- Comment on France far-right leader Bardella cancels US speech after ex-Trump aide makes 'Nazi gesture' 1 week ago:
Pretty much, smart move from him, but he’s very much on the same side as Bannon.
- Comment on In the Trump era, renewable energy isn’t green — it’s ‘dominant’ | Clean-energy executives are tailoring their pitches for the president and his political allies. 3 weeks ago:
Whatever works I guess. Make solar panels and windmills manly and strong, green power with testosterone crushing the feminine woke coal !
- Comment on Trump says new US sovereign wealth fund could purchase TikTok 4 weeks ago:
Wow, what a surprise heh ? If TikTok becomes a new Shitter, that will have devastating effects on younger people… Even more so than what it actually does.
- Comment on Norway on track to be first to go all-electric 1 month ago:
They didn’t get high on their own supply and got a massive national fund from it. A bit hypocritical but definitely nicely played. Better than most other countries who used that money for ego projects or imperialistic madness.
- Comment on Nicaragua OKs reform to boost powers of president, wife 3 months ago:
Dude became what he fought against all his life. Power corrupts …
- Comment on Is it really possible to tax the rich? 3 months ago:
Even a 1 or 2% per trade would bring massive amounts of money, not even trying to make it progressive or anything.
- Comment on Sugar vs baking soda to neutralize acid in canned tomatoes? 4 months ago:
I use both depending on the mood, but I noticed that baking soda neutralises the taste of tomato whereas sugar neutralises the acidic taste.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
I’d not be surprised if these attacks were linked to the recent lawsuits IA had to go through concerning copyright and such…
- Comment on Megaflopolis 4 months ago:
I’d say less, because the movie makes itself completely clear that it’s a fable about power and greed.
- Comment on 7 years ago there were no billionaires worth more than $100 billion - today there are 18! 4 months ago:
Billionaires are a political choice as much as homelessness. They are allowed to exist because nobody does anything about it.
- Comment on Can't. Busy. 5 months ago:
Cum jar and one guy one jar, I assume?
If you don’t know what they are, good for you, keep your innocence.
- Comment on Should i be giving a shit about my posture? 5 months ago:
Yes but not necessarily in the way you think. “Bad” posture is usually linked to weak muscles and lack of mobility/flexibility. If you strengthen/stretch your muscles and connective tissues, eventually it should help correct your posture.
- Comment on YSK: You don't own your Kindle e-books. 5 months ago:
My Kindle never saw any WiFi connected to it. Everything goes through Calibre. I only read dead authors, so I don’t feel bad about pirating my books.
Sometimes I go buy used books at my local bookshops just because you should support your local bookshop. - Comment on Elon Musk’s X gives up fight in Brazil, starts complying with judge’s demands 5 months ago:
Another case that demonstrates they’ll always comply with the law in the end. You just need to make sure your laws and your legislation are rock solid.
- Comment on United Nations wants to treat AI with same urgency as climate change 5 months ago:
“We should do something about this” - COPXX
- Comment on Platypuses 5 months ago:
God was tripping balls that day
- Comment on Bodies found in sunken yacht confirmed as Brit tycoon Mike Lynch and daughter 6 months ago:
Only the rich ones
- Comment on Why are vegan and gluten free items more expensive? 6 months ago:
You’re right for processed veggie stuff, but OP’s statement also works for tofu, seitan or tempeh. It’s usually way more expensive per kg than meat, be it chicken or beef.
- Comment on Consumer, we have detected that you are above the poverty line. The 99¢ price printed on this Arizona tea can only applies to those below the poverty line. Your total comes to $3.67. 6 months ago:
That and the systematic replacement of middle management by AI with no regard to human feelings, needs, emotion whatsoever. Pretty much what Amazon is doing to its delivery drivers already.
- Comment on I'm at a loss on what server to buy 6 months ago:
If you buy three of them you can set up a Ceph cluster I suppose ahah. That would solve part of your issue of having storage and compute on the same node.
- Comment on I'm at a loss on what server to buy 6 months ago:
If you don’t need enterprise level hardware and support, I can suggest MinisForum. They released the MS01 fairly recently and I believe it fits your specs.
- Comment on Cannonball 6 months ago:
In French we call that the PDC, aka Passage Des Couilles. Coincidentally, it also works for women, Passage Du Clito.
- Comment on ICANN approves use of .internal domain for your network 6 months ago:
That’s the problem, if anyone somehow gets your root CA key, your encryption is pretty much gone and they can sign whatever they want with your CA.
It’s a lot of work to make sure it’s safe in a home setup. - Comment on ICANN approves use of .internal domain for your network 6 months ago:
I’m talking about home hosting and private keys. Not businesses with people whose full time job is to make sure everything runs fine.
I’m a nobody and I regularly have people/bots testing my router. I’m not monitoring my whole setup yet and if someone gets in I would probably not notice until it’s too late.
So hosting my own CA is a hassle and a security risk I’m not willing to put work into. - Comment on ICANN approves use of .internal domain for your network 6 months ago:
The domain certificate is public and its key is private? That’s basically it, if anyone gets access to your key, they can sign with your name and generate certificates without your knowledge. That’s my opinion and the main reason why I wouldn’t have a self hosted CA, maybe I’m wrong or misled, but it’s a lot of work to ensure everything is safe, only for a self hosted setup.
- Comment on ICANN approves use of .internal domain for your network 6 months ago:
For self hosting at least, having your own CA is a pain in the ass to make sure everything is safe and that nobody except you has access to your CA root key.
I’m not saying it’s not doable, but it’s definitely a lot of work and potentially a big security risk if you’re not 100% certain of what you’re doing. - Comment on ICANN approves use of .internal domain for your network 6 months ago:
That sounds like a bad idea, you would need your CA and your root certs to be completely air gapped for it to be even remotely safe.
- Comment on 82-year-old Las Vegas McDonald's worker can't afford to retire after decades of service 7 months ago:
No no no, you mean, dedicated 82 year old worker is extremely enthusiastic to go flip burgers everyday ! She doesn’t want to retire because she loves her job and would be bored otherwise !
- Comment on jd vance 7 months ago:
People have been wearing and using make-up well before capitalism and make-up companies were even a thought in people’s brains. It’s just a thing humans do, and that’s okay.
- Comment on German Chancellor promotes government cloud from SAP and Microsoft 7 months ago:
What I mean is that these kinds of people usually look at the financial cost per year for a given solution that’s already in place and always look for something cheaper (usually only on paper).
Usually they look at the cost of a licence without giving a single thought about, let’s say, the processing power that’ll be needed for the new thing, the expertise to set it up and run it, and all the migration work that will be needed to make the switch.
Also, when these things happen, most of the time you have to fire/hire/train people to adapt, which means you lose some of your internal knowledge and experience. That’s something that can’t be really quantified and can really hurt an IT system.
In the end, with all the cumulative costs, it’s often far more expensive to switch solutions, and not financially speaking, but that doesn’t necessarily appear on the bottom line they will see from their desks.