- Comment on My favorite 1 month ago:
Edison Labs is cool to visit I guess.
- Comment on Horse denier 3 months ago:
Take your upvote and gtfo
- Comment on Apple’s first Mac mini redesign in 14 years looks like a big aluminum Apple TV 3 months ago:
Some people like the Apple ecosystem.
- Comment on We need a vexillology community! 4 months ago:
- Comment on Federated social media from before it was cool 4 months ago:
I’m not technical enough to think it through carefully but I’ve always thought there was an opportunity for an organization like USPS to develop email 2.0 - something that gives people some kind of verifiable and secure email address so that users can easily find each other whilst filtering out spam (or to have spam taken into consideration in the design at the outset). You would design it based on strict standards that would be difficult to get around so that big tech could not easily co-opt it, and adopt for some kind of critical function (taxes, voting maybe?) so that it would encourage adoption en masse. Make it distributed so that users can selfhost it easily, safely, and securely.
- Comment on Youtube has fully blocked Invidious 5 months ago:
You can block YouTube ads simply by connecting to an Albanian VPN server.
- Comment on How did people poop before smartphones were invented? 5 months ago:
Ahh. I see you have good taste in porn, good sir.
- Comment on Whale 5 months ago:
Looks like a Pokemon
- Comment on Why are people seemingly against AI chatbots aiding in writing code? 5 months ago:
I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. I am not a coder but using chatGPT I was able to take someone else’s simple program and modify for my own needs within just a few hours of work. It’s definitely not perfect and you still need to put in some work to get your program to run exactly the way you want it to but it’s using chatGPT is a good place to start for beginners, as long as they understand that it’s not a magic tool.
- Comment on Men: What sequence do you fellow to dry your body off after showering or bathing? 5 months ago:
Pfft. No wet sanding with 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000. Amateur.
- Comment on 50-50 on this being an actual product 5 months ago:
A new type would probably not be piloting a garden variety Zaku, no?
- Comment on Happy Weekend boiz 5 months ago:
Way to demonstrate the proper usage of PPE there!
- Submitted 6 months ago to [deleted] | 2 comments
- Comment on Why is my GPS so terrible?! 6 months ago:
I too grew up navigating with paper maps. The one thing I hate hate hate about GPS navigation systems in cars is their insistence that up=forward instead of up=north. I know you can change settings for this but sometimes you forget to set it and when going to an unfamiliar location the constant rotating of the map is more disorienting than anything.
- Comment on I'm seein' double. Eight Links! 6 months ago:
They’re all fake. The real one got eaten by Kirby.
- Comment on JPEG is Dying - And that's a bad thing | 2kliksphilip 6 months ago:
Without jpeg compression artifacts how the hell are we supposed to know which memes are fresh and which memes are vintage???
- Comment on Tesla’s Share of U.S. Electric Car Market Falls Below 50% 7 months ago:
VW ID.4 is not perfect but comes close to what you’re asking for. also qualifies for full US tax credit.
- Comment on ohhh 9 months ago:
Idk about Africa but Asians fucking love bread. Have you ever been to an Asian bakery? Oh the glorious carbs…
- Comment on Progress! 10 months ago:
Miles O’Brien: “Fuck you.”
- Comment on This gem got removed from 196 10 months ago:
My precious….
- Comment on Wood 3D Printed GameCube Shell 11 months ago:
It reminds me of an Aperture Science Weighted Test Cube!
- Comment on They lied to us 11 months ago:
That’s Mongolian BBQ. Mongolian beef is a different thing. None of these things are from Mongolia lol
- Comment on Does Sign Language have puns? 11 months ago:
Related question: are there sign language specific dad jokes? That is, corny jokes that work in sign language but not in spoken language?
- Comment on fat time 1 year ago:
- Comment on Existentialist Spagett 1 year ago:
Ngl gagh and Nutella sounds fire.
- Comment on Can't be stopped 1 year ago:
I mean technically if you can initiate a fission reaction that’s true for any food, doesn’t have to be uranium.
- Comment on That saucer section really ties the ship together. 1 year ago:
Yeah but that creep can cook, man.
- Comment on US nuclear-fusion lab enters new era: achieving ‘ignition’ over and over 1 year ago:
I can’t believe that “Secretary of State John Kerry” passed editorial review in 2023. In Nature. Makes you wonder why academic institutions are paying these journals exorbitant subscription fees for alleged editorial rigor.
- Comment on Picard nnighted by Klingon Queen El'beth, colorized, circa 2259 1 year ago:
Honor to you, and your hoooooouse
- Comment on Making Lieutenant? That's child's play. 1 year ago:
Wait did you photoshop a pip onto the meme template? Lmao