- Comment on Don't let this happen to you 2 months ago:
- Comment on The three little pigs is actually just the aristocracy blaming the poor for their problems 5 months ago:
Yes, exactly. If those silly poor people only worked harder they too could be aristocracy.
- Comment on How would you decorate this room? 9 months ago:
Aside from aircraft painted on wall, I think put a mattress area on the floor (or comfy seating) and paint a galaxy in glow in the dark paint.
- Comment on How would you decorate this room? 9 months ago:
Here for the airplane angle too Got enchanted by the forest suggestion…so aircraft crashing in a forest!
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
I think plant-based is the diet choice and veganism is the lifestyle. I got corrected by someone who was plant based. They didn’t want to associate with vegans
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
I agree. It doesn’t cost a lot to buy lentils and make dal, but it takes time.
The problem is really our entire food system is geared towards profit and the excessive suffering that comes from that. If you want to eat meat a little more ethically…you have to spend more or have the time to raise animals yourself.
Vegans vs meat-eaters is distraction from humans vs industrialized food. Vegans are correct about the suffering of animals, but those that focus on preaching to convert would find their time best spent being compassionate to those that can’t make changes.
Some small changes include:
- have one more vegetarian day a week
- in a restaurant select the vegetarian entree or three vegetarian side dishes in stead of a meat main course
- buy from local farms if available
- make some mushy Peas for a lunch option
- meal prep (vegan/vegetarian food does freeze easily and is easy to reheat)
- if making a dish that contains ground meat substitute (homemade options below)
I mean to do it all at once is not easy. Making small changes over time can improve health and save money. Thinking about the suffering of the animals can be detrimental, because you may associate making vegan choices with thoughts of animal suffering. I used to subscribe to a vegan magazine, but half of it was amazing recipes, and the other half was distressing animal stories.
mushy peas (use margarine or olive oil instead of butter)
mushroom “forcemeat” and other substitutes
You’re not a terrible human if you eat meat! It’s not easy to change, but doing a little bit can go a long way. See if you can cut it down ❤
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
Séances for cow ghosts 🐄 👻
- Comment on POV: you try to sleep with the new Airbnb guest, but the door is closed 9 months ago:
- Comment on If you take care of your parents or other elderly, how are you preparing to age gracefully? 10 months ago:
That took a turn I hope that suicide will be legal and safe before you have to make that choice.
- Comment on Antybooties 10 months ago:
Thank you!
- Comment on Antybooties 10 months ago:
Thank you! Link please ❤
- Comment on Anti-Israel agitators continue disruptions with escalations at USC, Harvard and Columbia 10 months ago:
- Comment on The Eurobean Mind Cannot Comprehend 10 months ago:
It was prophesied
- Comment on giving out food bags to employees 10 months ago:
Although of course, no matter how much you’re paid random stuff happens and I support assistance for employees. It just seems dystopian to have to offer food for more than 10% of your workforce.
- Comment on giving out food bags to employees 10 months ago:
The wages are published, but the school is for profit and decides the salary. Incremental raises are established with union contract.
All fifty bags went within twenty minutes, and they had to turn employees away.
- Comment on It is truly magic 10 months ago:
Not at all!! I’m being a bit tongue in cheek really. I enjoy these things, but the jeans one went on a bit long.
(Que someone to create a car driving around some jeans for 18 hours to shock yoga pants wearers)
- Submitted 10 months ago to | 18 comments
- Comment on It is truly magic 10 months ago:
Shhhh! Just to mention it might bring it back!
- Comment on I'm Heading to Phoenix Can Anyone Recommend Anything Cool To Check Out While I'm There? 11 months ago:
Omnomnomnom nommy nom
- Comment on American veganism is like American Christianity. Sometimes fine and wholesome, especially when kept to oneself; but often a toxic, blatantly lying, proselytizing cult when in a group 11 months ago:
I’ve been vegetarian for 20+ years and have recieved nothing but love and support from vegans. Even one person I knew that was so committed she changed her last name to Govegan. I did recieved some chastisement from a plant based person for not knowing the difference between plant based and vegan, but they were also very anti-vegan.
- Comment on A lesson in Input Validation 1 year ago:
Said the actress to the bishop
- Comment on Reindeer Woodcut style kit by RetroMaker 1 year ago:
Are those crocheted Christmas trees in the background?
- Comment on I feel like Fediverse users are nicer to each other and more generous with upvotes than reddit. 1 year ago:
How wrong? Racist wrong or just “boiled eggs are tastier than fried eggs” wrong?
- Comment on I feel like Fediverse users are nicer to each other and more generous with upvotes than reddit. 1 year ago:
Well done <3
- Comment on I feel like Fediverse users are nicer to each other and more generous with upvotes than reddit. 1 year ago:
You have a lovely bum