- Comment on Elon Musk Fans Are Losing So Much Money to Crypto Scams 4 months ago:
They were at first, and if you find someone going on about Monero they still might be, but most of the crypto bubble was the dumber, less successful finance bros trying to go to the moon or whatever. They don’t actually understand crypto, they just use buzzwords to try to sell it to people.
- Comment on YouTube has found a new way to load ads | AdGuard Blog 5 months ago:
Honestly, I’ve kind of always wondered why they didn’t just do this. It’s always seemed like the obvious thing to me.
I mean, I hope it doesn’t work, because screw Google, but I’m still surprised it took them this long to try it.
- Comment on We lost Keanu 5 months ago:
Distrusting the government is not the same thing as believing baseless gibberish just because it disagrees with science that has been used to inform government decisions.
- Comment on Bees 5 months ago:
That doesn’t even make any sense if you stop and think about it at all. Sure, a single worker bee dying isn’t a huge deal, but they all do that. It would definitely be better for the hive and the queen if they didn’t rip their own guts out.
- Comment on Bees 5 months ago:
Carpenter bees are also cool. Not as fluffy as bumblebees though.
- Comment on DuckStation Creator Considers Shutting Down Emulator Amid License Change 5 months ago:
Is that really even true of emulators of old consoles? There’s not a lot of new features coming out for the original PlayStation. Either way, part of the reason that SwanStation is dead is that it’s not even the best libretro PS1 emulator anyway.
- Comment on Bees 5 months ago:
Okay, but bumblebees are the best though. Even fluffier than honey bees, and they almost never sting humans.
Sadly they’re also one of the types of bee that’s losing out in their native habitats to human supported honey bees.
- Comment on Decentralised YouTube alternative Odysee no longer serving ads 6 months ago:
Nobody here is saying that ads are good. We’re saying this disingenuous fascist is only saying these things because he can’t make any money from ads. If he was making ad money he’d be saying exactly the opposite of all this. Fascists don’t have any morals but power for power’s sake. That’s what fascism IS.
- Comment on We love our new Democratic Nominee, Don't We Folks? 7 months ago:
Pfft. The idea that Kamala Harris wouldn’t have voted the same way as Biden on Iraq and Afganistan if she had been in Congress back in 2001 is so naive that I can’t even take anything else you said seriously. That is hilarious.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Yes and yes.
- Comment on We love our new Democratic Nominee, Don't We Folks? 7 months ago:
I have been called many things throughout my life. Some of them were even good. Classy has never once been one of them.
- Comment on We love our new Democratic Nominee, Don't We Folks? 7 months ago:
Well, what else do you want me to say? Do you want me to just type out the same response over and over? What do you even want out of me?
- Comment on We love our new Democratic Nominee, Don't We Folks? 7 months ago:
You could have read my response to the other person who told me the same thing before spamming me, you know.
- Comment on We love our new Democratic Nominee, Don't We Folks? 7 months ago:
Oh god, I had somehow blocked Bloomberg and Tulsi Gabbard out of my brain. Yeah, that was a pretty big oversight on my part. And yeah, I wasn’t counting the other people who dropped out before the primaries got started, which is kind of unfair. Fine. She’s just a Democrat that’s slightly more conservative than Biden. Are you happy now?
- Comment on We love our new Democratic Nominee, Don't We Folks? 7 months ago:
Sorry, I should have been more specific. I meant the only Democratic candidate in the 2020 primaries that was more conservative than Biden. I agree they’re both very mainstream middle of the road liberals. That was me not being careful with my language.
- Comment on We love our new Democratic Nominee, Don't We Folks? 7 months ago:
I mean, I’m not in love with the ex-cop who was chosen to be VP because she was the only Democrat more conservative than Biden, but this has more to do with Trump’s ideological inconsistency than Kamala Harris’s.
- Comment on Why is the US not considered a third world country? 7 months ago:
Third world actually came from the cold war. There were the two major sides, but then there was a whole bunch of countries that weren’t really on either side. A whole “third world”. Of course, a lot of those countries were poor, so the term came to be associated with that, but there really isn’t a coherent definition of what it means to be a third world county. It has never really been about the standard of living for the average citizen though. More about whether a country is a bully or the bullied on the international stage, and we all know where the US falls on that spectrum.
- Comment on If everyone is fired by AI, who's going to buy the products and services made by the companies if no one has money anymore? 7 months ago:
Hey, that’s a reasonable thing to hope. The flip side, of course, is that I’m hoping I don’t have to live through Star Trek’s idea of how the 21st century goes. They definitely got all of the details wrong, but I’m afraid the vibes are matching a little too well.
- Comment on Where does plaque come from? 7 months ago:
Bacteria are everywhere always, and sterilizing your mouth thoroughly enough to destroy all life is not a great plan.
- Comment on I don't have AC but my apartment lease covers unlimited water usage and the water is very cold. How can I best use this to cool my home? 8 months ago:
Take a cold bath?
- Comment on 9 years later, I finally played fallout 4 9 months ago:
Fallout 4 kind of in a weird place where it’s simultaneously a bad Fallout game and arguably the best Bethesda game. How much you like it really just depends on which of those things you’re more into. I’ve personally never really gotten the appeal of Bethesda games. I usually end up spending 90% of my time going through my inventory analyzing the price to weight ratio of all the worthless junk I’ve accumulated, and the worlds have always just felt really shallow to me personally, but clearly I’m in the minority. I am sort of curious why more people seem to have agreed with me on Fallout 4 than on Skyrim though. I guess maybe it’s just that the people who talk about it the most are more likely to be Fallout fans than Bethesda fans.
- Comment on Peter Thiel was trapped inside a student debating hall by pro-Palestine protesters accusing him of genocide 9 months ago:
Until someone figures out a better way of doing it that’s not a real answer. I’m not going to pay for every website that gets shared on every website I regularly visit. Even if I wanted to, I just don’t have that kind of money.
I don’t know how to fix this, but it is fundamentally broken.
- Comment on Windows 11 will reportedly display a watermark if your PC does not support AI requirements. 10 months ago:
Seriously? The old core i7 870 (not a typo) I have in my closet meets the requirements? Adding the watermark for CPUs older than that just seems mean-spirited.
- Comment on Why AI is going to be a shitshow. 10 months ago:
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was like you once. Lemmy here is my nice little hole. If you think anything happening here is going to change the world you are delusional. Go somewhere with people who can and will do things.
- Comment on Why AI is going to be a shitshow. 10 months ago:
They won’t. I fought for decades, and all I got for my troubles was a heart attack and a world that’s worse than when I started.
- Comment on Why AI is going to be a shitshow. 10 months ago:
I’ve heard that one before. I’m rooting for you and all, but it ain’t really happening that way.
- Comment on Broadcom has willingly dug its VMware hole, says cloud CEO 10 months ago:
Well if the CEO of clouds says it, it must be true!
- Comment on Threads is automatically hiding comments that mention Pixelfed 11 months ago:
Threads hasn’t had federation enabled until now, but you’ve always been able to interact with Mastodon… sort of. The Lemmy UI doesn’t really have a good way of finding Mastodon posts that don’t tag a Lemmy community or of following Mastodon users, but if they do tag a community the Mastodon post will show up as a Lemmy post in that community.
- Comment on Every semi-natural group of considerable size has rotten apples. 11 months ago:
The point was never that any group of people should always be perfect. The point is that you have to search out and get rid of the bad apples to prevent spoiling.
- Comment on Don't eat that 11 months ago:
Heh. If you think I care what they call me you are sorely mistaken. If someone wants to ask real questions and learn something I’ll be happy to answer them. If they just want to spout fascist talking points and side with fascists I’m going to call them fascist. Because they are fascist. There is no point in engaging with them beyond that. You will accomplish nothing.