- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
My mom made no such effort, and gave up on calling me Jessica a couple of years ago. I’d cry my eyes out if she had sent me what your dad sent you. I know that she loves and cares about me, but she also refuses to see me as how I truly am. It’s such an odd experience, hurtful at many times. But she also bought me a car last year, and has offered to help me bridge the gap when I was off work for 2 weeks due to an injury. In spite of her non-support, I love her dearly.
What I’m getting at is that familial relationships are nuanced. Give your dad some credit for taking the time to research what being trans is about. Of course there is more to it than just the medical side of things, but he is trying.
Your age also factors into this as well.
My stepfather made several transphobic statements while he was alive. If he was still with us, I’d bet his conservative worldview would have changed a bit. I still hold him in high regard, because I know that he loved me and just wanted what he thought was best.
TL;DR: Family relationships are hard, and it seems like your dad is trying.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Without knowing the nuances of OP’s relationship with their father, it would seem that dad is trying. That text sounds like someone who did a lot of research and is trying to show that they cared enough to read up on the trans experience. Whether that leads to acceptance is something only OP will know or at least have an idea of.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Come on now. Having therapy should not be a requirement, but it should be encouraged. When someone has the courage to come out as trans, it can be a very difficult time. Having a professional that helps people who experience gender dysphoria can be a life saver. How many trans people have to go it alone in the beginning of their journey? If they have the means, I’d recommend it. Just reading studies or participating in trans spaces, for some folks, is not enough.
- Comment on Teens spend a big chunk of school days on their smartphones. 4 weeks ago:
No way
- Comment on Do you allow transphobic mods? 4 weeks ago:
Literally nobody in the trans community cares about this topic until conservatives discovered it was effective.
- Comment on Reddit is purging NSFW subs as well as trans-related subreddits 4 weeks ago:
Just thinking the same thing. I wonder if this gets reversed or not.
- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 2 months ago:
My son and I played COD Mobile. Domination at Shipment before my dad arrived. We just got these two assault rifles gold, and we started the grind to diamond. It’s a fun game, without having to pay to win to enjoy.
- Comment on Efficient Seed Extraction 4 months ago:
Thanks, I hate it.
- Comment on Nintendo Is Now Going After YouTube Accounts Which Show Its Games Being Emulated 5 months ago:
From the article:
However, there will be some who argue that these emulation handhelds – which often come pre-loaded with hundreds of games without paying the copyright holders a single penny – are legally dubious at the best of times, and Nintendo is well within its rights to try and shut down any outlet which promotes them.
That is absurd. The copyright holders make nothing regardless, as the games are not for sale anymore.
Switch emulation is definitely up for debate. But hardware and games that are no longer made? Come on now…
- Comment on Looks like it was a ... boobie trap 6 months ago:
I don’t see it. Trap being a slur is a minority opinion in the trans community.
- Comment on Looks like it was a ... boobie trap 6 months ago:
Could you point out the bigotry?
- Comment on Looks like it was a ... boobie trap 6 months ago:
Some people consider trap to be a slur. Idk, the people who post on r/traps embrace it.
- Comment on USA | Trump will speak from behind bulletproof glass at outdoor rallies 6 months ago:
Well that ruins the fun
- Comment on ISP to Supreme Court: We shouldn’t have to disconnect users accused of piracy 6 months ago:
Neon lights and vaporwave when you open the lid. It’s the bees knees.
- Comment on What is the actual point of a bra? 7 months ago:
It is a great, great feeling.
- Comment on Joe Biden’s ‘red line’ is an invasion of Rafah. So what happens if Israel attacks? 9 months ago:
He didn’t really mean it like that. What he meant was that regardless of Israel’s war crimes, he’ll still send them bombs and call anyone who disagrees an antisemite.
- Comment on Dating app Bumble will no longer require women to make the first move | CNN Business 10 months ago:
Yes, yes it was. It is now basically the same as every other thirst trap out there.
- Comment on Iraq: Authorities must urgently repeal new law criminalizing same-sex relations 10 months ago:
Something tells me that they will not repeal their barbaric law.
- Comment on This is at Jorvik Viking Center. 11 months ago:
Hey Sharon!
- Comment on Beautiful 11 months ago:
It better be a real tattoo, or we’ll know!
- Comment on is this copium or hopium or schizophrenia? 11 months ago:
Very well said. It’s such a shame to know that there is something better out there, what it looks like isn’t exactly clear, but there is a better way. The workers truly need to unite, for the benefit of us all.
- Comment on is this copium or hopium or schizophrenia? 11 months ago:
I can confidently say we won’t do any of these things until we can kill capitalism and trends towards autocracy.
So basically never. The appetite of the regular person to revolt is nonexistent, unfortunately.
- Comment on Tesla starts shipping $3,000 Cybertruck tent, looks nothing like what was unveiled | Electrek 11 months ago:
It’s not rust, it’s a P a t i na
- Comment on Get Your Own Fediverse Trading Cards! 1 year ago:
Cops are pigs, yes.
- Comment on Get Your Own Fediverse Trading Cards! 1 year ago:
A pig thought that the sound of an acorn falling on to his vehicle was a gun shot. So the fucking idiot yelled ‘shots fired’ while emptying his magazine into his vehicle, where a man was currently sitting inside, being detained. That man was traumatized because someone thought it would be a good idea to give that idiot pig a job.
- Comment on Wi-Fi jamming to knock out cameras suspected in nine Minnesota burglaries -- smart security systems vulnerable as tech becomes cheaper and easier to acquire 1 year ago:
These are 3 outdoor cameras I helped setup for my bestie. I’m pretty sure she went with a no name brand. The UI is the same UI you see in other basic NVR’s out there. It was likely an Amazon or Costco purchase. This was a few years ago, the details are a bit hazy. I helped setup the software on a non-PoE system and it looked exactly the same. I’m sorry I couldn’t be of much help…
- Comment on Wi-Fi jamming to knock out cameras suspected in nine Minnesota burglaries -- smart security systems vulnerable as tech becomes cheaper and easier to acquire 1 year ago:
Heck yeah. In addition to POE, I’ve got a power line adapter setup to the NVR so that the cams are all hardwired to the modem/router combo. It’s fast enough for remote viewing in HD.
- Comment on Popular mobile puzzle game classic Threes! is launching on PC for its 10th anniversary 1 year ago:
This has become a bit of a rollercoaster here. Looks like 2048 peaked around 2014, according to Google Trends. Apple Arcade launched 5 years later. So it turns out that it doesn’t line up.
- Comment on Popular mobile puzzle game classic Threes! is launching on PC for its 10th anniversary 1 year ago:
I had not considered that, good point.
- Comment on Waffle Squarf 1 year ago:
Da-da da da!