Yes! And they work a lot like the puns in spoken languages - you got two things that are conveyed in a similar way, but have a different meaning, so you sub one into another creating an unexpected result.
For example, in Libras (Brazilian Sign Language) I’ve seen once a person starting with a “I don’t give a fuck” [signs: today I don’t-care], and then immediately “distorting” the don’t-care into a “poor thing”/“I feel sorry” - because even if the gesture is different, the hand configuration is the exact same, using the ring finger at 90° from the palm. (The other person was clearly amused.)
That’s a pun, in the exact same way as starting with a spoken word, pausing, and then completing it in a way that conveys something else. 11 months ago
Yes! My favorite example is the sign for pasteurized milk, which is just the sign for milk, but moved ‘past your eyes’. 11 months ago
Ehm… I adjusted the volume to hear the joke. I know I’m normally an idiot, but I think I’d be needing some sleep. 11 months ago
We’ve all been there