Intel accused of inflating CPU benchmark results::SPEC says Intel’s Xeon processors were using a compiler that artificially inflated the results of its industrial benchmark by as much as 9%.
Ah yes, the Snake oil merchants tried to sell snake oil…again 1 year ago
Oh, I thought that was assumed, because Intel always does that. At least I noticed it very clearly already back in the 90’s. 1 year ago
What CPU did you notice that on in the 90’s and how did you notice it? 1 year ago
I remember specifically P4 was vastly overrated by Intel, where Athlon was actually generally faster at math, Intel used specially compiled code to show P4 was faster.
But there were several examples where Intel cheated, because Athlon was way better than P4. 1 year ago
Everyone does it, it’s basically expected at this point that any manufacturer will announce that their new chip will run an infinite loop in fewer microseconds than the neighbouring one would.