- Comment on Brother accused of locking down third-party printer ink cartridges via forced firmware updates, removing older firmware versions from support portals 40 minutes ago:
I don’t at all feel vindicated, but my Brother printer is the worst printer I ever owned (this was 20 years ago admittedly). Absolute hunk of junk with nothing but problems. I’ve always wondered why they were so well recommended online.
- Comment on Why can't we go back to small phones? 1 day ago:
They don’t care about “you”. They care about their “consumers” (as in, you in bulk), who don’t buy them.
It’s capitalism; simple as that.
- Comment on Why can't we go back to small phones? 2 days ago:
How many times is this going to be regurgitated? The question has been well and truly answered.
We don’t buy them.
- Comment on Reasonable assumption 2 days ago:
We just accept gibberish as memes now
- Comment on Now, She is older 2 days ago:
What’s the third evolution?
- Comment on Every gram count. 3 days ago:
Not quite heavy enough to break my pelvis but getting there
- Comment on Pspspsps 4 days ago:
I’m calling the council
- Comment on BBQ 1 week ago:
Mmm forbidden blueberries
- Comment on Swastikcar showing a roman rust pattern in Lower Manhattan 1 week ago:
A reminder that this is just the working class being convinced to attack each other.
This is what the rich want.
- Comment on Rate my breakfast 1 week ago:
- Comment on Do most people still use computers, or do people only use a smartphone as their main/only device? 1 week ago:
Back during early COVID there were a bunch of people caught out not having anywhere to work from in their home.
That to me suggested a lot about where phone and tablet usage have gone, and where desktop and laptop usage has now gone. It seems a lot people see laptops and computers as specialist devices.
There are at least four computers and three laptops in my house, but not chance my friends have that.
- Comment on The internet is bad ux, everybody. There's too many choices. 2 weeks ago:
It’s a minimum of $20 to talk to girls
- Comment on Attempt to motivate people to take the stairs 2 weeks ago:
For the purposes of nutrition guidance, a kilocalorie and a Calorie are the same unit. Yes. It’s confusing.
- Comment on Microsoft Study Finds AI Makes Human Cognition “Atrophied and Unprepared” 2 weeks ago:
Mule emoji
- Comment on Neil A. 2 weeks ago:
Fake reaction texts are the worst memes
- Comment on Tech's Dumbest Mistake: Why Firing Programmers for AI Will Destroy Everything 2 weeks ago:
This is a bad analogy.
It would be more akin to firing your fire departments, because you installed automatic hoses in front of everyone’s homes. When a fire starts, the hoses will squirt water towards the fire, but sometimes it’ll miss, sometimes it’ll squirt backwards, sometimes it’ll squirt the neighbour’s house, and sometimes it’ll squirt the fire.
- Comment on no words, much feelings 3 weeks ago:
Fuckin’ tell me about it.
I once downloaded the Maccas app, and they insisted I let them track my location at all times so they can “tell me where my newest restaurant is”
I know where my nearest fuckin’ maccas is. I also have a map. Instant delete.
- Comment on Supreme Commander HelpLine 3 weeks ago:
I bought this game for $100 (Aud) when it came out, and my computer wouldn’t run it.
I never got to play it 😭
- Comment on Reddit Sub Ban Wave 3 weeks ago:
Get Voyager, it’s an app like Apollo was for Reddit.
It has a pretty good community search function that works across instances. You’ll find a lot doing it that way.
- Comment on Interesting new game for the kids 3 weeks ago:
Glory to Arstotzka!
- Comment on English is a strange language. 3 weeks ago:
The hyphen has long been killed by the Internet. It suffered a worse fate than “literally”; it faded into nothingness without even so much as a “where is it?”
- Comment on EA releases another shameless IP flip with Sims 1/2 Legacy 3 weeks ago:
Money. They released it again because it will give them more money.
- Comment on No beans, only dogs 4 weeks ago:
If you call this a hotdog you’re going to get stabbed
- Comment on Psst, the Americans are asleep, post some eggs 4 weeks ago:
Do people not refrigerate their eggs? I live in Australia and we always have them in the fridge.
- Comment on Psst, the Americans are asleep, post some eggs 4 weeks ago:
God I have so many eggs in my fridge right now haha just gonna go and eat one, maybe fried, maybe raw, who knows?
- Comment on Time for a little break 4 weeks ago:
And I’m 12 years old
- Comment on .tar.xz 4 weeks ago:
WinRAR got me through some hard times. She might be filthy, but she did the job
- Comment on Smash the key 5 weeks ago:
I was born without an x button to press
- Comment on Just like his dad. 1 month ago:
My daughter also looks just like me, and very little of her mother other than ethnicity.
- Comment on Delicious bulk relief 1 month ago:
It’s only forbidden if you’re a little bitch about it