- Submitted 6 months ago to | 3 comments
- Comment on Packard Bell Legend 730 6 months ago:
We’ll see how far I get. I mean if I can just do
copy file \\.\COM#
on the DOS side andcat /dev/USB# > file
on my laptop side then I’ll be happy. - Comment on Packard Bell Legend 730 6 months ago:
Thanks for that. Looked online a bit, I’m going to order an rs232 to usb null modem cable. Then it looks like in DOS I should be able to set the baud and just copy a file to the port. On the receiving side I can program something to just read from the com port straight to a file. Add some automation and voila. 🤞
- Comment on Packard Bell Legend 730 6 months ago:
Right now the challenge is to get data off of my 5.25" floppy disks. Online shops are full of 3.5" to usb readers, but nothing for 5.25".
The reader in the computer still works.
- Comment on Packard Bell Legend 730 6 months ago:
I want to see what (if anything) i can copy from the drive, and then I’ll give this a shot and see how much mileage I can get out of it!
- Comment on Packard Bell Legend 730 6 months ago:
The gotek looks like a cool way to add usb storage support. I’m hesitant only because this thing boots from the 3.5" drive right now so I don’t want to touch that, but if I fix the hard drive problems and it boots from there then I might do this.
I do want to get an SSD in here, a friend of mine has done it before on a similarly old windows 98 system.
- Comment on Packard Bell Legend 730 6 months ago:
I can try it out once i learn how to use this thing. I’m gonna have to get a usb floppy reader/writer to copy stuff from a modern computer.
- Comment on Packard Bell Legend 730 6 months ago:
Just saw your edit! I’ll look into that!
- Comment on Packard Bell Legend 730 6 months ago:
Yea this thing needs a new drive. Trying to run any programs on it gives me read errors. I need to figure out what linux it could run. I’m comfortable with linux, but not with this kind of hardware.
- Comment on Packard Bell Legend 730 6 months ago:
I don’t know. I haven’t found any info on its original specs.
- Comment on Packard Bell Legend 730 6 months ago:
Ah, I think I did read that somewhere. This one is still kicking though. I dug it out of my brother’s attic last year and finally got around to powering it on.
- Comment on Packard Bell Legend 730 6 months ago:
Is it bad? 😂 I don’t know anything about these old machines, but it works and I’ll see how much I can do with it.
- Submitted 6 months ago to | 27 comments
- Comment on The Crowdstrike whoops would've been so much worse in 2020 7 months ago:
I don’t know why you’re being downvoted here. I thought a lot of the audience here was relatively informed on what it’s like to work in IT/programming. Where we do what we can to make sure all our updates go well, but things slip through the cracks.
This was a massive fuckup, but it’s likely not that different than pushing a bug to prod, it just so happens that their prod has such a huge audience. I would hope they have very strict rules about what gets in, but I can also respect that no matter how many processes you put in place to make sure bad things don’t happen, problems can still make it through.
Crowdstrike should be held to a higher standard of course, because of how impactful these mistakes can be for their software. And it’s pretty crazy that something this bad slipped through. But I wouldn’t jump to criminal negligence here without more information.
p.s. I’m not saying CEOs / corps should not be held accountable. They should be. And CEOs do have the power to drive the company into criminal acts and they should be held accountable with jail time for that. I’m just saying I don’t think that’s the case here.
- Comment on Putin Orders Russian Tech Companies To Somehow Make Competitive Game Console In 3 Months 10 months ago:
This is what I was thinking. For a first iteration to get out the door immediately it could just be windows with a “game browser” that launches full screen when you turn it on 😂
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Dang good catch on the second user, I wouldn’t have noticed since I usually don’t look at people’s profiles.
It’s kind of funny that reddit will become this chamber of advertisers making posts and fake users “engaging” while the real people all migrate to lemmy.
- Comment on Reddit: Return Of The Junk Stock IPO 11 months ago:
That sounds nice, I’ll try that out
- Comment on Reddit: Return Of The Junk Stock IPO 11 months ago:
Dang, the shared grocery list and meal planning was the best part of it.
- Comment on Reddit: Return Of The Junk Stock IPO 11 months ago:
I also quit whisk when it became samsung food. Does CopyMeThat let you have shared lists with other people?
- Comment on Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard' 11 months ago:
Here I’ll add some context
It is pretty easy not to think about this game, it does not live rent free in my brain. I bought the promise of a space ship over a decade ago when there really was no game. The “game” then was here is your spaceship in a garage, stare at it and marvel. That was the whole game.
Over time i’ve seen bits and pieces of it in my feed, I remember when they added being able to fly the spaceship, idk when that was, but again that was the whole game. You could see pretty space but still no substance.
That was really my last experience with it because I think somewhere around this point is probably where I started working full time and stopped really following game news.
Flash forward to today I see this post to see the game is still a work in progress, I shared my opinion.
So if there is a decent game by now with a plot that would be great, I would give it a shot. But if it’s still just a fancy tech demo where you can run around for a bit but there’s really nothing to “do” then I’ll wait another decade.
- Comment on Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard' 11 months ago:
I “bought” this game when I was in high school. I’ve graduated high school, college, and I’ve been in the workforce for 7 years. Still no game.
So yes, they should figure out this game is going to be, set a launch date, and work towards that schedule. This forever-in-development thing they have going on is ridiculous.
- Comment on Please Stop 11 months ago:
Great response on why NFTs are lame for what most are being used for.
I play some blockchain games where the NFT represents digital items, and even the only real use case for it being on blockchain is having the marketplace to trade in game items for money. And that doesn’t even need to be blockchain, it’s like an overengineered steam marketplace.
- Comment on You guys should check out the reddit clone I've been working on 11 months ago:
I wouldn’t say it needs serious work, I kind of like the homebrewed look of it, but there’s a lot of wasted space in the form of padding on mobile. I think the list of posts could just take up the full screen width and it’d be good.
- Comment on Which one are you? 11 months ago:
I don’t buy cordless anymore. If I can have a wire I get it, it’s cheaper, and I’ve had batteries die in the middle of the job way too many times. And I’ve had batteries just break/stop charging. And these batteries cost almost as much as the tools themselves if you have to buy one by itself.
- Comment on Public trust in AI is sinking across the board 11 months ago:
Took a look and the article title is misleading. It says nothing about trust in the technology and only talks about not trusting companies collecting our data. So really nothing new.
Personally I want to use the tech more, but I get nervous that it’s going to bullshit me/tell me the wrong thing and I’ll believe it.