This and Operation Paperclip are basically open secrets at this point. I mean, they both have pretty extensive Wikipedia pages, and they made a movie about Wernher von Braun. It’s not some hidden secret.
Don't eat that
Submitted 11 months ago by to [deleted]
Comments 11 months ago 11 months ago
I didn’t know about it. 11 months ago
That’s what that joke was about Archer when Mallory said if you walk into NASA and say zig hile they’ll all jump up.
The Nazis put us on the moon. 11 months ago
Open secret… Publicly and thoroughly documented… Huh? 11 months ago 11 months ago
Between midnight and 3am, when everybody was asleep. They knew exactly where I lived, first of all: a few days before I was captured, a fellow came. They had a key – they had everything to the apartment, to the door. There was one interpreter who told me [in German]: “Get up! You are being mobilized to work in Russia”, and there were about half a dozen soldiers with machine guns, who surrounded me. When I wanted to get to the toilet, they checked it out first to make sure there was no escape hatch. It was a very tight operation. They did that with every family. Many families came, while I was alone. -Fritz Karl Preikschat
The Soviets were only interested in skimming off the specialist knowledge of the technicians and engineers in order to be able to develop their own missile program on this basis. At the end of 1947, the German scientists had done their duty when these replica German V2 rockets were repeatedly successfully launched, and then the Soviets took matters into their own hands and a year later, in November 1948, they had the first launch of the Soviet ones, which were developed by Korolev who completed the R1 rocket based on the German V2. -Daniel Bohse
I’d say they handled it semi well, atleast they didn’t put nazis in positions of power like the US ans Britain. Unfortunately a few did attain powerful positions after returning to germany. They were also paid well for their work which unfortunately is a human right even for nazis. 11 months ago
It’s a fascinating story. 11 months ago
This incident and the molotov-ribbentrop pact must upset tankies. I love upsetting tankies, as much as I enjoy upsetting any other right-wing group. 11 months ago
I’m not an ML, but you don’t have to agree with MLs to understand that they are fundamentally leftist and opposed to Capitalism.
“Leftism” isn’t a synonym for “good,” it’s a broad, diverse range of ideologies supporting collective ownership and opposing hierarchy. This can be done well, this can be done poorly, and it is important to recognize both the good and the bad to learn and build, not to dismiss everything as “not true leftism” if it isn’t what you personally want. 11 months ago
When someone supports fascist regimes and spouts fascist talking points they are what they are, no matter what they like to call themselves. The Nazis called themselves socialist, too. 11 months ago
Thank you. Socialism, Anarchism and Marxist-Leninism manifest differently based on the cultural and material needs of the population. Normies thinking every leftist is trying to recreate Soviet Union, Cuba or Maoist China doesn’t have the slightest understanding of what Marxism actually is and how it applies to present conditions. 11 months ago
MLs argue that socialism can’t be used to mobilize an economy as a way of justifying the actions of Lenin, Stalin, etc. this is a fundamentally anti-socialist stance. 11 months ago
It should be noted, once the soviets got the technical skills they needed from the nazi scientists, they were deported back to Germany. Some were imprisoned for being irresponsible.
Unlike Operation Paperclip where they were given citizenship and put in charge of scientific programs and prisons in America.
Or Operation Bloodstone, where the CIA put nazi war criminals in charge of South American special police forces to do more warcrimes under the guise of anti-communism. 11 months ago
That’s kinda debatable. They were deported back to East Germany, which was still under Soviet control, and were placed in charge of scientific programs and universities.
Who do you think ran the nkvd in East Germany? Unfortunately both great powers were a little too friendly towards the former Nazi for my taste. Though the Americans were the main proponents of the clean wehrmacht theory we are still entrenched in today. 11 months ago
Regarding paperclip, the US grabbed leaders, program architects and STEM bureaucrats. These types of people can’t really have their knowledge or skill extracted, then be discarded.
I’m not excusing any behavior here, but folks like von Braun bargained for what they got and the US gov cared more about rockets than principles.
I expect von Braun and friends would have had similar treatment in the Soviet union, had the soviets been lucky enough to catch them first