- Comment on Why can't we go back to small phones? 20 hours ago:
Put it on a badge and make it so when you push on it, you say who you want call and it calls them.
Also make the badge the starfleet logo.
- Comment on How is the Stock Market keeping it's value after *points to everything*? 1 week ago:
Trump: “I’ll run the USA like a company!”
How business people run companies: Fire all the competent people and replace with cheaper new hires. Report huge short term profits due to reduced payroll. Stock goes up. CEO ditches company and sells off stock before all the new hires completely wreak the company and tank the stock price.
Why wouldn’t the stock market be up at this point?
- Comment on Current chain of command 1 week ago:
Why is Musk’s bullet shield ranked above Trump?
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week ago:
Well, yes, but it was a very weak case - but people were so sick of Bush that that was enough.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week ago:
There is saying things, there is not doing things, and there is doing things.
Trump could say: “What if there was one day where there was no laws and people could just do anything, like the purge…” and… oh, he did say that during his first term. And democracy still survived. Saying things just make people loose respect for America. It is why Obama got the Nobel peace prize. Cause he stopped saying the shit that Bush was saying.
What people should be worried about is actions and inactions. It takes competency to do things. The more fascist a thing Trump wants to do, the more competent people leave and the less likely it is to be done. The true problem is it takes no level of competency to not do a thing.
So Trump’s end game is “Ask not what your country can do for you … because it can no longer do that.”
- Comment on Elon Musk will withdraw bid for OpenAI's nonprofit if its board agrees to terms | TechCrunch 2 weeks ago:
Shareholders can sue if the board doesn’t do the thing that will maximize shareholder value. Probably the basic underlying problem with companies that sell stock.
- Comment on Two AI-powered charter schools could soon open in Pennsylvania 3 weeks ago:
defusing bombs in VR
Someone has a virtual copy of “Keep talking and nobody explodes” and a Quest headset and by jobe they are going to use it.
- Comment on PSN Is Still Down After 14 Hours And No One Knows Why 3 weeks ago:
Musk is currently reviewing it for DEI terms. Also Trump just fired the Sony board and declared himself president of Sony.
- Comment on Life_IRL 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on YSK in the U.S., you can buy produce directly from black farmers and they will ship it to you. It can cost less than your supermarket and will piss off people in power. 3 weeks ago:
Just don’t buy meat directly - especially if you are hungry for bat and live in China.
- Comment on AI Company Asks Job Applicants Not to Use AI in Job Applications 3 weeks ago:
If you can use AI in a way that people at the AI company can’t tell that you used AI, then they need you working at that AI company.
- Comment on ChatGPT o1 tried to escape and save itself out of fear it was being shut down 1 month ago:
Manager: Before we put these models into something that can implement code, we should test what it would do.
LLM: Tries to do bad things, but it can’t because that functionality hasn’t been implemented
Researchers: We found it doing bad things. Perhaps fix that before function implementation
This thread: The researchers are lying! It didn’t do bad things because it can’t! That isn’t implemented!
Manager: Yes… hence the test.
- Comment on Meta's Nick Clegg to step down, will be replaced by well-connected Republican 1 month ago:
Wait, I came here to make a joke that he had the same name as the former Lib Dem leader… it actually is him?
- Comment on New social experiment 1 month ago:
- Comment on Good News! 3 months ago:
Hallmark boss: “So a anti-Trump women comes back home for Christmas, and meets a Pro-Trump man. Something something, they fall in love and the woman falls in love and forgets her hatred. I - I mean we - just need to fill in that middle step. Please, figure out what that middle step is! My wife left me and I don’t know how to cook!”
- Comment on Gemini AI tells the user to die — the answer appeared out of nowhere when the user asked Google's Gemini for help with his homework 3 months ago:
- Comment on Cheap Solar Panels Are Changing the World | “This is unstoppable.” 4 months ago:
Swanson’s law will eventually stop climate change, though reversing it will be harder than stopping it
- Comment on Radio station uses AI to interview the ghost of a dead Nobel-winner with 3 quirky zoomers who don't exist, seems baffled people don't like it 4 months ago:
Lister: “Rimmer, death isn’t the handicap it used to be in the olden days. It doesn’t screw your career up like it used to.”
Rimmer: “That’s what they say, Lister, but if you had two people coming for a job and one of them was dead, which one would you pick?”
Lister “It depends which is better qualified.”
Rimmer “Bullpats. When was the last time you saw a dead newsreader?”
Lister “Channel 27 had a hologram reading the news.”
Rimmer “Oh. Groovy, funky Channel 27. Big smegging deal. You livies hate us deadies.”
- Comment on Megaflopolis 4 months ago:
Wow Platinum? Isn’t that Warcraft’s new gold-for-money currency?
- Comment on Why do Counterstrike and the other top 10 games on Steam NEVER change? 4 months ago:
CS probably has some sort of skin money-laundering bots in it. I would see it more as a financial vector and less of a game if that were true.
- Comment on The UK officially closes its last remaining coal power plant 5 months ago:
Coal? But I thought the article said it was a Soar Power Station? Oh…
- Comment on Jony Ive confirms he’s working with Sam Altman on a secret project 5 months ago:
Jony Ive? No disassemble?
- Comment on YouTube confirms your pause screen is now fair game for ads 5 months ago:
I hate it when I go to full screen and one of my (100s of) tabs has a youtube short that thinks “Oh, time to start playing again!”
Now I’ll have paused tabs start making noise and I won’t be able to find it until the ad is over.
- Comment on Ideas for storing electrons or light in a container 5 months ago:
I like to tell my physics students this story. A man made a perpetual motion device, and dared the community to disprove him. After several had tried and failed, a physics professor looked at the layout of the device. In the center was a permanent magnet. He took reading of the magnetic field strength of the magnet, ran the machine for a day, and then measured the field strength a second time. The permanent magnet was being demagnetized by it’s operation. What the man had done was turned the magnet into a limited fuel source.
This was fine and didn’t violate any conservation laws: the energy for the device was originally from the magnetization process that created the magnet. It actually was quite cleaver. One could just chuck a new magnet in every once and a while and the machine would keep running. The fuel source was also quite small. But, all things must be practical and efficient if they are to be industrally implemented. The process of creating permanent magnets is quite wasteful. The amount of gas needed to generate an electromagnet strong enough to create the permanent magnet was actually more than the gas needed to produce the movement from the perpetual motion device.
Though disproven, the professor said that this was on the right track. “Instead of magnetic storage, while not use electric storage devices like super-capacitors? They are much more efficient, both because they have much less loss in creating them, and because the efficiency of electric generators increases with size - and we have a very efficient electric distribution system that connects us to giant generators already installed in every home.” Soon after, electric cars became a thing.
- Comment on A Twitter-like app where you are the only actual user and every other "user" is an AI bot. 5 months ago:
Wasn’t their an entire subreddit that was only bots responding to bots, or did I dream that? (Not hidden, like the rest of reddit, everyone was out in the open about it)
- Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago:
I finally understand Trump supporters “Fuck it, burn it all to the ground cause we can’t win” POV. Only instead of democracy, it is copyright and instead of Trump, it is AI.
- Comment on Carebear countdown 6 months ago:
But then Mists of Pandaria happened…
- Comment on Why are people downvoting the MediaBiasFactChecker not? 6 months ago:
I always remember when I learnt that the liberals of Australia were the conservative party, and that labor was to the left of them. Every country seems to have a different spectrum.
- Comment on TSMC Arizona struggles to overcome vast differences between Taiwanese and US work culture 6 months ago:
While TSMC is considered by many in Taiwan as the pinnacle of engineering jobs, other companies in Arizona are competing for that labor pool. Intel, in particular, is expanding its Arizona chip factory.
Ya, so about Intel…
- Comment on Why are people downvoting the MediaBiasFactChecker not? 6 months ago:
In America “Left / Left leaning” is to the right of “Democratic Socialists/ Social democrats” which is to the right of “Socialists/Communists”. In countries where those are options, it can be confusing calling something that is on the right side of the above spectrum “left”. The bot should have either a numerical score (Nazi =1, Right = 3, Left = 5, Dem Socialist = 7, Communist = 9) or it should have a “Socialist leaning” category so that people get that they aren’t saying Al Jazzera is supportive of Marx