- Comment on I firmly believe all 3-4 letter acronyms will eventually be used for evil. 2 days ago:
How could something positive like inclusion equality and diversity be used for evil? /s
- Comment on The Volkswagen ID. EVERY1 is an affordable EV for the masses 2 days ago:
How do you know? What car would somebody buy if they cared about those things? There are no choices. There is not enough competition to have enough choices.
- Comment on The Volkswagen ID. EVERY1 is an affordable EV for the masses 2 days ago:
- Comment on The Volkswagen ID. EVERY1 is an affordable EV for the masses 2 days ago:
Ok mr reviewer
Why don’t you tell us less about WV’s strategy a more about how the car is.
Does it spy on you? What kind of EULA will I need to agree to? Does it have car play/android auto? Does it have a 4G antenna to connect to VW servers even if I don’t enable the feature? Does it have an app? In what ways is VW going to try to get subscription money from me? How much does servicing cost? How much will a set of brake pads cost? Does VW support 3rd party repair shops? Does VW try to lockdown parts and forbid 3rd party repairs? Can it be remotely disabled? By me, by VW, by law enforcement? What happens when the battery needs replacing?
- Comment on Brother accused of locking down third-party printer ink cartridges via forced firmware updates, removing older firmware versions from support portals 4 days ago:
Brother loosing all competitive advantage they had via reputation. Doing a very big 180 and reversing the changes and commiting to not his BS is the only way to undo this
- Comment on Judges Are Fed up With Lawyers Using AI That Hallucinate Court Cases 5 days ago:
Nice all the work that the lawyers saved will be offset by judges having to verify all the cases cited
- Comment on Judges Are Fed up With Lawyers Using AI That Hallucinate Court Cases 5 days ago:
Because AI is better than humans and finding relevant court cases. If you are a lawyer and you cite a court case that you didn’t even verify it exists you deserve that sanction and more.
- Comment on Kindle Is Making It Harder to Switch to Rival eReader Brands. 2 weeks ago:
When you jailbrake the kindle you can download the ebooks from Amazon to the PC?
- Comment on Reddit plans to lock some content behind a paywall this year, CEO says | Reddit executives also discussed how they might introduce more ads into the social media platform 3 weeks ago:
Please reddit, make more bad decisions faster so people can overcome switching costs finally
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
I love that movie
- Comment on Im watching an episode of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, filmed in black and white. In this scene a guest is showing glass making. What is going on with the film to make these black areas by the flame? 3 weeks ago:
Orthicon halo:
www.electricalfun.com/ElectronCafe/Image_O rthicon_tube.aspx
- Comment on Im watching an episode of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, filmed in black and white. In this scene a guest is showing glass making. What is going on with the film to make these black areas by the flame? 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Im watching an episode of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, filmed in black and white. In this scene a guest is showing glass making. What is going on with the film to make these black areas by the flame? 3 weeks ago:
Looking at the picture, my theory may be wrong. There is a black spot on the torch too far from the hot glass.
My other theory is that the flames where so bright they had to edit the footage. Old film developers had a technique to darken an area called “burning”. It was not so precise to cover over the flame so the are around the bright spots got darkened as well.
Modern HDR can have a similar effect. When an algorithm can’t be sure of how dark an area between a dark and a bright spot must be, it make the transition gradually causing the “HDR Effect” where, for example, the sky gets brighter the closer you get to the horizon, building, subject.
- Comment on Im watching an episode of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, filmed in black and white. In this scene a guest is showing glass making. What is going on with the film to make these black areas by the flame? 3 weeks ago:
Hot glass emits sodium vapors. Sodium vapors block the wavelength of the light that the film is sensitive to. The torch emits on wider spectrum so the torch flames are leaving an impression on the film.
Glassblowers didymium goggles block the torches spectrum but can’t hide the hot sodium emitting light. The hot gas that you can see when looking though glassblowers goggles is what looks black in your photo.
- Comment on Rackspace moving some of its own workloads off VMware 4 weeks ago:
They sell VMs…
- Comment on Clippy's coming for you 3 months ago:
Ask me again later
- Comment on I'm back with another great recipe 4 months ago:
Only of you insist it’s an omelette
- Comment on Telegram is exposing their users privacy. 5 months ago:
All.non E2EE chat apps do this. Also Apple, Facebook, google etc. And don’t forget the us gov has no problem giving a gag order and demand backdoors and encryption keys (lavamail).
- Comment on Secret calculator hack brings ChatGPT to the TI-84, enabling easy cheating 5 months ago:
It sounds fake because it sounds like they only used software hacks. But they also added a microcontroller board in it with wireless networking
- Comment on Name generator 5 months ago:
Chimi Changa
- Comment on DeArrow is an open source browser extension for crowdsourcing better titles and thumbnails on YouTube. 5 months ago:
I wished this morning existed way before it was out. I have been using it from day 1. I love it.
- Comment on Could an American please prove me wrong? 6 months ago:
That’s megandorra. Andorrassive?
- Comment on Cords 6 months ago:
There are electrical panel accessories that automatically isolate the house
- Comment on Common printing questions 8 months ago:
It’s the raspberry pi of printers. It’s good for hobbyist and as a learning platform. its very cheap to get/mod and find parts.
But it’s not reliable enough for someone who wants printed parts. People who know 3d printing will underestimate the knowledge needed to use one of them.
- Comment on Common printing questions 8 months ago:
Chuck the bed tlin the fridge for 1-2 mins
- Comment on Common printing questions 8 months ago:
Lower layer height will make the steps smaller. In orca slicer you can use adaptive layer height to decrease layer height just on the top of the dome.
Choosing different printing orientation can be a solution.
- Comment on OrcaSlicer V2.1.0 Official Release 8 months ago:
It’s worth giving a try
- Comment on Stack Overflow Users Are Revolting Against an OpenAI Deal | WIRED 9 months ago:
Smelly neeerds
- Comment on Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app 10 months ago:
Probably but i am not
- Comment on Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app 10 months ago:
I use the TOPT features and i dont have a paid account