- Comment on New panic alarm system at Georgia H.S. saved lives during shooting, officials say. Advocates want it nationwide. 3 months ago:
I like these badges, and want them for my school. First, we absolutely need better gun laws and need to change the gun culture in the United States. But even the school shooter stuff aside, we have 700 elementary kids at my school. Several are prone to seizures. Several are diabetic. MANY have life threatening allergies. Several have disabilities (or poor parenting/lack of resources at home) that leave them prone to outbursts that at a minimum disrupt the classroom and at most endanger the safety of the other students. We do not have enough walkies to give one to every teacher who has a severe need in their classroom. That leaves the option of calling the front office or going to the wall and pushing the call button for the office to respond. Badges like this can help so many stressful situations, and eliminate the excessive amount of chatter on a walkie.
- Comment on Ruby Bridges: civil rights pioneer rejects claim book makes white children uncomfortable 8 months ago:
The Scholastic comment in the article is no longer accurate. npr.org/…/scholastic-book-fair-diverse-stories-ap… They did have an optional diverse collection for their book fairs but have since added them back into the regular delivery for book fairs.
To the issue at hand, if Ruby Bridges was able to live through it as a child, your child can learn about it.
- Comment on Does Sign Language have puns? 9 months ago:
I read a book last year (Song for a Whale) about a Deaf girl who would play a game with her grandfather where they would create a story together while using the same hand shape all throughout. So maybe they would make a fist, or ann open palm, or a “y” shape and then the story was created using signs that used that hand shape. If you couldn’t continue the story with the same hand shape you lost. Not exactly a pun but I thought it was interesting.
- Comment on Starbucks accused of rigging payments in app for nearly $900 million gain over 5 years by consumer watchdog group 11 months ago:
Do EZ-Pass next. I’m tired of getting charged $35 every time my account dips below the $5 threshold or whatever it is.
- Comment on [Baby Journal] A private and open source app for tracking your baby activities 1 year ago:
This is awesome and I wish I had this 18 months ago! Another feature I used on my baby tracking app that was helpful and could be worth implementing is medicine tracking. The medicine tracking was great when little one had a fever and we needed to know when we last gave her Tylenol or if one parent did it and forgot to tell the other so we didn’t accidentally overdose. We logged the type, amount, and time. I loved seeing all the data on my little one and it was very helpful when my partner and I took shifts to know when the last diaper change or feed was.