It’s sort of a different concept. Posts and users also have position in addition to age and score. The sorting algorithm gives you complete control over how much to weight each one. It’s like if new and hot existed on a continuous spectrum. It’s sort of like what Aaron Swartz initially wanted to do with Reddit where what you like would be able to inform what you might like in the future. But in this case you get complete control over how much that matters.
I’m adding bits and knobs here and there every day. Yesterday I added the ability to have posts that are hidden from the front page. In a little bit I’m going to add a “post whenever” feature in case someone wants to post a ton of content and have it actually post over time.
I’d say all and all the project has been a success for what I wanted to do with it and I’m happy with what I’ve built. The other side of it is trying to build community on the site. For example we do a movie night once a week on Saturdays.
Oh. Another thing that is different to most reddit clones is that every community exists. Like you don’t have to create a community to post to it. Just post to it. Different capitalization maps to the same community.
You guys should check it out. Super cool if you help me fill in some of the more obscure topics. 11 months ago
you might wanna name it something different than Matrix, a decentralised messaging protocol. 11 months ago
I know. Around the time I did the first bought of development on it matrix decided they were going to become element which was going to free up the name. They decided to keep both. I’m at a loss for a good name that describes that posts have position. That the posts exist in a matrix makes sense to me. I have plans to run a poll on a name change. I know I could always do something completely random. Like Lemmy. That doesn’t tell you what it does at all. But my particular brand of creativity makes me want to name things functionally. And Matrix is just so freaking perfect for what it is. All the other similar options are way too nerdy. Latent, vector. I just need to get down with the truly random. 11 months ago
Matrix is the messaging protocol. Element is the chat app built on the Matrix protocol. It was originally named RIOT.IM. They changed the messengers name from Riot to Element, the name Matrix was never going to be changed, mostly because those are separate things. They dropped the name to avoid litigation from Riot Games.
Matrix is a framework that has multiple chat applications, Element was just one of them. 11 months ago
That’s not right Matrix was never going to become Element. 11 months ago
Call it Downie Uppers 11 months ago
Linked List Array Node Key Value Pair Attribute