out…)
- Comment on Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills 5 months ago:
I believe it’s a little more sinister than that. There is less education around these issues because many services have adopted a highly polished, “Walled-Garden” approach to their presentation. This keeps people who’ve grown up with the concepts in their walled garden loyal to that specific service, and makes it difficult for people to dig under the hood and work out how things really function without the sugar coating. They get irritated quickly because they’re used to everything “Just working” and don’t have experience on more open systems.
Therefore, they would like there to be no need for tech education unless you plan on a professional career as a tech.
As long as ownserhip don’t get carried away with enshittification chasing next quarter’s finance call and drive users away by annoying them into putting the extra effort in to learning about alternatives, they could keep it that way forever.
- Comment on Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills 5 months ago:
There’s also the term Xennials , which is 1977-1983.
- Comment on Climate scientists flee Twitter as hostility surges 5 months ago:
It appears to have ceased development. AFAIK it still works if hooked into a “valid” user account, but since I don’t have one and am increasingly less likely to consider that path, it’s a moot point.
- Comment on Climate scientists flee Twitter as hostility surges 6 months ago:
Ever since Nitter died I haven’t paid any attention to anything on musks’ little fiefdom at all.
I wish the political economics guys would move… I really miss Tim Sahay/70sbachchan & Mark Blyth.
- Comment on An angry admin shares the CrowdStrike outage experience 7 months ago:
That dude should not have put up with that.
- Comment on An angry admin shares the CrowdStrike outage experience 7 months ago:
80% of our machines were hit. We were working through 9pm on Friday night running around putting in bitlocker keys and running the fix. Our organization made it worse by hiding the bitlocker keys from local administrators.
Also gotta say… way the boot sequence works, combined with the nonsense with raid/nvme drivers on some machines really made it painful.
- Comment on Internet Archive forced to remove 500,000 books after publishers’ court win 8 months ago:
Yeah, kinda funny how it’s OK when there’s a bunch of neoliberal gangsters like larry summers behind it, right?
- Comment on Internet Archive forced to remove 500,000 books after publishers’ court win 8 months ago:
Well, except scumbags like eric adams, NYC’s bought-owned-and-operated-by-real-estate-interests mayor.
- Comment on ‘They Are Just Pissed Off’: Scott Galloway Warns Young People Are ‘Opting Out of America’ As Older Generations Failed Them 10 months ago:
They didn’t have to swallow and blindly vote for the propaganda they were immersed in, and at any time they could have collectively decided it was the wrong direction to be going.
Instead, they willfully and gladly kept voting for the same conservative policies and didn’t make the connection as to why their lives and their kids’ lives were getting worse. That was a choice.
- Comment on Boston Dynamics introduces a fully electric humanoid robot that “exceeds human performance” 10 months ago:
The sun will start increasing in luminosity within a billion years, at which point it will be intense enough to cause rocks to begin soaking up CO2 to a point where photosynthesis will become difficult, and the planetary food chain will collapse.
The hour is much later than we think. Maybe another supercontinent cycle or so?
- Comment on Boston Dynamics introduces a fully electric humanoid robot that “exceeds human performance” 10 months ago:
The hour’s growing late there. We needed to solve that problem before this technology became available. Just need useful life-extension technology and then it’ll just be a bunch of rich psychopaths running around the planet, and everyone else will be disposed of.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I recently had to hold my nose to see a band I’ve been following for a very long time.
The venue utterly sucked, treated like cattle, tighter security than getting on a plane flight. Pathetic.
Ticketmaster/livenation can go die in a fire.
- Comment on Broadcom yanks ESXi Free version, effective immediately 1 year ago:
I managed to migrate all mine to libvirt when I dumped esxi. They dropped support for the old opteron I was running at the time, so I couldn’t upgrade to v7. Welp, Fedora Server does just as well and I’ve been moving the VM hosted services into containers anyway.
Ofc… well, we’ll see what IBM does with RedHat. Probably something like this eventually. They simply can’t help themselves.
- Comment on 2024 could be the year the PC finally dumps x86 for Arm, all thanks to Windows 12 and Qualcomm's new chip 1 year ago:
I’m rather hoping RISC-V comes up and eats their lunch before it happens.
My reasoning for this is that I’ve lost too many hours trying to kludge finnicky ARM boards into supporting proper mainline video acceleration. It’s awful. It’s horrible. It’s a waste of time.
The silly x86 SBC I got worked out of the box with OneAPI with no complaints at all.
The ARM boards ran the gamut from gibberish/garbage rendering, dropped frames, washed out images because of cheap tricks to up performance.
I know this is more down to the weak (and proprietary) video cores included on these boards… but after spending a significant amount of time playing with them, I’m going to say “No, thank you.”