- Comment on New Housebuilding in the UK Held Back by Pollution from Factory Farms 2 months ago:
Same banality of evil that causes millionares row in New York to mostly just be a bunch of empty skyscrapers. Property makes an excellent investment vehicle and restricting the supply keeps prices high.
- Comment on New Housebuilding in the UK Held Back by Pollution from Factory Farms 2 months ago:
More like the UK government (and every damn government since I’ve been alive) just hates housebuilding and will come up with any reason to prevent it.
- Comment on For me, Cyberpunk 2077 was uninteractive and has low replayablility value. 2 months ago:
I agree the main story isn’t that re-playable, though I’d say phantom liberty is worth 2 playthroughs because the endings diverge pretty heavily and actually have gameplay to go with them. I find the best way to play it is to do minnimal main story, crank up the difficulty, maybe install some mods and then play it as an rpg with all the side gigs.
My mod list: `_----Cyber Engine Tweaks---- Mods----
MOD-SETTINGS…----Overhaul Mods----
Responsive NPCs
Night City Alive…
Random Netrunners
Immersive First Person
Virtual Atelier…
Virtual Atelier all clothes…
Browser Extension`Installed just using Vortex Mod Manager, played on very hard and trying to pick the stats and gear that I think I would pick if I actually got isekai’d into cyberpunk or something, also no crafting guns except when home at my apartment.
- Comment on Steam games will now need to fully disclose kernel-level anti-cheat on store pages 2 months ago:
Most gamers don’t know that easy anti-cheat is a rootkit to begin with.
- Comment on Eat lead 2 months ago:
Counter handwave, any god that would do that is a jerk who doesn’t deserve worship. (Actually like 99% of the shit most faiths deities do falls into that category.)
- Comment on Should you trust that doctor? 3 months ago:
Technically zoidberg should be further right on the training axis than everyone else on it combined, He’s literally the best doctor in the universe for every single species other than humans.
- Comment on Infinite Suffering 3 months ago:
Well their heads aren’t on the tracks and they’re immortal, I bet we could rig some kind of device to make them total praplegics and then work on a direct neural interface so they can use computers while they lay there endlessly having their bodies painlessly trisected.
- Comment on Might as well go cyberpunk, I guess. 3 months ago:
Cyberpunk public transport usually only exists because most people can’t afford cars though, and the routes pretty much exclusively go to the general locations of major employers, sometimes only being available to employees of those companies (they still have pay a fare too of course)
- Comment on Is Lebanon part of Israel’s promised territory? 3 months ago:
I supposed in a liberal democracy that would be the case, but in reality the US and British governments rarely represent more than 1/3 of the population at best; with those being ‘good’ examples of democracy and Netanyahu being investigated for corruption the share of population actually represented by his administration is likely even lower.
- Comment on Is Lebanon part of Israel’s promised territory? 3 months ago:
The way I see it Israel deserved the hell out of Oct 7th for like 50 years of slow motion genocide. Israelis did not though. Institution vs the innocent civillians caught in the crossfire.
- Comment on Climate change 4 months ago:
On the bright side a lot of the most valuble beach front tower blocks are just huge empty investment vehicles so the rich are going to take one for the team on this one.
- Comment on Climate change 4 months ago:
Meanwhile in Scotland. Even with a worst case scenario we loose our coastal cities but not much else and the country looks nearly indistinguishable from orbit.
- Comment on There are now more electric cars than gas cars on Norway's roads 4 months ago:
And a lot of smart investment, see the UK for an example of a country that got a 50% share in the exact same oil fields and continues to run itself into the ground to pay oligarchs.
- Comment on [Official Art] Super Smash Bros. Japanese Box Art 4 months ago:
I have the entire smash bros melee intros sound playing in my head now.
- Comment on UK's first 'teacherless' AI classroom set to open in London 4 months ago:
I bet those kids can’t wait to learn about how issac newton invented the colour yellow when seeing an apple fall from a lemon tree hitting a cow and thus causing him to invent gravity which trapped photons from venus allowing humans to finally have the technology to grow pineapples in canada.
- Comment on Generative AI creates playable version of Doom game with no code 4 months ago:
I really hope this doesn’t catch on, Games are already horifically inefficient, imagine if we started making them like this and a 4090 becomes the minnimum system requirement for goddamn DOOM.
- Comment on Which anime do you enjoy with a mostly adult cast of characters? 4 months ago:
Ghost in the shell stand alone complex (and 2nd gig) was my first and still favourite anime.
- Comment on "REM sleep is the next AI" 4 months ago:
I always find text in dreams perfectly legible though it often changes if I try to read the same bit twice.
- Comment on First Borderlands 4 Concept Art Revealed at PAX West Showing Off a Glimpse of Its New Worlds 4 months ago:
Good idea bad execution, if it had escalated to raiding a warehouse full of people strapped into vr goggle to up their view numbers and destroying a crowdfunded giant laser to carve their faces on the moon then they could have made for really good villains. Instead we got stale memes, also the final boss fight was somehow worse than BL1.
- Comment on Intel’s Troubles Complicate U.S. Chip Independence 4 months ago:
Nah we want Intel to live so that AMD still has real competition, same reason I’m in favour of Intel getting into the GPU market.
- Comment on First Borderlands 4 Concept Art Revealed at PAX West Showing Off a Glimpse of Its New Worlds 4 months ago:
I feel like the villains weren’t awful (yes the rest of the writing was awful) but gearbox didn’t really commit to the bit hard enough. At the start of the game they were clearly being set up as vapid streamer culture twins but it never really escalated beyond that, instead of ticktock villains we just got villains who happen to use ticktock. It was like if upon reaching the city in BL2 Handsome Jack just continued being a corrupt CEO with a penchant for robots and didn’t spiral all the way into megolomania.
- Comment on How to cut your energy bills by 30 per cent with a heat pump 4 months ago:
The problem is in the UK our houses are often made out of rock with even less insulative properties than the plywood and cardboad the americans use. Usually all you get is double glazing, seals around the doors and maybe some attic insulation.
- Comment on Amazon’s recommendations are getting a little too creepy 4 months ago:
with shockingly high accuracy, and thus aim products at you.
I’m still waiting for a single targeted add to be something I want, the best they’ve done so far is try and sell me things I already own.
- Comment on US grid adds batteries at 10x the rate of natural gas in first half of 2024 5 months ago:
Sodium batteries are already being produced (only in one factory in the US and one in China so far but its a start to commercial production), there’s enough of that stuff to build batteries for the entire planet a thousand times over.
- Comment on Regarding this picture, where do you think quantum computers lie and why? 5 months ago:
That’s a pretty big assumption though, and even then you can just switch to a new password format that allows for passwords that aren’t solvable using mathematical means. e.g. my password is to fill in a picture on 10x10 grid using 10 different colours. There’s no mathematical basis to guess my picture and there are more posibilites than there are particles in the observable universe.
- Comment on YouTube creator sues Nvidia and OpenAI for ‘unjust enrichment’ for using their videos for AI training 5 months ago:
The asymmetry is legal I’d say. If I tried to scrap that much data, especially if it included anything about a rich person, I’d be arrested and probably never see daylight again.
- Comment on UK economy continues recovery with 0.6% growth 5 months ago:
Exactly this, wake me up when the cost of living increases stop greatly outpacing wages.
- Comment on Liz Truss leaves stage in Beccles as 'lettuce' banner unfurls 5 months ago:
Tried to force through a budget that brought the UK within hours of a greek style total economic collapse until the bank of England stepped in to unfuck things because it was just going to be that bad if they didn’t.
- Comment on perspective 5 months ago:
Gravitational waves do cause orbital decay as the energy required to create them comes from the objects own momentumn.
- Comment on Researchers discover battery-free technology which harvests power from radio and Wi-Fi signals for low-powered devices 5 months ago:
Dang that’s actually a super interesting concept. Thanks for the wikipedia link!