- Comment on Almost done 3 days ago:
Man, I do enjoy taking the wind out of the sails of presumptuous people knee-jerking a response without knowing any specifics.
I spent most of my career flying in relatively dangerous conditions in helicopters (or on small boats, before I went into aviation) in order to save people from drowning in the ocean or freezing in the woods. I’ve had two coworkers who’ve crashed (in separate incidences), one of which was at the door sending a dewatering pump to a sinking boat. I specifically joined the service I did because, as I told the recruiter, I can choose to join, but I can’t choose where I’m sent after, and I’m still responsible for my actions because I chose to join in the first place. There’s nothing morally ambiguous about saving somebody whose boat is sinking.
Now, don’t get me wrong, having more and more of our people being sent to “defend the border” definitely falls in the realm of “not what I signed up for,” but I haven’t personally been forced into that, and am extremely unlikely to.
So I may have dealt with some brown kids whose lives were threatened, but certainly haven’t found any that were a threat themselves (except to themselves… boaters tend to be their own worst enemies).
- Comment on Almost done 3 days ago:
I remember that time well. Mine are 5 and 10, so I’m moving out of the more intensive child-rearing time. When I retire, they should both be at or near the “too busy for Dad” time, so other than giving rides, my days should be free and clear. I’m really looking forward to it.
Good luck with the little ones!
- Comment on Almost done 4 days ago:
I retire (military) in 4 years, and my countdown feels like this, but more specific. I just had to re-enlist, and I was asking if I had to do full years, or if I could do 4.3 to line up with the anniversary of my enlistment (to retire THE DAY I am technically able to).
Not that I don’t enjoy my job, because I do, but I’m excited to be able to do whatever I want with my time and let my wife be the primary support for us for awhile.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
I think he’s saying seeing a therapist that doesn’t specialize in gender dysphoria (kind of the “to a hammer, everything is a nail” thought). So going in and talking about all their mental health issues, and seeing if gender dysphoria comes out with it.
I don’t think it’s a terrible read, if it seems like gender dysphoria is coming out of nowhere. Very different if OP was showing signs of it most of their life, and their dad had just refused to acknowledge it. Tough to tell just from what’s written, but I think the dad is remarkably reasonable.
- Comment on Are mood problems a “turn off” for people even when they’re hard to manage? 2 weeks ago:
Even more, it’s the justifying it with the “I’m just trying to help them” and “tough love” bullshit. That’s not a mood problem, or anything like that. That is being an asshole (not that they are mutually exclusive).
- Comment on Looks legit, but can it actually be a real thing? 3 weeks ago:
Do you wish to see them, PetaQ?!
- Comment on Speedometer, or Siegometer? 3 weeks ago:
It goes from 0 to Seig-sty in 7.6 seconds.
- Comment on Why was Hitler so mean and hateful toward one group or another? I find it hard to believe he woke up one day and said you and you suck but these people over here are good. Taking it so far as killing? 4 weeks ago:
Not exactly (from my reading). The Jewish communities tended to be fairly insular, and focused a lot of their business inward. They still dealt with outsiders, but money flow tended to move mostly in one direction, so it seemed like the Jewish people were much better off and “taking” from the rest, when the rest of the country struggled. It was really more that a marginalized community took care of their own. Shocking, right?
Plenty of other communities do the same. It’s still a bunch of scapegoating.
- Comment on Uncanny sandwich 4 weeks ago:
But I like burgers.
- Comment on The best “I told you so”s are the ones where you never have to say “I told you so” because the other person clearly knows you told them so 2 months ago:
So, like, labor and delivery?
- Comment on No phones, no emails, just living in the moment 3 months ago:
Isn’t this a large part of the premise of the newer Disney Princess and the Frog movie?
- Comment on House Centipedes 4 months ago:
but it also made me extremely nervous when I hadn’t been moments before.
I imagine that’s the point of the hiss…
- Comment on No idea at all... 4 months ago:
Yeah, that asshole went from bad to worse. Every villain has some level of redemption, even if it’s just understanding them enough to jive with them (cough Zenos yae Galvus cough).
- Comment on U.S. Air Force Airman Develops 3D-Printed Insert to Solve Perennial 20 mm Ammunition Jams While Loading 5 months ago:
Should have had his wife “design and print” them, get a patent, and sell them to the air force instead.
- Comment on it's just that simple. Don't forget to exercise out of depression... 6 months ago:
Also, telling a depressed person their answer is to exercise is like telling a homeless person that they just need to get a job. The not having a home prevents the getting a job. If they had the ability to find a job, they wouldn’t be homeless (except obviously the people who don’t make enough from their job to support themselves, but that’s a whole different issue that shouldn’t exist).
So even if someone does have the time, getting the depression under control may be necessary before the exercise seems like a reasonable possibility.
- Comment on ‘Star Trek’ Stage Musical Being Explored – Comic-Con 7 months ago:
I’ll be honest, with the exception of “Keep Us Connected” I absolutely hated the musical episode… except the first time they mentioned that it had affected a Klingon vessel. And then I powered through in the hopes of seeing Klingon musical time, and when it happened, it redeemed the whole thing for me. Better than I could have hoped.
- Comment on What is the actual point of a bra? 7 months ago:
I’m a man, and that’s how I feel about boxers and being nude. I don’t like that dangle feel of uncontrolled swaying on a sensitive part.
- Comment on How transwomen/transmen dream 7 months ago:
Trans Exclusive Radical Feminist. The main example is J.K. Rowling, who thinks shitting on trans women is in service to feminism, instead of harming some women in order to pretend to protect others.
Basically feminist but only for cis women.
- Comment on every company right now 8 months ago:
“It has a smooth finish, virtually indestructible, and it writes upside-down.” [None of these will be true] “Also, with our Ink Anytime subscription service, you’ll never run out of ink! It’s free…” [for the first six months] “for our lowest tier…” [three lines of text per day] “with an option to upgrade to a higher tier anytime.” [Puts pen in pocket] “We’re offering pre-orders with a $5 non-refundable deposit, with delivery expected sometime in the next six months depending on how soon you get on the waitlist.” [Two years until you give up and just let us keep your deposit] “So sign up now!”
- Comment on Make it stop. 8 months ago:
The amount of people with no kids that have strong opinions about how children should be raised is like the people with no uteruses that have strong feelings about abortion and pregnancy, or white college kids who have strong opinions about what words and phrases should be offensive to minorities. There’s nothing wrong with having an opinion, but the arrogance to think they have something to contribute to that conversation is exhausting.
- Comment on Make it stop. 8 months ago:
Like… tables?
- Comment on Make it stop. 8 months ago:
Yes to all except jiggy. I feel like that was just Will Smith trying to make Fetch happen.
- Comment on What if Tyrannosaurus Rexes moved and walked like chicken do? 8 months ago:
I had thought the recent understanding was they were likely small wings, like emus or ostriches, to help with balance. Angled back instead of forward.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
I bet Simone Giertz’s Truckla had working windshield wipers…
- Comment on Technically, almost all video games are puzzle games. 8 months ago:
Okay, but pop-tarts are raviolis, not sandwiches. That doesn’t even make sense. What kind of sandwich is enclosed on all sides?
- Comment on YSK: Using dairy milk after being tear gassed or pepper sprayed doesn't provide more relief and has slightly increased infection risk. Use water or saline instead 8 months ago:
I got pepper sprayed in the military. In order to be allowed to wear pepper spray on our belts (for law enforcement), we had to be pepper sprayed and fight someone off.
I found it strange, because it’s not like we had to know what it was like to be shot and fight back. It was also one of the worst experiences of my life. Getting accidentally splashed across the eyes with hot sauce ended up not so bad simply by comparison, so I had that going for me.
- Comment on Tacos. 9 months ago:
Please don’t misunderstand. I was not saying that that was the be-all-end-all of religion. I wasn’t speaking against religion in general, just in regards to the irony of suggesting that religion makes people more good. At all.
- Comment on Tacos. 9 months ago:
Religion doesn’t stop a bad person from being evil. It can convince a bad person they’re still good (better!) when they do evil.
And good people don’t need religion to do good. But it can make them overlook the evil of other religious people and protect them, making them bad.
The best-case scenario is that religion can have no effect on how good or bad someone is. Good people stay good despite religion, not because of it.
- Comment on What is the longest discontinuous marriage? 9 months ago:
This is the type of thing that could be answered if people followed banal statistical data the way sports people follow sports data.
“This is the first time since 2017 they’ve scored over 30 points in the third quarter in a home game during the pre-season.”
- Comment on NYPD’s Raid on Columbia Cost Hundreds of Thousands in Overtime Alone. The Crackdown Will End Up Costing Millions. 9 months ago:
For some perspective, the entire United States Coast Guard, which employs 43k active duty and 8k reservists, operates 210 aircraft, 245 cutters (ships), 1500+ small boats, spread out over the whole world, completing missions from environmental mishap response, captain of the port in warzones, aids to navigation, drug interdiction, border patrol, law enforcement, disaster response, and, of course, search and rescue, has a budget only around 2 billion more than that.
Makes you wonder where all that funding for one police department is going.