Southwest flight returns to Denver airport after latest accident to afflict airline’s Boeing fleet
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Submitted 10 months ago by to
Southwest flight returns to Denver airport after latest accident to afflict airline’s Boeing fleet
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if it's Boeing I'm not going
Next up: entire Boeing aircraft falls off shortly after takeoff, leaving engine cover stranded at 14000 feet
While I appreciate the spotlight on Boeing there’s definitely ongoing maintenance challenges happening at the major airlines as well. And the root cause of these issues is the same as Boeing, corporate greed and short-sighted focus on quarterly gains.
A lot more people will die before these systemic issues are rectified
It's not a Boeing engine, it's a CFM.
It’s some variation of CFM56-7B, but when referring to the plane as a whole, it’s fair to call it a Boeing engine since Airbus also uses engines designed by CFM.
ok, I'll allow it.
I think most people feel like this now. Their reputation will never recover from this. From now on, airplane safety failure will be synonymous with Boeing.
They need to pass on. Their time has come and gone, as have their engineering standards and ability to document things. It’s unacceptable behavior for any company, but especially a defense contractor, and I’m not talking ethics here. 10 months ago
Oh boy, another Boeing failure! I wonder what they’ll come up with next? 10 months ago
Smells a lot like maintenance failure from the airline. It’s an older plane, like at least 7 years old. 10 months ago
Definitely maintenance, but the number of Boeing specific issues lately is alarming. Even given the media’s tendency to over report issues like these for headlines.
It’s not like Airbus is a small competitor with a fraction of Boeing’s sales. Airbus makes more planes than Boeing, and has for the last 5 years. 10 months ago
7 years isn’t old for a plane 10 months ago
I’m pretty sure most of the Southwest fleet is more than 7 years old 10 months ago
737-800 debut 1994,