Friendly reminder:…
“you wouldn’t download a car”
Fuck you yes I would. Invents 3d printing
It’s like the anti piracy messages are just advertising for piracy
Submitted 11 months ago by to
Friendly reminder:…
“you wouldn’t download a car”
Fuck you yes I would. Invents 3d printing
It’s like the anti piracy messages are just advertising for piracy
how else im supposed to play some arbitrary game with cars from a digital game copy?
The “you wouldn’t download a car” joke is one thing. What I don’t understand is how people genuinely use a satirical joke as a supporting argument for piracy, or a critique of anti-piracy.
The advertising never said downloading a car. It was stealing a car, which is very clearly a crime.
You are free to claim auto theft is not comparable to digital piracy. You are free to suggest that somehow in the future you’d be able to home manufacturer a vehicle (although a bit far fetched IMO). But criticizing an ad campaign for something they’ve never said is just silly.
If I stole someone’s car, and an exact copy of the car was left there for them, I’d probably be okay with stealing a car. Copying a file isn’t the same as stealing a physical album. That’s the criticism of that ad campaign, they aren’t equal comparisons. Besides, if buying isn’t owning, then copying isn’t stealing.
I mean, they could simply provide all content, in one convenient place, for a reasonable price, and on release. Pl
That’s asking quite a lot…
That’s asking for early Netflix back
It doesn’t seem like anything to me…
But would it disappear someday without warning? I’m not one to do a lot of pirating but the times I’m most tempted to take up the habit are when things that were supposed to be “purchased” just disappear and there’s nothing customers can do about it…or when I see some crazy anti-pirating argument. The urge to do it out of spite is real.
Depends whether or not they hide some code to give them the option to remote disable your files after you’ve downloaded them, and if they to restrict your ability to create backup copies & play your files on devices you own.
There’s no reason why they couldn’t make stuff available in ways which buyers could feel confident in.
Who would have thought people don’t like being threatened?
As a man, I support this message.
I imagine for a lot of people an anti piracy campaign simply serves to alert them that piracy is possible and apparently so common and easy that everybody else must be doing it. They probably walk away curious about learning a new hobby more than fearing the consequences.
I like to call it the D.A.R.E. Effect.
The only logical conclusion… a pro piracy message. Yarrrrrr
Now I’m gonna piracy even harder
when buying isn't owning, downloading isn't theft
It's strange that we've put so much work into DRM and yet piracy persists. Almost as if...
…they need better DRM / more anti-piracy laws / more digital thugs to canvas the internet looking for pirates …? /s
It’s funny how quickly stupid 17 year old me back in the 80s figured out that it was all just a pointless arms race and piracy would never subside until games got affordable. I always told myself I would go legit once I could afford it and I did. That was games. Same principles apply.
This is us v them issue...
If these clowns think I will pay for some shiti teevee while having to pay rent and food when i can get teeveet for free... they are about to find out what discretionary spending means and there is nothing they can do about it.
If they thought shiti PR would change that, these people really dumber than we thought. 11 months ago
Ya know what stops piracy? A better service than what piracy provides. 11 months ago
It’s funny how we see totally different effects in regards to music. Spotify is so popular here that noone streams or downloads music illegally anymore.
The solution is simple. Cave to the labels in power and be ruthless to anyone else. This way you can have the whole catalogue of music in your app while surviving economically. Until… the enshitification becomes too strong again and we’ll have a piracy revival. Until… a new service pops up… etc
The circle of life under pop culture and capitalism. 11 months ago
The really stunning thing about music piracy was it was incredibly easy to do, and your entire catalogue could very easily be taken with you in your pocket and to new devices.
It’s a miracle we all decided streaming was worth it, they really did make it a better experience than pirating. 11 months ago
Can you imagine if you needed to subscribe to a different service just to listen to a single band? Hell right you’d be back on the high seas. 11 months ago
nah local files with mp3s and sync it with preferred cloud services is the best 11 months ago
Plus I can integrate Tidal with my local collection as if I had downloaded it and combine it all on any device wherever I am with Plexamp 11 months ago
They had it. They decided three yachts aren’t enough. 11 months ago
Well the price also needs to be affordable but most what you said.