- Comment on Raise Wages? No Need — McDonald’s Is Hiring Inmates Instead 5 months ago:
ADOC transports dozens of incarcerated people per day to jobs at government agencies and private businesses around Alabama, including KFC, Wendy’s, and McDonald’s franchises. ADOC also delivers inmates to meatpacking plants run by companies like Koch Foods and Gemstone Foods
Don’t leave out the rest
- Comment on So Starbucks’ CEO commutes to work by private jet? Let’s not pretend the super-rich care about the planet 6 months ago:
Remember when all those politicians, actors, and activists went to that global climate change meeting on private planes?
Rich ppl will do nothing if it even inconveniences them a smidgen.
- Comment on California Grid Breezes Through Heat Wave due to Renewables, Batteries 7 months ago:
Guam is not hurricane proof.
Typhoon Mawar
Despite being the strongest storm to strike the island in over 20 years, overall structural damage was relatively limited. However, the typhoon’s powerful winds did defoliate and uproot trees, topple billboards, and tear tin roofing from buildings. Floodwaters in Yona were reported to be waist-deep. Guam Memorial Hospital suffered some damage as typhoon shutters gave out, walls collapsed, and windows broke. Torrential rains pouring through damaged areas of the building caused staircases to flood with water. The hospital’s kitchen caught fire during the storm, leaving it useless.[88] Four piers operated by Mobil were damaged at the Port of Guam. Along Piti Channel, three barges, two mobile crane barges, and a derelict vessel were grounded. Two tugboats sank during the storm, forcing crew members to abandon ship. A dry dock at Cabras Island sank. The Sumay Cove Marina at Naval Base Guam suffered damage. Navy Rescue 21 Search and Rescue towers were rendered inoperable
President Joe Biden declared Guam a major disaster area on May 27, enabling the distribution of federal funds. A total of 150 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) personnel were on the island by this point. Guam Delegate James Moylan penned a request to FEMA for the distribution of supplies from a warehouse containing over 1 million units of water and 900,000 meals.
Damages from Mawar to businesses were estimated to be US$111.8 million, The Guam Memorial Hospital’s reported damages were at least US$12 million, and The Port Authority of Guam has estimated US$8.2 million in damages, excluding the assessments of fuel piers. A prison in Guam sustained US$2 million.
- Comment on California Grid Breezes Through Heat Wave due to Renewables, Batteries 7 months ago:
There is not place on the planet that is hurricane proof. They’re the most power thing on planet earth. Texas is infrastructurally in the dark ages but California would be left in the dark too if a catogory 1 or 2 made direct landfall. And I say this as someone who’s lived in the mid Atlantic
- Comment on O Yea 7 months ago:
This is unironically one of the best examples character acting I’ve ever seen.
- Comment on Freeloaders 8 months ago:
Because of America’s greatest fear, that if we do something that benefits people, we might accidently help the wrong people. People who aren’t even white.
You just explained how unions fell apart, pensions stopped being a thing, schools lost funding, college education went up, and social safety nets disappeared.
I constantly come back to this quote from LBJ
“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”
- Comment on Just doing my part 🤡 1 year ago:
Main issue with that is shipping, of course the government could give them subsidies to cut the costs
- Comment on Roll for initiative 1 year ago:
Throwing a toaster in the tub = lightning bolt
- Comment on 23andMe’s fall from $6 billion to nearly $0 — a valuation collapse of 98% from its peak in 2021 1 year ago:
$5 says she ends up selling all the user data some unsavory characters after the bottom falls out.
Well all the data that hasn’t been leaked already
- Comment on B.C. police secretly took DNA from Kurdish community in tea-cup sting to solve murder 1 year ago:
Maybe you don’t like your privacy being violated but the rest of us do
- Comment on After injecting cancer hospital with ransomware, crims threaten to swat patients 1 year ago:
Especially when the duty officers responsible for your protection can be the ones that can put your life at risk with unverified reasons bordering institutional paranoia.
How black America has always seen police
- Comment on Microsoft poised to overtake Apple as most valuable company 1 year ago:
Great, I hate it
- Comment on Over 80 percent of new cars sold in Norway were electric in 2023 1 year ago:
The problem is ppl forget that manufacturing of EVS adds to the climate crisis too. REDUCE and REUSE. Ideally we should be reducing the use of personal cars and focus on public transport. That an reusing older model cars (even ICE’s) that are more fuel efficient
- Comment on Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads 1 year ago:
This land was founded on genocide of natives and the enslavement of black ppl. Since when was there ever freedom in the US?
- Comment on A fair trade 1 year ago:
- Comment on Both have gotten way worse 1 year ago:
Bigger sizes automatically come with piss
- Comment on The stainless steel body of Tesla's Cybertruck is reportedly leading to issues with gaps in between the panels 1 year ago:
- Comment on X accused of illegally firing employee who criticized Elon’s return-to-work plan 1 year ago:
That didn’t sound as smart as you thought it did
- Comment on ‘Daredevil’ Hits Reset Button as Marvel Overhauls Its TV Business 1 year ago:
Is anyone else just tired of the MCU? It’s just become so…Disney. So safe and unwilling to take chances.
- Comment on Netflix is planning to raise prices... again 1 year ago:
Oh boy. Here I go pirating again
- Comment on Nothing to see here, just join lemmy promoting a pedophile instance. Not a good look for the fediverse 1 year ago:
Reddit had r/jailbait and the r/ the Donald. This instance is just a turd in a ocean of normal and niche communities.
- Comment on Why is everyone so giddy about the flooding thay happened at burning man? 1 year ago:
Census data does kinda prove the healthy wealth gap between attendees and the average American
- Comment on Netflix says people just kind of rolled over and accepted the password sharing crackdown 1 year ago:
Started mine a few months back
- Comment on Horror 1 year ago:
Does any other culture get so stupidly defensive over their food like Italians? If you paid for it you can put anything dumbass thing you want on your pizza.